I'm not your babysitter!

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Jul 15, 2010
It had been an arduous day. Ichigo had had to deal with more than enough troubles. First of all, Rukia, the shinigami, from a few nights before, just showed up in class. Secondly, he had to worry about his tough-guy front, at school, seeing as how she easily overtook, and dragged him outside of the classroom, just to hunt that stupid hollow. He muttered inwardly, as he recalled how he had to skip class. Regardless, he moved to his window slowly, peering out at the night sky, finding himself smiling inwardly. It only took a few moments for him to shut the window, and then turn out all the lights. Time to sleep, one might say, though, who knew what could happen, even then.

His thoughts turned to Rukia right then, wondering where exactly she was staying. When he'd asked her earlier, she didn't say anything. He smirked as the though crossed his mind, of her sitting out in an alley, after forcing him into this part-time job as Shinigami... death god.
As if her job wasn't hard enough now Rukia had to put up with a bull-headed high school student with a knack for being as stubborn as he was ignorant in the ways of the world. The thought of dealing with him further made her truly regret being a shinigami. Yet it had to be done, regardless of whether she wanted to or not. Better to make the most of it than try to weasel out of it. Rukia's attention turned to a noise as Ichigo opened and shut the window.

She slid the door of his closet open just as he threw himself onto the bed. Her eyes focusing in on his chest to see if he was asleep yet by the rate of his breathing. Once his breathing had slowed enough to indicate he was asleep she slipped out of the closet. Rummaging through his laid out knick knacks for more information on his personality and behaviour. She picked up a small action figure-like toy. Staring at it with only the thought of how childish can he be?
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