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Specific cravings! ^___^

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Apr 23, 2009
Hello all...itching for some roleplays and I have some specific details in mind. ^_^

Foreign Women - Women from another country, preferably with an accent. France, Japan, Russia, Ukraine, Mexico, Spain, Ireland...wherever. Just not from America.

Larger Women - This does not mean very fat or very muscular women. But Taller, bigger, and stronger, yes.

Dominant Women - Women who know what they want and are in control. This could be a personality thing or a sexual thing...or perhaps even both!

Maternal Women - Women who are naturally caring, nurturing, encouraging, and doesn't mind being put into a caretaker role.

Smaller Women - Women who are quite short and small.

Crossdressing - This one is for my character. I would like to play a male who looks very feminine, dresses very feminine, and it is assumed by everyone he knows that he is female.

We can combine the above ideas into one roleplay...and if you have any cravings let me know and we will see if we can make it work :]
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