Mad Moxxie Syn
- Joined
- Dec 8, 2010
- Location
- Youdon'twannabehereville
First off, it's my journal so I can cuss willingly right? (won't hold my breathe for reply). Second, I am not good with journals. They end up becoming a random collection of opinions, secretive thoughts, drawings, pornographic drawings, and any other random thing I can squeeze in there.
I am hoping your parameters will allow this in here aswell
If you (an Admin, Mod, etc.) Disapprove of something i've written (from a legal sense, if it's personal you can kiss my ass <3) Then I am inclined to obey that directive.
So in opening...FUUUUUUUUCK YEEEEEEA!!!!!! *clears throat* Thank you. I cuss like a sailor and I am proud of it. I can however "keep it clean" If the need arises. (Such as if it will get me banned, wedding, birthday of a child younger than 14 [by request of the parents], funerals, you get the point.) However if it's merely that you don't like cussing, pardon my french but you can fuck off and go elsewhere. I know moderation is a good thing, but the internet is, to me, for the exact opposite. As far as cussing and other such things are conscerned.
With that out of the way I will quite likey post random drawings, pictures, or rants in here as I please. With the exception of anything outside of legal parameters.
I play guitar, have since I was little. Own four electric guitars, a Marshall amp, and one acoustic guitar. I will now list the guitars off in order of how much I play/baby them:
Schecter V1 FR Hellraiser: It is a flying V bodied matte black guitar with EMG HAZE passive enclosed humbucker pickups. It has all black glossed hardware, a Floyd Rose tremelo bridge, and mother of pearl vampire bat shaped inlays up and down the entire fret board. It is my most favorite and played guitar. It is a major pain in the ass to tune I will admit but it stays tuned, once I get it, like no other i've ever used.
Ibanez RG120: A soloist bodied glossy black guitar with standard an EMG 81/85 humbucker setup. It has a standard tremelo though I broke it years ago. The rest still works fine. It is my second oldest guitar at 8 years. She's been faithful, and I like it.
Ibanez ART100: A Glossy black Les Paul bodied guitar. Open coil Humbucker pickups which each string can be personally adjusted (if you want highs to be more clear than lows, so you can play muddy and heavy down bottom, then slide up and screech it.)
Fender Squier Strat: Dark sky blue, basic strat design. Was my learner guitar. It has "Nirvana" writtin between the neck and middle single coil pickups. Aswell as other numerous band names written all over the rest of the guitar. She has been loyal for over 10 years.
My acoustic is simply a Fender acoustic guitar, no other name on it. (That's how old it is.)
That's enough of guitars for now. I will update this whenever I fancy it. If you reply to this, which I encourage you to, I will try to reply A.S.A.P. Ciao`
I am hoping your parameters will allow this in here aswell
So in opening...FUUUUUUUUCK YEEEEEEA!!!!!! *clears throat* Thank you. I cuss like a sailor and I am proud of it. I can however "keep it clean" If the need arises. (Such as if it will get me banned, wedding, birthday of a child younger than 14 [by request of the parents], funerals, you get the point.) However if it's merely that you don't like cussing, pardon my french but you can fuck off and go elsewhere. I know moderation is a good thing, but the internet is, to me, for the exact opposite. As far as cussing and other such things are conscerned.
With that out of the way I will quite likey post random drawings, pictures, or rants in here as I please. With the exception of anything outside of legal parameters.
I play guitar, have since I was little. Own four electric guitars, a Marshall amp, and one acoustic guitar. I will now list the guitars off in order of how much I play/baby them:
Schecter V1 FR Hellraiser: It is a flying V bodied matte black guitar with EMG HAZE passive enclosed humbucker pickups. It has all black glossed hardware, a Floyd Rose tremelo bridge, and mother of pearl vampire bat shaped inlays up and down the entire fret board. It is my most favorite and played guitar. It is a major pain in the ass to tune I will admit but it stays tuned, once I get it, like no other i've ever used.
Ibanez RG120: A soloist bodied glossy black guitar with standard an EMG 81/85 humbucker setup. It has a standard tremelo though I broke it years ago. The rest still works fine. It is my second oldest guitar at 8 years. She's been faithful, and I like it.
Ibanez ART100: A Glossy black Les Paul bodied guitar. Open coil Humbucker pickups which each string can be personally adjusted (if you want highs to be more clear than lows, so you can play muddy and heavy down bottom, then slide up and screech it.)
Fender Squier Strat: Dark sky blue, basic strat design. Was my learner guitar. It has "Nirvana" writtin between the neck and middle single coil pickups. Aswell as other numerous band names written all over the rest of the guitar. She has been loyal for over 10 years.
My acoustic is simply a Fender acoustic guitar, no other name on it. (That's how old it is.)
That's enough of guitars for now. I will update this whenever I fancy it. If you reply to this, which I encourage you to, I will try to reply A.S.A.P. Ciao`