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Need a Dom male/female for 1x1 IM

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Dec 4, 2010
Genie Wishes

A young genine was escaping from the past into the future. She’d been set free and he didn’t want to stay in the past anymore. She uses her magic to transport herself into the modern day world. She was dressed like a gypsy for a bit. And then changed into more normal everyday clothes once she’d earned enough money dancing and singing. Using her magic only every so often. As she wasn’t sure it would be safe or wise to be found out. Yet every time she heard someone make a wish she felt that familiar tugging on her soul. Old habits die hard. The urge to grant their wish was strong. But she fights that urge. She was no longer bound to the will of others. Yet still the need to grant wishes was strong. So every so often she would grant a young childs wish. So long as they were small no one would notice…right? Or so she thinks. Til the day she granted a wish for a young man who also happened to be sensitive to magic.
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