Wished Away.

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Jan 17, 2009
David Bowie played softly on worn speakers as a young teen with white hair sat at his desk reading, Toby Williams, now seventeen, had grown up to be a bit short at only 5'5" and he always kept his hair bleached snow white instead of the normal blond that he was born with, he still had the same blue eyes from his youth, he was skinny and feminine looking, he had grown up loving art and music.

His parents where still the same as when Sarah was younger and they where almost never around for him, so now that Sarah was gone and living in LA with her husband, he didn't have anyone to hang out with. He was to much of an outcast at school, he was into art, and music, but he didn't care, it just gave him more time to work on art of all kind.

"Goblin King, Goblin King, take this child of mine far away from me!" He read out loud as he blue eyes skimmed the page before he closed the book and sat up. "It sounds so familiar to me. "He said softly with a shake of his head before he walked down stairs, he had been left home by himself yet again and he was starting to feel a bit hungry. "I wonder what the Goblin King would look like." He asked himself as he took out some leftovers before he started to heat them up.
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