Naruko? How Troublesome...[Killdozer&Aria]


Apr 25, 2010
"No, I swear! She was totally naked!"
"Yeah right"
"I mean it! The blond girl just showed up and almost flashed me, then took off with some of the things from my shop!"

The older men argued back and forth as a black-haired shinobi passed in front of the shop. He stopped for a moment, lethargically turning his gaze to the two before starting off again. "A blond causing trouble and flashing? No girl I know would...Naruto..." he said, shaking his head with a sigh and continuing on. That technique of his, where he turned into a girl, of course he'd use it for pranks. Mostly the opposite of Shikamaru, Naruto wanting to always be up and about while he preferred to just rest and do nothing.

That was exactly what he planned to do now, as he walked to a favored spot of his on top of a building to stare at the clouds. While it was nice, it was still pretty cloudy. Perfect for him. Shikamaru leapt to the building, one with a roof garden, and laid under the tree in the shade, gaze wandering up to the sky. The ninja planned and hoped this was the most he'd be doing today, no missions that he knew of, friends were busy, so he had nothing else better to do besides lay around. Life was good.
"Damn Pervie Sage, I bet he's the one who caused this." Mumbled a slightly high pitched voice as a Naruko walked slowly through the streets wearing the new clothing that she had just stolen, things that looked like a female version of what she normally wore as a boy, she was trying to figure out what the hell she was going to do...who could she trust with this? "Who can I tell with out it getting out that I'm stuck as a girl?" She asked herself before her eyes widened suddenly. "Shikamaru! I have to find him, he would know!" She said before she took off to where she knew his favorite spot in town was.
Shikamaru had almost fallen asleep, eyes closed and about to drift away. Minutes later his eyes shot open, sensing someone coming up the building to his spot. "Damn it," he muttered, not getting up, simply turning his head to look behind him. The shinobi wondered who would be coming up here, to the usual person there wasn't anything to do up here. Whoever it was, he would have to talk with them, and he really didn't want to. Couldn't they just leave him alone?
Naruko hurried up the hill, her headband bouncing around her neck as she got closer and saw Shikamaru there. "Hey Shikamaru!" She yelled when she got closer, jogging the rest of the way over to him. "I need your help." The blue eyed young woman said as she stood before him a frown on her lightly tanned face, pushing some of her hair off her shoulder as she looked at the dark haired teen before her.
Shikamaru blinked a few times in surprise, certainly not expecting that person to be the one that was coming to see him. He gave a sigh as she said she needed help. "What do you need help with?" he asked lazily, wanting to hurry it along and get back to sleeping. As he thought for another moment, why was she still a female? Didn't the jutsu just last for a short time, it was a genjutsu so she had to hold it. Clearly she wasn't, as she was just standing before him. He waited for her to speak to confirm his suspicions.
Naruko huffed before she sat down and crossed her legs as she gave a shrug of her shoulders. "I don't know, I think it was something that the old sage did." She said as she looked off into the distance and then up at the sky, watching some of the clouds slowly pass by above them. "I tried to talk to Kyuubi and even 'she' doesn't know, thought Kyuubi's not happy about being a girl right now either."
Shikamaru gave a nod. Yep, he was right. Something went wrong and now she was stuck like this. "Don't know what you expect me to to about it," he said with a sigh, looking from the blond and back to the clouds. "I'm not a transformation or genjutsu guy, I just use my shadows," he said, already trying to drift back into his nap, thought knew the shino-ah, now kunoichi, he supposed, wouldn't let him give up that easily.
"Come on Shikamaru, you're the smartest guy that I know! There has to be something that you can do to help me, I can't be stuck as a girl for the rest of my life!" Naruko yelled as she quickly crawled over to him and placed her hands on his shoulders, a pout crossing her face as she tried to get him to help her.
Shikamaru opened his eyes, glaring at her face as it hovered above his. He had to admit, Naruko was kind of cute, she'd done a good job with the transformation. Though, being who she was pretty much took away any attraction. "You're going to annoy me until I help you, huh," he muttered, giving a sigh and pushing her away so he could sit and stand up. "Well, I don't know anything about it. Easiest thing to do would be to go to Tsunade," he said, giving a shrug. No sense beating around the bush, while he was smart he wasn't a transformation expert. Tsunade knew quite a bit about it, doing whatever she did to keep looking young.
Naruko grinned and shook her head at his question before she sat back on her heels and then jumped up to her feet, thinking about what he was telling her before she gave a nod of her head. "Right, then you're coming with me, I can't go by myself with out anyone finding out who I am. If I'm with you we can always say that I'm your girlfriend from another village or something." Naruko said with a giggle, a wide grin spreading across her face.
Shikamaru sighed and started walking, jamming his hands into the pockets of his pants. "Whatever, feel free to pretend you're someone else, I just want to get you there and back as quick as we can," he said, heading down to the street and then starting towards the Hokage's tower. "So you have no idea what you did? It just stayed like that after using the jutsu?" he asked, gaze moving back to her. "You did try using it again, didn't you?"
Naruko grinned before she started to quickly follow after Shikamaru, blinking a few times at his question. "No, I don't know anyone who could have done it, I don't know anyone else who can except for Konohamaru," She said as she lightly scratched the back of her neck. "I tried and it turned me into my real self for a few moments but it wouldn't last." The young woman said with a depressed sigh, lowering her head of long blond hair.
Shikamaru nodded. "That's strange," he muttered. Well, his suggestions were done, it seemed like they would definitely need Tsunade for this. A slight chuckle escaped him, knowing how much the older woman would tease her about this, probably comment on her cuteness and how she should stay like that. Soon they reached the tower, heading inside and up to her office.
Naruko shuffled after Shikamaru with a small frown on her face, thinking the same thing as he was about the older woman. "How could this have happened? I just wanted to see if I could make Sai break that mask of his and do something besides give that fake smile of his." She said as they started up the stairs that lead up to Tsunade's office, maybe this had been all Sai's falt, maybe he had done something to make her stay like that couldn't be it, it was the first time that he had seen her like this, he couldn't have figured out a way to make her stay like this that quickly.
Shikamaru gave a chuckle. "Admirable goal I suppose," he said, knocking as they reached the door. A few minutes passed with no response, and he gave a confused look to the girl. "Is she not here?" he muttered, gaze moving back to the door as he slowly pushed it open. He poked his head inside, pineapple-hair reaching in as he looked around the room. "Where the hell is she?" he asked, pushing it open the rest of the way and stepping inside. It looked cleaned, as if she had taken off and someone else picked up for her. He doubted the woman had actually taken the time to clean herself. Stepping up to the desk, he spotted a note and read it, sighing deeply once he finished. "She went on a trip to another village to negotiate some stuff. Won't be back for a while," he said, looking to the girl, dreading the question he was sure would follow.
Naruko's eyes went wide at Shikamaru's words, no it couldn't be, she was going to be stuck like this! "NO! We have to go and find her then! I'm not going to be stuck as Naruko until she gets back!" The young woman cried out before she grabbed Shikamaru by the hand and started to pull him out of the room. "Come on, you're going to help me find Grandma Tsunade!"
"Agh," Shikamaru groaned, dragging his heels as the girl tried to pull him along and out of the room. "I don't want to travel to another village," he complained, glaring at Naruko. After a sigh though, he realized that she would never shut up if he didn't, and might eventually just go alone. While she was a good ninja, Shikamaru didn't want his friend to travel alone, especially in the condition she was in. "Fine, you're lucky I don't have anything to do," he said, starting to walk as they exited the room and tower.
Naruko pouted and opened her mouth to start arguing and fighting, wanting Shikamaru to agree to help her, only to be interupted when the other said that he would come with her. "Thank you so much Shikamaru!" The Kunoichi said as she bounced around a bit and took the others hand again and started to lead the way off to where they had come from.
Shikamaru sighed once more, letting her lead as they headed back. "Do you need to get anything for a trip? I should grab a couple things from my place," he said, gazing in the direction of his apartment. Just a few things like his shinobi tools, some other clothes, maybe a strategy game or two if he needed to be distracted from his new traveling companion.
Naruko thought about it for a moment before nodding her head and let go of Shikamaru's hand. "Yeah, I guess that I should go and get some things from my place." She said as she tried to make a little list of what to bring with her. "Well, let's meet at the town gates in a half hour." She said before she took off to get to 'Naruto's' apartment, the only thing she was worried about was a change of clothes, would she need some for when she changed back?
Shikamaru nodded, turning slowly and walking to his own place. He gave a heavy sigh as he unlocked the door and headed inside, starting to grab some things for the trip. "I just wanted to relax, take a nap under the clouds, not have to worry about anything. Then she has to go and mess up a jutsu, and now I'm tracking down the hokage," he muttered while grabbing clothes and things, placing them in a backpack. Finished, he exited the apartment and walked to the front gate, leaning against the wall to wait for her.
It didn't take Naruko long to show up at the gates, a bright smile on her face as she walked over to Shikamaru. "Hey, you ready to go?" She asked as she walked over to the pineapple haired teen, she hadn't been out of the village for a few days and missed the freedom of being away.
Shikamaru nodded, stepping away from the wall he'd been leaning against and walking to her. He was surprised she was still so bright and cheery, even though she was stuck as a girl. Essentially right now, she was a girl, and that would piss Shikamaru off. "Let's head out, the village she went to will be a few days travel from here," he said, walking to the gates as they opened for them, closing as they got a few feet outside.
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