The celebrities are dissapearing (Cerberus and Lilytania)


Jan 9, 2009
Drake had been working for the company for more then 3 years now and in that time he had become one of their best agent to find the "target" and retrive it for them before training them then handing them over to be sold. He sat back in his chair all dressed up. There was supposed to be a big party for Celebrities, some A list group who thought that they were untouchable that they wouldn't get caught and disappear like some of those B list stars. Laughing he got up and headed to his car and checked his trunk for all of the tools of his trade. His ropes, gags and chloroform. Getting into his Car he headed out from his house and into the city where the after party was being held.

Drake was able to slip into the party, conning many people into thinking he was someone important. His dark black hair and dark eyes always gave him an air of mystery. He chatted with stars and producers alike as he looked around for his next targets. Who would the company want now. it had to be someone really at the A list, someone who would actually cause a spark once she was kidnapped and never seen again. Then that would strike panic into them and make them know that they were not safe.

He knew that they operated all around the world. Some in shadows and some in plain sight of the humans. They were able to put themselves into top levels of government. who knew what position they held. But they were bringing these powerful women and taking them to become their slaves to show the humans they they were truly in power.
Lindsey Lohan walked around the party, talking to the people she saw. Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, among the older crowd, then some younger people like Kristen Stewart, Taylor Swift. It was amazing those little nobodys had made it into the party... Isn't this supposed to be only for those on the A list? Lindsey shook her head, continuing around the party. She wore a shiny blue dress, tightly fitted to her young, beautiful body. She smiled at everyone, occasionally catching sight of the young, dark man she could not place. She had no idea who he was. She ignored the thought and continued along, slipping outside where there were fewer people.


Jessica Alba was also at the party, milling around. She stayed close to the punch table, where a lot of young male actors her age were hanging out. She had never had a shortage of suitors. She enjoyed the attention. No one could touch her. She was powerful. She gave a flashy smile to every person who dared to look upon her. She wore a red dress, long and daring, with a long slit down the side. Her dark hair was pulled back in a loose knot on the back of her head.


Beyonce talked to plenty of people, mostly sticking to people in her area. She spoke with John Mayer mostly, then moved on to others. She didn't mind talking to people. She held onto a glass of red wine, taking occasional sips. She eventually went out to the back, outside under the stars. She wondered if there was anyone of interest outside.
Drake watched the ever growing list of celebrities that were walking around until he saw the three that he would take this night. He had noticed that miss Knowles had headed outside away from the large group to the outside which was fairly empty except for the black night and the stars. His enhanced eyes were able to give him a good look of her, the black sparkling dress that clung to her curves which stopped at the top of her thighs which were clad in fishnet hose. He grinned and quietly walked out knowing that no one had seen him head out and even if anyone did no one really cared.

Once he was outside he walked up behind Beyoncé and with one hand grabbed her by her wrist that held the wineglass to make sure she didn't spill and so she would grab onto his hand with both of her's leaving her unguarded and that is when he brought the drug soaked cloth to her mouth and held it over her mouth and nose letting the drug lull her to sleep. "Good night pet." He quietly spoke as he felt the singer fall agains't his body as the drug took affect. He quietly slipped out of the grounds with the unconcious woman over his shoulders till he got to his car. Once there he gagged her with a cloth and tied her wrists behind her back, tied her thighs and ankles before placing a blanket over her to keep her hidden.

He knew that his species's form of the drug would keep a human out cold for a good few hours which gave him time to pick out his next two targets and get them into the car and transport them back. But the next two would be a little more trickier, they liked to hang around the crowds. For that he had a small ball that was made by his kind. it would work. He laughed before heading back into the party to scout for his targets.
Beyonce felt the hand grab onto her wrist, and whirled, her other hand reaching to
grab the man's wrist. She looked up at his face, but by that time he was moving to put a cloth over her nose and mouth. She gasped before she could tell herself otherwise, and the drug quickly took effect. She blinked, gradually collapsing.


Lindsey had wandered outside as well. She stood by some other actresses of her generation, and talked excitedly with them over a role she had recently gotten. She was excited to have gotten her next role, since it seemed it would be a rather major movie. She was completely oblivious to the other things going on.


Jessica stayed by the door, smiling at the men jealously staring at her. She waved them off, letting their wandering gazes go elsewhere. They need not petty themselves with her. She loved the attention, though. She crossed her arms across her chest. Her eyes actively searched the room.
Drake noticed that Lindsay had wandered out as well but this time she had a group with her. He frowned but knew he had ways of dealing with it as well. He focused on Lindsay and reached from his pocket a small golden ball. pressing a few things on its ornate body he let it roll past her and into the shadows where its music slowly drifted into her head, a strange alluring music that would draw its victims over to investigate its sound. To drake it was nothing more then a child's plaything but he found that it had strange and useful affects on humans. He knew that he had set it right to only Lindsay's mind would pick it up and make her focus on it.

There were hands on her hips. Warm, rough hands sliding first up her slim waist before settling on the blooming hips, drawing the curious woman up into a warm body. The strong hands whirled her around to face her molester, but in the haze and strong inscence of the lulling music, yellow eyes became brown, and unruly black hair shielded the handsome devil from further veiw. He laughed knowing that he had her under his spell.

He lead her out to his car and had her lean over the trunk as he placed her hands behind her and tied her hands. he then let his hands travel down her legs as he tied them before he gagged her and spoke into her ear. "Sleep." Once she was out from his spell he placed her in the trunk. "Two down, one to go."
Lindsay heard the music, and frowned. "I'm going to go see something," she said absently, wandering away from her confused friends and going to find the music. She wanted to know what on earth it was. She walked into the shadows, hearing it more closely. Her eyes looked for the source, although she was unsure of why she was looking.

Lindsay felt the hands on her hips, but didn't move. She felt him spin her around, and looked up, but she couldn't see much of him. She followed him out to the car. She leaned over without protest, her hands being bound, as well as her ankles. She heard his quiet whisper, and her body relaxed.


Jessica leaned against the door. "No, no, he won't mind," she said, referring to her love. She smiled. The men and women around her were reveling at being so close to her, she thought. She flashed another smile, her eyes dancing over the people. She glanced outside, through the open door. A nice breeze blew in. She heard another actress comment on what a beautiful night it was, and suggest to go outside. Jessica nodded her approval, and the five-something people walked out together.
Drake grinned watching miss Alba. He licked his lips and watched as she headed out with the crowd. She would be the one that would cause the stir when she was gone. Yes once she dissapeared it would start the chain reaction. He followed the crowd out and grinned as he moved in the shadows. He held a small black box and opened it before walking up to the group and opened it and threw it right at them. The fine powder dissipated into the air and on the celebrities as it dazed and confused them. Taking that time he quickly grabbed Jessica and took her away. Moving quickly he brought her to his car and put her in the back seat.

Tying her hands behind her he then reached up her dress and pulled down her panties and gagged her with them before slipping a small vibe into her and setting it on low so that it would keep her busy the whole ride as he then tied her legs and even blindfolded her. Once in he drove off into the night heading for the cabin which was the meeting place, it was also where they would be handed off to the buyers. During the car ride drake started to change and shift back to his normal form. the black hair soon covered his body as his wolf like appearance took shape. "There we go much better."
Jessica looked around in confusion as black smoke appeared around them. She felt hands around her, and stumbled along, trying to get her bearings. She fell into the back seat of a car, and fought, squirming, against the person. She felt that her hands were tied, and then she could no longer scream when he gagged her. She shook her head, and gave a quiet sound as the vibe went into her. She made small sounds the whole car ride, trying to move her wrists out of the bonds.
Drake laughed and kept driving as he got to the large cabin and pulled up where he hid the car. He got out and looked over at Jessica and licked his lips before calling over some help. They opened the door and pulled her out while he opened the trunk and pulled Lindsay out and then pulled Beyoncé out as well. He watched Jessica as they held her and dragged her inside before tying her over to the pen and made sure she was locked it. Both Lindsay and Beyoncé would of started to come around and wake up but it was a little too lay for them. both were tied to the wall of the pens and kept gagged. Drake nodded and looked around at the buyers and one of the more important guest the prince himself.

Vao looked around keeping his tail wrapped around his waist as he inspected the girls that were in the pens. Some were already broken and loyal but he wanted to break them himself and make them his own. He looked over to see the new girls that Drake had brought in. "Well well well who do we have here, Beyoncé Knowles, Lindsay Lohan and ooh Jessica Alba.. All very good." He licked his lips as his eyes traveled over their bodies and he wondered all that he could do to them.
Jessica felt hands pull her out. She squirmed, making sounds of protest. She didn't know where she was, but her heart pounded in her chest. She felt that she was pinned somewhere. She couldn't move far. She fought, breathing heavily. She heard the voice as someone looked her over. Linsay Lohan and Beyonce Knowles were there too? What had happened? She worried what would happen.


Lindsay slowly began to come back to her senses. She felt someone carrying her, and gave a quiet sound, realizing she was gagged. She whimpered as she was put somewhere, where she couldn't move far. She heard a voice, and tried to sit up. Whatever had been used on her was still wearing off. She struggled.


Beyonce was stirring a bit more slowly. She didn't actually start moving until she was tied up in the pen. She began to move, trying to get away. She gave a quiet sound. She wanted to get out. Where was she anyways?
Vao looked over Beyoncé as she looked the most scared and grinned as he stepped up close to her, running a hand along her legs. "oh don't worry my pet, As long as you Obey you'll be rewarded and won't have to be punished." Grinning he slipped his hand up under her dress and nodded. "Wet, little arousal and yet some fear as well, good proper response for a pet. but you will learn how to obey." He watched her and grinned flashing his fangs before he walked away from her pen nodding. "Yes she will do well." Once he was done he headed over to Lindsay and looked her over and grinned. "A good body, good legs, Yes she will do quite well, I can see fear but I can also see that you know there is no getting out." He smiled and ran a hand over her cheek and smiled. "Yes you will do quite nicely."

Vao then looked over to Jessica and watched her as she struggled abit before a guard removed her blindfold. "Hmm she has some spirit, I like it..makes them even more fun in the bed." He slowly walked over to her, his two bodyguards walking ahead though the prince was far from defenseless. "You..hehe there is no point trying to resist, but i like them firery, and such a lovely dress too, she looks good."
Beyonce felt someone close to her, and squirmed. She didn't want to be near whoever it was. She heard his voice, and frowned, but when he slipped his hand up her dress, she gave a gasp, squirming, knowing he could feel the wetness. She shook her head stubbornly. She was to be someone's pet?


Lindsay felt someone come over to her, hearing his comments on her like she was a piece of meat. Her body trembled. She cringed when he ran his hand over her cheek. She shook her head, whimpering. Her heart pounded in her chest. She wished she could get out, but she sensed that she couldn't.


Jessica heard someone approach her. She squirmed, trying to fight, when she felt the blindfold get pulled off of her. She blinked, her eyes adjusting. She narrowed her eyes at the man standing in front of her. She reared her legs back, hoping to slam her heels against him.
Vao laughed and licked his lips. "Yes they will all do, Very good work drake, my father will be very pleased with you." He had all the girl's blindfolds removed so that they could see. He watched Beyoncé and grinned as she was brought over to him while Lindsay and Jessica were brought out of there pens and held to wait as the guards pulled Beyoncé down to kneel down in front of the prince as he slipped his collar over her then kept her close to him, letting her walk beside him as his tail wrapped around her waist. If she could guess an age he would of looked like only a 13 year old human but in his natural state as he was he was much older but still stood only around 5'4" to Beyoncé's 5'7". He walked with her over to Lindsay and Jessica.

Watching the two girls he grinned as he was just a little shorter then Lindsay who stood at 5'5". The guards held her while he looked at Beyoncé and handed her a collar. "Put it on her." He watched her and waited while the pen guards held Jessica Alba and made her wait her turn to be collared. Now the collars themselves felt like silk but when pulled seemed to be almost like hard metal and impossible to remove they also held the prince's own symbol on it to show that they were owned by the prince.
Beyonce struggled weakly as she was lifted up. She whimpered, struggling. She looked at the prince, falling to her knees as she was pulled down. She looked up at him, trying to pull away. She shut her eyes as he pulled the collar onto her neck. She was pulled to her feet, then pulled close to him. She shivered when his tail went around her. Who was this guy? She didn't think she could fight him off, even though he was so much shorter than her. She looked at the two celebrities, and frowned. She took the collar, and put it on Lindsay.


Lindsay whimpered as she felt the collar go over her. She didn't like this. She had been forced to her knees, and was now looking at Beyonce. Jessica stood behind her. Where was she? She felt the collar go onto her neck, and growled. She didn't want to be here. She looked around, her teeth clenching on the gag.


Jessica struggled as she was held still. She fought and twisted. She didn't want to be there. She whimpered, looking at everyone. Where on earth was she? She gritted her teeth.
Vao watched Beyoncé and licked his lips nodding giving her rear a playful swat. "Good girl." He then looked at Lindsay as his bodyguards pulled her back up and just held her. Vao then looked over at Jessica as she tried to fight but one of the guards just gripped her by the back of her neck and lifted her up holding her so that her feet couldn't even touch the ground before he forced her to kneel in front of the prince and Beyoncé. He smiled knowing she was also the same height of 5'7" that Beyoncé was but she seemed to think that she was higher. Vao looked at Jessica and grinned. "Oh im going to have fun breaking you." He smirked as the collar was placed around her neck. "Now we shall move on to other pressing matters, such as taming and training."

Vao turned and walked down the hall with Beyoncé by his side and his other hand held a lead that connected to Lindsay's collar while Jessica was brought into the hallway by Vao's bodyguards. he then walked into a rather large room fitted with a bed, dressers, closets and a bathroom. He took the lead on Lindsay and attached it to a wall post while he had the guards tie Jessica down to the bed. He then sat down in a large chair and pulled Beyoncé onto his lap. "Hmm what to do next?"
Beyonce followed along as she was was led down the hall. She looked around, trying to keep track of where they were going. She was afraid she would never get out. She watched as they were led into a bedroom. She frowned, waiting, before she felt Vao pull her onto his lap. She whimpered, trembling.


Lindsay whimpered as she was taken into a bedroom. She sealed her eyes shut and felt herself get pulled toward something. She pulled slightly, and felt that the lead was attached to something firm. She opened her eyes, and saw that she was attached to the bedpost. She crouched down on the floor.


Jessica gave a strangled scream as she was grabbed by the neck. She struggled as she was put onto her knees and a collar was put on her neck. She shook her head, fighting. She whimpered once in the bedroom, fighting against the guards. She was tied to the bed, and pulled against the binds. She growled.
Vao looked at Beyoncé and licked his lips letting his hands trail down along her sides. "There is no reason to be afraid my pet, as long as you do all that you are told you should be fine." He grinned and gently kissed at her neck before he ungagged her so that she could talk. "My name is Vao Coeur'Dor or, Goldheart. but you may call me either Sir or master. That is how you will address me." He smirked letting his tail curl about her waist and gently brush against her thighs. "You will do as I tell you to, dress how I want you to and will not resist me. The more you do the more you and your friends will be punished for one person can ruin everything for everyone."

He looked over at Lindsay and smiled. "if you promise to behave I will release you from the lead so you may come over here and be with your master." He looked at Jessica though and shook his head as she still tried to fight. "You on the otherhand hehe... I have something special planned for you."
Beyonce shivered as Vao ran his hands down her sides. Seh squirmed slightly, feeling him kiss her neck. She frowned, licking her lips as he pulled the gag out of her mouth. She felt his tail around her waist, and squirmed. She licked her lips again. She didn't like being here, and it seemed neither did Lindsay or Jessica. She looked over at the other two women. She didn't dare think of what this creature had planned for them. She gave a nod. "Yes, Master," she said quietly.


Lindsay looked up at the creature, and gave a quiet nod, pulling against the lead. She would rather be relatively free than stuck to a bedpost. She looked at him with pleading eyes, her red hair falling over her face.


Jessica continued to fight. She shook her head as he said he had something planned. She didn't want to know what exactly he had planned. She wanted nothing to do with him, and she wanted to go back to her home and get whoever this bastard was put in jail for life.
Vao looked at Lindsay and nodded for a second before he gently pushed Beyoncé off of his lap and walked over to the post and unclipped Lindsay from it. He then walked back over to Beyoncé with Lindsay holding onto his arm. "Beyoncé my pet you look good but Lindsay, I saw you once in a different outfit and think you looked better in it." He then closed his eyes for second and focused before her tight blue dress shifted and became her black outfit with the black pantyhose adorning her legs. He nodded and sat back on the chair. "Good, good there we go much better." He looked Lindsay over and smiled. "My two good girls, talk about your outfits, how each look on eachother and why you would be better then the other to please me." (Lindsay's outfit is the one from her picture, Beyoncé is already in her's)
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