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Assassin's Creed and Fire Emblem! (MxF)

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Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
I'm kinda craving an Assassin's Creed RP at the moment. I just beat Brotherhood and most of its side quests and I really want to have a go at this.

I am also kinda craving a Fire Emblem kind of RP, this would require multi-characters but not too many, just around 2 or 3 for both of us to make a small brigand of mercenaries for the RP.

If interested, PM me for us to brainstorm.

I post 1-3 Paragraphs per post.
I only do threads and PMs. Not IMs.
I only use anime pics of my characters and I ask that my partner does not use a RL picture for their character.
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