The evils of the White Man.

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Jan 17, 2009

A young woman walked through the woods, humming softly to herself as she picked berries, herbs, fruit, and flowers as she pasted them by. Her name was Sinopa and she was both training to be the village shamen and the only daughter of the village chief, so even though she was able to do anything she wanted, she also normaly had someone with her at all times to watch over her, lucky for her, this was one of the few times that she was able to be alone for once. "Father needs to learn that I'm a big girl, it's not like the white men are that close after all and the closest tribe to us is a sister tribe that wouldn't attack me." She said softly to herself as she knelt down next to a bush, pushing back her long black hair so it wouldn't be in her bright brown eyes. Sinopa took a moment to tie back her hair with a scrap of leather that she had that was the same shade as he light brown deer skin dress that covered her from her left shoulder and then all the way down to her knees.
suddenly from four sides they came at her a pack of trained dogs ran up to her and begun to circle snapping and growling at the woman. they where unlike the creatures she was used to, they where angry and mad. they where also very large for dogs with black fur and stubby brown faces. then coming out of the forest running following the dogs was the strangest warrior she had ever seen it was a white man clad in metal and leather,he wore a tunic of overlapping metal rings with leather pads underneath and black leather leggings his tunic was sleeveless and in his hand a "thunder stick" lie. he had a smaller version of the rifle on his belt along with a long metal knife, and a strange coiled leather rope. is hair was long and blond and his eyes a strange color like the sky on a angry day and when he saw her he spoke strangely and laughed he said. " you poor bitch you have no idea how lucky you are. " and then he smiled a terrible smile and started in closer to her.
Sinopa cried out and fell back when the dogs suddenly charged her and she covered her head to try to protect herself. When she heard them stop barking as much, she slowly looked up to see one of the white men that her father had warned her to stay away from. " them off." She said softly with what little english that she knew from some of the English who would visit the tribe, she didn't dare move even an inch with those wicked dogs still circling her and growling at her as if they where waiting for her to make a mistake.
The strange white man stepped forward and the dogs stopped but he then took her hands and bond them in front of her with a short piece of rope he had took from out f his garments he then tied the other end to the belt around his waist. " you are now mine like the dogs understand?" his voice didn't make this a question at all and he didn't seem to wait for an answer either he just sort of started walking and was also some how sure she would follow.
The young womans eyes widened at that, having understood those words, and started to shake her head even as she was forced to follow after him. "My tribe! Father will worry, it will start war when he finds out White Man took me." She said as she started to struggle, trying to make him stop by digging her heels into the ground, only to be yanked forward and stumble after the man. "I'm not a dog! I'm Sinopa!" She yelled as she again tried to force him to stop so that she could get away fom him.
" we do not fear your chief in fact he should be more worried about the Spanish from the north they have allied them selves with the tribes to the west {sworn enemies of your tribe} and they have already begun the raids by now." he said pulling her along the dogs following started to sniff at her as if they where tiring to decide what her role was. " your father if he survives will most likely assume you were captured or killed by their combined forces. abandon all hope of rescue." he jerked her along leading her away from her home farther than she had ever gone.
The young womans eyes went wide at that, once again stumbling when her legs went weak at the thought that her father was being killed at this moment. "N-No, it can't be, you're lying!" She cried as she started to hurry after him, wanting to keep up with him. "There's no way that they would work with others that have come from across the water, they are to stubborn to work with others, our sister tribe will stop them from harming my people." She said defiantly, she just didn't want to believe that any of the tribes would work with the wicked people who had come from across that big water.
he chuckled to him self amused " you simple girl you know nothing,do you" he turned and smiled at her brandishing a hunting knife carved from bone in the style of her sister tribe. " they are also only days away from selling you to the white men for white thunder medicine and fire water." he laughed in her face . in the distance she could see, they had upon a fortress made of tall stacks of lumber and stone, a white mans villa. they had been walking for quite some time and it was starting to get dark." we have to wait for night fall to enter the town the people here wont trust you till your trained." he said looking at the dogs. he then looked back at her . " you may wont to rest now, because you might not get another chance my house must be cleaned before i bed you. " this he said with the causal phrasing one might say its cold outside in.
Sinopa's tanned face became pale at those words and at the sight of the knife before she slowly sat herself down and lowered her head. "Why are you doing this? What have my people ever done to you?" She asked softly as she looked around, her eyes landing on the dogs and she couldn't help but to miss her own wolf back home...had she gotten away, was she still safe, or was she dead right now? "I'm not a slave to be used like that, I will not let you bed me and I will not clean your home." She said defiantly as she looked up at the white man that had hair the color of the bright sun.
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