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Sci-fi or Fantasy

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Jul 24, 2010
I like rps with unrealistic elements in it. I enjoy rps with some conflict in it as well as some action. I do also include a little romance to keep things fresh and interesting. I do care about literacy levels. Just spell well enough so that I can understand you and be consistent. If you can make a story interesting and get me mentally invested (for good or bad) in your character(s) then that will be all that's needed. I am not picky, but I am not interested in rps with unoriginal themes (i.e. Harry Potter, Any Anime, Any Books, Any Movies, ect). It's okay if you want to use magic spells you got from Harry Potter or if you want to use a concept you read in a book. Rping as the actual character or rping in the world of Hogwarts is another thing. The last requirement I have is that you are at least 18. I'm over 18 myself. Please leave a message in this thread if you are interested.
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