Scars (AidaLily and Setsu_Asai)


Apr 10, 2010

The car sped down the clear cool night streets as it made its way to the hospital. He had just received a call that Shuichi Shindou was in the hospital after he received multiple shot wounds. The young male was in surgery right now as they fought desperately to save his life and remove the two bullets from his person. The man behind the wheel hands were holding tightly on the steering wheel as he continued to rush towards it.

Finally, making it there he parked and ran inside finding Hiro, K-san, Fujisaki, and Sakano all sitting and waiting for the news. He walked over his emotionless face in place. "Well how is he?"

"We don't know.", Fujisaki said quietly. "He is still in surgery."

The blond haired keyboardist nodded and then looked at Shuichi's best friend Hiroshi Nakano. "Can you tell me what happened? Did you noticed any warning signs that may have preceded these events?", he asked wanting to know why the vocalist of the second biggest band, his company produces was in the hospital getting surgery for bullet wounds. Hiro looked away angrily not wanting to talk to the president of NG now so Fujisaki spoke up.

"Well, for about a month now, Shuichi has been coming in hurt in some way. At first, he said it was fine and that there was nothing to worry about and then...well...he called off a few days here and there during the week and when he came back in it was obvious he was in pain. He said everything was fine though and wouldn't talk to any of us about it. I was hanging out with Hiro when we got his phone call. Apparently, he had a huge fight with Eiri Yuki and was shut up in their room asking if Hiro could come and get him. He was crying and upset....", Fujisaki then trailed off not sure if he should tell his cousin about what they heard next.

"Well?", Tohma asked dangerously sweet, a sign that he was not at all happy to be waiting for an explanation.

"What the hell do you think happened? We heard the door open. I heard my best friend pleading with that bastard not to hurt him, saying he was sorry for whatever was wrong, explaining that all he did was leave that morning and come home straight after work. I heard him scream begging the bastard not to do it. I had yelled and tried to ask what was going on and then two shots rang out.", Hiro snapped angrily. "I thought maybe Shuichi shot him to protect himself or something, but no. I rush there to find the bastard writing and smoking a cigarette and Shuichi dying in their bedroom covered in blood and two fucking bullet wounds, one in his side and according to the doctor one in his chest that just barely missed his internal organs. I swear if Shuichi doesn't make it...I'm going to kill that bastard for damn near killing him.", Hiro said fuming as a doctor came out.

Tohma felt the color drain from his face when he heard that. Eiri did this to Shuichi...he had thought...he had thought that Eiri wouldn't do this again. Shuichi, as annoying as he was, wasn't like Kitazawa. He failed Eiri then and had only allowed Eiri's relationship with Shuichi, because the novelist claimed happiness, but now.

A doctor came into the waiting area and over to him. "Which of you is the one responsible for Shuichi Shindou?", he asked looking at the group. Hiro was about to speak up when Tohma did.

"I am.", he told the doctor. His face was impassive though his emotions waged war behind those eyes.

"Alright. First off he is going to make it. It was difficult, but he is fine now. Just needs to rest and allow the wounds to heal. Second I am going to prescribe some strong pain killers as well. Lastly, where does he live so that we may send his hospital bill?", the doctor asked.

"Just give it to me.", Tohma said to him.

The doctor nodded. "He is resting, but you can go see him if you wish."

Tohma looked at the others who told him to go ahead. The others would get to emotionally upset at seeing him like that and Tohma was the one they felt could stay calm and be reassuring at such a time. Tohma walked through the halls to Shuichi's hospital room following the instructions the doctor gave him. He went into the room to see the pink haired vocalist and sat in a chair next to his bed.

"Shuichi...", he said softly. "If you were having this much of a problem, why didn't you say anything?", he asked not really knowing if the singer was awake or not. He didn't look at him, yet because he knew if he did he would have to face the fact that Eiri did it. That his once oh so precious brother in law actually shot Shuichi when the kid was begging him not to.
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