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Nov 27, 2010
Wouldn't you like to know?
It was peaceful. Listening to the sound of the city on a warm summer night like this. The buzz of the people below, the low hum of the cars, the light beat of the music flowing through out the city. It was all so relaxing. And as much as Vendetta would have loved to rest on top of the business building and take everything in that simply wasn't an option, there was work to be done, even if she didn't want to be the one to do any it. "I hate doing rounds...They really are the most boring thing ever. At least the scenery isn't to bad..." Sighing the raven haired woman would move away from the edge of the building, stretching out and letting out a small yawn. Why exactly was she doing rounds on top of a building at about eleven pm on a Saturday night? It was part of the job. The entire 'super hero' thing. Or, the girl couldn't even call herself a super hero, barely even a hero, no one else did either. Why? Well, that was simple. She liked to kill people far to much to be considered a 'good guy'. Now it wasn't as if she went around killing people for the hell of it, oh no, only bad guys, villains, and others who thought they were above the law or who she thought deserved to meet their end. It wasn't exactly legal no, but hell, like she cared.

"Nothing is even happening!" The girl would yell out to herself, shaking her head as she walked to the other edge of the building, looking at the opposite side of the previous street. The only real reason she had picked this area for the night was because lately the crime rate had gone up. Robberies, murders, rapes, the whole nine yards, but no one was quite sure why. The police assumed local gangs others suggested other heroes getting a 'sick kick' with their powers. What did she believe? Well, certainly not that second option. No hero was that sick, not even her. The murder thing yes, but only with criminals, who ever was behind this didn't seem to have any standards what so ever. But not that it mattered, who ever it was, if they bothered to show up tonight she would be sure to interrupt any plans they had. Permanently.

Vendetta would take a seat at the buildings edge, legs hanging over the side freely. It wasn't as if she cared about falling, she could fly after all. She would be using said ability to go to the next crime hot spot in about an hour or two, but until then she was stuck here, watching for something, anything suspicious to happen on the streets down below. Yeah...she didn't really see that happening, but it was better to be safe then sorry. If not for the fact she believed in that she would have left hours ago.
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