Battling to get Suicine. (Fancy_Brat and I)


Jan 16, 2010
The story starts in a town where a boy finally gets the chance to go out and catch his own pokemon and make friend as well. For him it would be difficult seeing that he would be going out for the first time with a poke girl. All through out the world lived humans and pokemon but in this case they were called poke girls.

Sitting in the living room he was awaiting his parents to come and hand him a gift they had promised when he passed his tests. And as a going away gift his very first poke girl. But it had remained a secret on what type it was or its name and this left him anxious to finally meet her.

His mother and father finally returned home to their son Kane sitting their on the couch waiting for the gift. And it was a poke ball containing her. His very first pokegirl and partner in everything. Since most trainers ended up doing the dirty deed with them.

*i hope its ok doing it on the phone isn't fun.*
(Tis fine.)

Kane's parents would not deny the fact that he had passed his tests as promised. Because of his hard work, they felt it was only necessary to allow him a pokegirl on his journey. Many young boys and girls around his age were already going out and about trying to be the 'best' and all, but he had yet to start. They weren't going to hold him back any longer.

"Well, we know you worked hard to make sure you passed your tests, so we're not going to hold this off any longer." His mother said. His father had tossed the pokeball over for him. "We've received a few tips as to what type you were hoping for. I'm sure we made the right choice. So why don't you release her already?" he asked. They were sure he'd enjoy whatever pokegirl he received, but they made sure that he got what he wanted.
Kane smiled."Thank you so much he said catching the ball and standing up so he could release it."Its an Absole isn't it?" He asked as he tossed it. "Alright come on out." He called not knowing the name of his pokegirl yet but had high hopes it was an Absole.

:e was already pack to leave just the pokegirl would remain and then they could finally leave. He would be able to get to know his new friend and catch others. All for the dream of being able to catch Suicine one of these days but till then he would cherish the ones he had.
Kane seemed to know exactly what he was getting, though his parents weren't just going to tell him right away. "Well, it wouldn't be fun if we just went and told you now would it? You'll just have to see for yourself." his mother said. However, they way she said it would hint that he was correct. As the pokeball hit the ground, it had opened up, releasing the pokegirl inside. The figure had started to materialize, and as he had hoped, it was indeed an Absol. She seemed to be a little shaken up after being releaed, looking aorund at her new surroundings. "Kane, this is your new pokegirl. Her name is...well, it's best if you were to come up with a name for her." The girl simply looked back to Kane. Apparantly, he was to be her new master.
Kane smiled brightly it was just as he predicted."Her name will be Nala." He said with a grin. "Its a perfect name." He said as he moved closer to her. "Hello their my name is Kane I am going to be your new master." Kane said softly to her as he stood about arms length away from here.

"Dose Nala sound like a good name for you or would you rather have something else." He asked her. She was just like he thought she be. Perfect in every way. His black hair had a red zigzag going from the middle to the back of his head. His blue eyes filled with joy just knowing that he got her.
"Well, then Nala it is. That's a fine name." his mother said. For the moment, his parents decided that it would be best to leave them alone for a while. It would be a good time for them to get familiar with one another and prepare to head out. "When you two are done, just let us know. You are set to head out already aren't you?" his father asked. With that, they had left the room, leaving Kane and Nala in the room alone.

Nala stared back at him curiously. It seemed as though she was a little shy, but she didn't look like she wanted to get away or anything. There was a common belief that Absol could predict when a disaster would occur, though others believe that it brought disasters along with it. It was a truly interesting pokegirl. Her slim figure was covered with her pure white fur, with her C-cup breasts being perfectly visible to him. "It's okay...with me." she said. " fine." Most of the time they were here, she was simply staring back at him. It was pretty cute.
Kane looked her over obviously enjoying her from just looking. Taking a few deep breaths he started to calm down. "Well Nala do you care to help me out in my room and get the rest of my stuff?." He asked holding out his hand to her. She was a beautiful creature and he loved it he knew that they would get along well.

Kane had already pack his clothes he just wanted to see if she would sorta obey him for right now and this was just all for getting comfortable around each other. He would never hurt her maybe a smack if she didn't listen but nothing physical.
Nala took his hand, feeling quite comfortable already with him. "Yes of course. I'll do what I can." He was sure to run into some people who would feel a little uneasy around her, though it was hard to believe a superstition like that when they saw her. "Do you still have things you need to pack up Master?"
"Yes I do my dear, just a few things." He said with a smile as he walked her up the steps with him. Her hand felt rather soft in his own making him smile even more. "You don't have to call me master you can call me Kane." He said as they entered his room.
Nala simply followed him quietly up to his room. For now, it seemed like there would be no problems in giving her any commands. Battle commands may have been odd, seeing as she didn't look like the fighting kind. She stared back up at him. "Oh...are you sure? Then Kane it is."
"Yes I'm sure, I find it rather odd being called master." Kane said with a smile as he looked around his room. "Alright, I just need a few more clothes and figure out what else I'm taking and then we can start our journey." Kane added as he went over to his dresser and started to pull out a few more clothes. "Can you grab me that backpack on my bed." He asked pointing to it.
"Well, I suppose that would make sense." She wasn't fully aware how odd it was for him to be referred to as 'Master'. After all, she meant it out of respect. While he went to pick out more clothes, she went and grabbed his backpack, bringing it over next to him. "Here you are Kane."
Kane smiled and took the back and finished placing the cloths inside. "Well I'm all set what about you?" He asked as he put on his back pack and hat. "Your going to have plenty of fun on these travels." He added as he reached out and rubbed her head gently. Hoping that his rival wouldn't show up anytime soon. *always need a rival lol*
Nala really didn't have anything to pack to start with. She simply nodded her head once. "Yes, I'm all ready to go if you are." She was still wondering just how their journey would go. She smiled as he patted her head, looking forward to more of that in the future. "Well, I'm looking forward to it. Do you know your way around Kane?" she asked.

(That's true.)
Kane smiled and nodded. "Let's head out then." He said as he lead the way out. After a couple minutes of good byes and talking they were on their way to meet the professor so that they could obtain his pokedex and get aquainted with the land. "Nala now be on your best behavoir while we are visiting the professor." Kane said as he looked at her with a soft yet stern look.
Nala made sure to follow close behind him as they headed out. She had to wonder what this professor would be like. She turned to look back to him, giving him a little nod. "Yes, of course I will." She hadn't gone against any orders yet, and it wasn't likely to happen anytime soon. That was always a good thing to have a loyal pokegirl. That little look he gave her was enough to convince her anyway.
He reached out and rubbed her head gently. "Good now I let's go inside." Kane said as he opened the door. "In you go Nala." He said standing to the side holding open the door. It was just a jesture of kindness for any female or male human or not.
She gave him a little smile as he rubbed her head. At least she seemed to be pleasing him. "Thank you." she said, stepping inside as he opened the door for her. She immediately started to look around the lab, turning back to Kane. "Where's the professor?"
Kane smiled back. "He's probably in one of the rooms." Kane said as he walked inside. "Professor!!" Kane called out. As if no one was home their was no responce. "Well I guess he's not here at the moment." Kane said as he sat down in a chair.
For now, Nala just watched Kane as he went about searching for the professor. It was a little odd that he wouldn't be here, and nobody mentioned that he had gone out. "Oh? That's weird." she said, deciding to take a seat herself.
Alex watched her as they waited for roughlly a half hour before a man in a white coat rushed on in. Shutting the door panting. "Professor!" Alex called out and the man jumped.

"Oh Alex hello, and this must be your lovely pokegirl." He said with a smile as he walked up to her. "Hello I am Professor Proof."
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