Americunt dragon (closed)

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Jun 21, 2009
Jake long was tired of his grandfathers lessons which again had turned into little more then slave labor. “What do you mean another student” he asked his grandfather for weeks now the lessons had verged on abuse. He was asked to wear a uniform that looked like a gay pride uniform. He frowned looking down on the short man wondering if he had finally lost his grip on reality because such a uniform would be of no use in a pitched battler.

Looking around the small shop he wondered what the new student would look tall short fat thin, would she even look human. “The council has decided it is time for you to breed Jake long for too long you have shirked the calling of the blood.” it was true while never numerous dragons and other creatures were on the decline. His relationship with hunts girl caused a shock wave in the magical community. “Look gramps there is no way I am wearing this”
Fu dog let her in and Eva overheard their little conversation. "The council is getting crazier with the day. Wanting a kid to breed is just as ridiculous as that uniform. Sure it's not healthy to fall for the enemy, but this is no way to solve it. But two dragons protecting New York City can't hurt. My name's Eva, it's nice to meet you." She said while leaning against the doorpost, then held her hand out for them to shake.

She looked perfectly human though. She stoof about 5'4ft tall, had a lean, but athletic build with nice curves, was slightly tanned, with big bright blue green eyes and long straight pitch black hair. She was wearing simple jeans with a black t-shirt with a dragon print on it and sneakers.
The voice filled his ears like music his face turned a deep shade of scarlet he turned his head slowly. “Nice to meet you” he smiled shaking her hand maybe it would not be so bad. He always liked older women 6’ with a trim build like a runner long muscled arms and legs.

His uncle was already taking measurements of the two of them female dragons were rare the goal would be to create at least on female child. “This will be hard my grandson standing positions should be best for girls” as he manhandled the two of them it was clear personal privacy had gone out the window.

“Now I will tell you this will be hands on for both of you” Fu dog had a camera an old one that still used tape. He gave Jake a wicked look the tape he placed inside read instruction video one. He swallowed fucking was one thing having his gra\mps teach him was another.

“The most important lesson is endurance a female dragon has a limited window each year in which she could breed, outside the breed it is even lower” which explained how his mother while fucking anyone she could find still only had two children. He looked back at eva Jake and Eva Adam and eve he laughed. “Now stripp of those cloths” he was shocked when as he began his uncle followed suit.
"True and mine doesn't start for another month and by the way, do you really think I'd have sex with you two watching? Trust me if you two have to be in the same room as we are you will be dead in the same room. Kid, you really need to learn how to stand up to the old man." She said as she partially transformed and her tail wacked the camera to pieces.

She looked at the old man, he was even shorter then she was. "Old timer, keep your hands to yourself from now on, touch me again and you won't be keeping them." She said and glared at him, her eyes momentarily turning into dragon eyes.
He laughed the young ones always judged him by is small stature a mistake they never made twice. “No hard feelings I am just doing my duty” he offered his hand more a feint then a trap his other struck out like a viper for the pressure points. He turned to Jake who had just enough time to leap back only his pants were now pulled up.

“You should know by now that the council gets what it wants in the end” he turned his back on the female dragon assuming that she should be as immobile as a statue. “now come down here young one you must do what is right” the next blow sent the bookshelf tumbling its once neat rows of oddities and trinkets now scattered over the floor.
However the old man was too slow. Obviously he hadn't met with an air dragon in a long time. Though still very strong air dragons were better known for incredible speed then strength, she avoided him and turned into her full dragon form hitting him hard, dead on with her tail with speed so fast she looked like a blur. "You need to learn about air dragons old man. A: we're a lot faster then fire dragons, B: we can manipulate air and with that the resistance it gives to our movements reducing it to almost zero increasing out speed even more, C: I could create a vaccuum around you that would kill you and fire doesn't work in a vaccuum.

I already told you my fertile period doesn't start until next month so this is useless, not to mention that I'm not a peace of meat. Once it's time for me to mate I expect that Jake and I will be given some privacy old man. Instead of trying to force me you should start thinking of how to treat a lady, obviously manners is something you seem to have forgotten." Eva said. Her dragonform was something to behold. Wings currently folded on her back, air dragons had the largest wing spand of all dragons. Her build was lean and athletic. A big raptor like claw on the big and seperately mobile toes of her feet stood out, combined with her speed those would be very deadly weapons. As for size she was almost as tall as the dark dragon.
Mera1506 said:
However the old man was too slow. Obviously he hadn't met with an air dragon in a long time. Though still very strong air dragons were better known for incredible speed then strength, she avoided him and turned into her full dragon form hitting him hard, dead on with her tail with speed so fast she looked like a blur. "You need to learn about air dragons old man. A: we're a lot faster then fire dragons, B: we can manipulate air and with that the resistance it gives to our movements reducing it to almost zero increasing out speed even more, C: I could create a vaccuum around you that would kill you and fire doesn't work in a vaccuum.

I already told you my fertile period doesn't start until next month so this is useless, not to mention that I'm not a peace of meat. Once it's time for me to mate I expect that Jake and I will be given some privacy old man. Instead of trying to force me you should start thinking of how to treat a lady, obviously manners is something you seem to have forgotten." Eva said. Her dragonform was something to behold. Wings currently folded on her back, air dragons had the largest wing spand of all dragons. Her build was lean and athletic. A big raptor like claw on the big and seperately mobile toes of her feet stood out, combined with her speed those would be very deadly weapons. As for size she was almost as tall as the dark dragon.

The old man knew more then a few tricks still the small shop was not the kind of place that two dragons should fight. “I see I am so used to my young apprentice that I had forgot that all do not know to take my words as law” he smiled thing act differently under temperature, everything burns even air of course few understood that dragons create fire water and air from magic not nature.

“You think because you did not feel my touch that I did not hit you” magic is invisible the blows he threw were more for looks the affect still the wall behind her began to freeze the image of a dragon appeared. He smiled wind dragons were so fast they had to act before a thought could move from there brains to there legs. He leapt onto the counter grabbing his hat and coat he exited through the door.

“Crazy old man” by now Jake was dressed in a suit which in his mind was just one step up from the gay pride outfit. The place was called Tuesdays for the owner fu dog was in the car the wheel man of the date. The old man was charming up the owner to get a table near the window. She was right when it came to council business he was far too formal and unused to charm.

Fu dog was talking his ear off telling him about all of his conquests but not even fu hit a dragon. “Look all women like strength no matter what they say any girl will choose the strongest male they can get” Great after the way the old man made him look he would be lucky to get an old lady or Hailey uck. “We will have the shrimp fettuccini” he smiled ordering a glass of white wine with it.
Even though fire was created by magic, it couldn't burn without fuel and if you had to keep using magic as fuel, even an experienced dragon like him would get exhausted fast. "If your touch had hit me I'd be immobile old man. I do know about pressure points as well. Not to mention that when a vaccuum is formed for me to move faster the air outside the vaccuum becomes so thick it can be touched, it's a protective move to protect me from sneaky old man like you. You touched the air, not me, this also means you got hit twice, once not so hard, once really hard.

Oh one more thing female dragons get to choose their mate, since there are so many suiters. As long as I mate when I'm fertile, the council doesn't really care who with. So if you keep being a pain, I'll just find another mate. Keep that in mind." She said before he left. She had no intention of joining in a place where outfits like that were needed. She would wait for them to return in her own room at the hotel she was at.
“looks gramps I don’t know if this is a good id” the I patch looked like a pirates burt it allowed him to see everything Jake saw. He smiled Jake was off course not happy but when was he ever happy. “Look I am not doing this you can just have fu dog use a crystal ball you know where we will be”

He moved slowly the hotel looked like any other he opened the door the bed looked big enough for a football team. He looked around the room the suit made him feel like a monkey on his way to a funeral. “Well sorry for the old man you know that sometimes the old just go crazy”

The old man watched his only student he was not so happy about this dragons are not the most fertile creatures. In fact despite living hundreds of years the dragon race was slowly becoming extinct. “Listen to me my young student get on with it I will not have the Long family become extinct”

Jake had enough trouble with human girls his friend trixy and hunts girl both ended badly for him. “I am not well normally as whipped but well uncle has ways of making you do things not all of them fair” he looked her up and down great he barley was able to date women his own age now he had to try to get an older woman
It had been a month and she now was fertile. Eva looked at Jake, in dragon form. "Doesn't bother me and I've got a place that would really give us privacy, and loose tha eye patch. It's the smell of your grandpa and Fu dog all over it and I can sense the magic." She said.

"when you're ready follow me." She said. No way in hell would the old man get to watch. Come on making a kid she knew had two good eyes wear an eye patch of which the magic was coming off so strong one could almost see it.
The old man watched them he had more then one way of keeping tabs on them the human world was filled with wonders. “Just keep playing along my young one and do not do anything without first asking me” he smiled standing up the human technology had far less range then magic/ he had to move quickly without magic it would be hard to keep up with them in human form.

“Sure just let me change”: flames licked over his heels and up his legs as he transformed into the red dragon that love or hate everyone knew. He followed the dragon she looked good even as a dragon. “So my sweet gust of wind do yo like to be on the top or the bottom” flipping over his back he dove under the female air dragon get a good look into her eyes.
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