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Searching for a clever partner.

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Broken Taffy

Nov 14, 2010
Hello, everyone! I'm Dawn, and I've been roleplaying for about 11 years now. I'm twenty-eight, and I write quite a bit of fan-fiction, when the mood strikes me. But, right now I'm looking for someone to roleplay with me. I prefer advanced, mature roleplayers, those who understand that quality is key and quantity is not necessarily important. Though, I do like to have at least a couple of meaty paragraphs from my partner and will give as much in return.

Anyway, I am looking for a specific pairing, and I have plot. But, before I get into that, I want to talk about what I will give my partner and what I want in return. I promise to always give you a meaty post with plenty of substance and just the right amount of description. I promise not to overwhelm you with purple prose. I promise to use proper grammar, punctuation, spelling and word usage. I promise not to throw a bunch of ten-dollar words into my post, when solid, five-cent ones would do just as well and make far more sense. I promise to enjoy playing with you, and to get into my character. I promise not to be emo, pointlessly hostile, instantly in love or hopelessly self-absorbed. I promise to offer you a full range of emotion, flaws and peccadilloes. And, I only ask that you offer me what I have just offered to you.

Now, for what and who I want.

Who: Spike and Willow Rosenberg from Buffy: The Vampire Slayer.
When: Following the 7th season and the destruction of Sunnydale.
Where: Malibu, California.
Why: A year after the destruction of Sunnydale and Spike's sacrifice that closed the hell mouth, Willow is living in Malibu and running a magic shop. She and her former friends have acquired their own lives, since the world no longer needs a Scooby gang to destroy all the evil. They still chat, and see one another sometimes, but for the most part they have moved on. Enter Spike. He's a spirit, lost in the in-between, unable to move on. His soul finds its way to Malibu and Willow, the only person he knows that could possibly change things for him. Allow him to either fully die, or live again.
How: This plot sort of ignores Spike's appearance on Angel. Ignores that show altogether, really. But, beyond that? Everything is pretty much as it was in the show.

I want to play Willow, and I'd like someone who loves the show, and is capable of playing Spike true to form. Even with a soul and incorporeal, Spike should be a bastard. He was born to be a bastard. I promise I can play Willow properly, though that whole 'gay' thing is likely going to change, as I like romance in my roleplay. But, I always figured Willow was really just bisexual, and so that works out fine.

So, yeah. If you're interested, let me know, okay?

Also, I want to play this in a thread, not over PM or in an IM. However, that is somewhat negotiable, if you're so awesome I can't resist and you only play in PM.

Note: Right now this is the RP I'm seriously craving, but more will likely be added as time goes by. Also, I'm always willing to talk and see if someone else's plot might interest me, so if you want to RP and this isn't your cup of tea, just send me a PM or leave a message here.
I read your request and I think i would like to give it a shot. I know spike fairly well i've seen every episode of angel that has spike in it a few hundred times, and i've been watching the buffy series about season 3. If you'd like to give it a shot please lt me know.​
I've found my ideal partner to play this plot with, so I thank everyone who has expressed interest, but I am no longer in need.
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