Peace broken (Peekaboo x Parisu-kun)


Sep 25, 2010
Konoha had been peaceful for over a year now. No wars, no attacks, just peace. Oh sure there was still petty crime, still the occasional rogue ninja with grand schemes of conquest or power, but it was nothing that the leaf ninja couldn't handle.

Unfortunately, with peace also came boredom. There was only so much training one could take before they got bored of it, and for some people like Tsunade, there was only so much paperwork she could take. Her tolerance for it had been thin at best before, but now.....god at least before she could have some fun, but now she was just completely bored out of her skull.
Now the woman was on a walk through the village, having snuck out to avoid her paperwork once again, much to Shizune's annoyance. "'s good to get out into the village once in a while...." The blonde woman chuckled and grinned, folding her arms as she walked near the outer wall of the village in a rather quiet area, sighing contentedly.
Silently from the thicket of the forest a small squeal could be heard it was the sound little pigs make this one sounded desperate as if a trap had gotten it or it was in trouble. "Ooooink oooink Squeal." Could be heard... Perhaps this was her piggy Tonton that was in trouble? It would be wise to investigate this matter.
Tsunade blinked as she heard the noise, frowning and looking toward the forest. "Is that....? Damnit...did Shizune let that pig out again?" She growled and turned to follow the noise quickly, leaping through the trees and searching for the source of the noise. "Just hang on TonTon, I'm coming.....though this is the last time I'm gonna be saving your to speak"
The noise could be followed through a length of the forest a long way into a small clearing some rustling bushes was where the noise could be heard from. "Squeal... Oink oink" Ton ton was most likely just behind them. Or was it?
Tsunade got closer and closer to the source of the noise, dropping down into the clearing and glancing around. "TonTon? Is that you? Come on out here will you?" She glanced around, then spotted the rustling bushes. "Are you stuck or something? I keep telling you to stay with Shizune...." The blonde Hokage rolled her eyes, adjusting her top slightly after it had slipped open a little more after her fast travelling, before moving toward the bushes, reaching out to part them.
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