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Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Nathan Stone

Two years after the revival of Sephiroth by his 'brothers' and his defeat, Shinra begins to slowly rebuild itself from the ashes that it turned into once it fell from its point in power. Moving to a new location, the company sets up HQ in Kalm. Instead of using Mako Generators to suck the Mako out of the planet, the company has turned to more civilian-friendly energy producers, windmills, hydoelectric power, natural things. Though this is just a guise, behind it all, Shinra managed to salvage enough Mako to power its true purpose, the creation of a true God.

After two years of construction since its fall due to the group Avalanche, Shinra is higher in power than ever before and has suddenly turned violent toward its people. Now Kalm is run by Shinra's iron grasp.

Nathan Stone is a soldier within Shinra who specializes in pole-type fighting as he guards President O'Brian from assassinations of the sort. Though today marks Shinra's 2 year anniversary and President O'Brian is temporarily away, leaving Nathan to keep the town in line with daily patrols until O'Brian and his guards return.

Nathan is outside in town central as he sits on a bench enjoying a sem-vacation like day off. He is out of uniform, but he never leaves behind his red polearm which he nicknamed Scarletta.

Nathan- Damn today is boring....
RE: Jugger x Holic

About a year after the Remnants had been defeated, Tifa had decided to leave Edge and open a new bar in Kalm. It had taken a few months to get a steady customer base, but before long, the place was doing very well. Cloud was as distant as he'd ever been, which was one of the reasons for her move to Kalm.

The only thing she didn't like about living in Kalm was Shin-Ra's presence in the town. They frequented her bar just as much as the regular citizens of Kalm, but it was rare that they paid for their drinks. She was sure that, at the rate things were going, she would be forced to close down the bar for good.
RE: Jugger x Holic

Nathan soon figured he could go for a drink at the bar that all the other guards usually talked about. Shrugging as he had nothing better to do, he got up and headed for where everyone had said it was. Upon entering, he looked around to see his surroundings within. He figured it wasn't all that good. He approached the counter and took a seat as he looked at Tifa with a bored expression.

Nathan- The guys at Shinra said this place was pretty good...lemme get one of your best drinks girlie. Chop chop.
RE: Jugger x Holic

Tifa was wiping off the bar when she heard the door open. She looked up when the man approaches the bar, raising a brow at his request. Shaking her head, she turned around to wash some glasses, muttering something about Shinra employees thinking they are better than everyone else.
RE: Jugger x Holic

Nathan- Helloooo. Miss bartender, I asked for a shot of your finest drink. Damn I hope you're not the only one working here with an attitude like that. What, is it money that talks down here?

He reached into his pocket and pulled out fifty gil and laid it on the table for her.

Nathan- Chop...chop.
RE: Jugger x Holic

Tifa turned back around, going to stand opposite Nathan. "I don't know what kind of service you are expecting, but I will not serve someone who thinks he can boss people around. If you want a drink, then you can wait until I have some glasses washed. If that is not suitable for you, then you can take yourself right back out the door of my bar!"
RE: Jugger x Holic

Nathan- Yipe!

He looked a bit surprised seeing the quiet woman had just snapped at him. He regained posture and cleared his throat before calming down.

Nathan- My apologies...Hm...a quick question Miss Bartender, how come you don't have any pre-cleaned glasses? Its not like a lot of people come to this place to sit and drink. Worst spot possible cause its right next to Shinra.
RE: Jugger x Holic

"That might be because all you Shin-Ra dogs are in here all the time, scaring away my customers!" Grabbing a glass that she'd just washed, she filled it with a Gongagan ale. "Here's your drink" She slammed it down in front of him, then went back to what she'd been doing before he came in.
RE: Jugger x Holic

"Jeez...testy much ain'tcha?" He grabbed the drink after pushing the fifty gil over to her side of the counter and began to drink it. Nathan wasn't known to be a drinker, but he'd do it whenever he was bored or when he wanted to get drunk to pass the time. "Thanks Miss Bartender. Seriously, worst spot ever though. You probably should have just moved it over to the eastern side, thats where all those peasant people are. You might get more customers there rather than us 'Shinra dogs'. Jeez, what'd Shinra ever do to you?"
RE: Jugger x Holic

Tifa spun back around to look at the man. "You want to know what they did to me, do you? They are the reason the town I grew up in was destroyed! Now get out of my bar, mister!"
RE: Jugger x Holic

Nathan looked at his glass hearing the words. True, he knew of the incident about Midgar's destruction. Though, he didn't like the tone of attitude the girl was giving him. Normally, had he been in a better mood, he wouldn't want to pester her but being how he was bored and her bad attitude added up to this, he simply raised his glass over to her and pulled out another fifty gil. "More of that drink please."
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