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Final Fantasy Anyone? (MxF)

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Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
So yeah. I'm kinda craving some FF RPs right now for some reason. HEre are the games and their pairings.

First off:
-I post 1-3 Paragraphs
-I RP mainly OC, and I use anime pics and I ask that of my partner.
-I only RP through threads or PMs, and preferably threads.

Okay and now the game pairings:

x* = Craving Meter (Out of 5)
I'm also open to suggestions.


Avalanche OC x Avalanche OC *****
Avalanche OC x Canon ***
Shinra Soldier x Canon ***
Mercenary x Canon **
Avalanche OC x Mercenary **
Shinra Soldier x Avalanche OC ****
Avalanche OC x Shinra Soldier ***
Mercenary x Avalanche OC *

SEED Member x SEED Member **
SEED Member x Canon ***
Canon x SEED Member ** (This FF is one I'll do a canon for...depending though.)
SEED Member x SEED Teacher *****
SEED Teacher x SEED Member ***
Permanent Summon x SEED Member/Teacher Summoner ***(I know its not called a summon but I've forgotten the names of it.)

(Note that Burmecians are Rat People)
Tantalus Member x Tantalus Member ****
Tantalus Member x Canon ***
Tantalus Member x Princess OC *
Tantalus Member x Alexandrian Knight *****
Burmecian Knight x Alexandrian Knight **
Burmecian Knight x (Anything Else) *

(Time Traveler is basically like Tidus, came to the future via SIN.)

Time Traveler x Blitzball Member **
Time Traveler x Canon ***
Blitzball Member x Time Traveler ***
Blitzball Member x Canon ****
Bodyguard x Summoner***
Time Traveler x Summoner*
Blitzball Member x Al-Bhed **
Time Traveller x Al-Bhed **
Bodyguard x Al-Bhed*
Captive x Al-Bhed***
(I really don't wanna RP as the Al-Bhed.)

Street Urchin x Street Urchin ***
Street Urchin x Pirate ****
Street Urchin x Vierra ***
Street Urchin x Canon ****
Pirate x Pirate **
Pirate x Vierra ***
Pirate x Canon ****
Pirate x Street Urchin **
Judge x Pirate **
Judge x Vierra ***

NORA Member x NORA Member ****
NORA Member x Guardian Corp/PSICOM ***
NORA Member x Canon ****
Guardian Corp/PSICOM x NORA Member **
Guardian Corp/PSICOM x Canon ***
GC/PSICOM x L'Cie ***
L'Cie x GC/PSICOM ****
L'Cie x L'Cie ***

FF: Crystal Chronicles
Clavat x Selkie ****
Selkie x Selkie ***
Clavat x Clavat **
Selkie x Clavat ***
I'm interested in a roleplay - but I'm a little particular on certain things. Are you willing to play a canon for me? If I'm playing one for you. Because I don't do OCxOC pairings - in Canonical settings.
It actually depends on the canon, and if its a canonxcanon thing it also depends on who you'll canon as. The only canons I'll do are for FF8 and thats just Seifer, Squall, or Zell.
Ahh I see. That's sad, as the only FF I really play any canons in , is FF7. Particularly the female Turks from Before Crisis.
Thats the second time I heard that game today, and today is the first time I've heard of that game haha. So I really don't have much to go on with the Before Crisis bit, sorry.

If there's any other pairings you're interested in, let me know.
I love Final Fantasy 8 and I have a couple original characters that would be SEED members or students in training. I wouldn't mind either the CanonxSEEDmember or the SEED memberxSEED Member. If you're still looking for rps.
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