Jugger x Kittykat


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia

(Sorry for the small opening post. I'm really tired but urging myself to stay up and RP.)

The morning had come and the birds sang out throughout the town. Nathan awoke from his bed within the military HQ with a yawn. He got up and looked around to find his clothes. He had slept in his boxers and a tank top that night, and had just put his clothes back on.

Having them on, he fitted his trusty sword on his back. He had an alchemical symbol carved into the hilt so that when it slashed, lightning shot out. He also had a symbol engraved on his palm so he could use lightning based attacked with simply slamming his hand against something.

He looked at the top bunk of the bunk bed and poked his partner to awaken.

Nathan- Hey. Wake up, the day started. Don't get me late again, I'm not gonna take the punishment. AGAIN.
(All good with me)


Gwenne rolled over as the sun shone in her eyes. This was the worst part of the day, getting up. It was soo annoying. She slowly got up, jumping down to put on a millitary uniform over her black top and shorts.
"Calm down Nathan, we har plenty of time..." she laughed, slinging two swords onto her back and sliding her pistol into it's holster. The blades were log and wickedly curved, able to cut through people like butter.
"Alright, I'm ready now... Jeez, you look worried... We won't be late, just calm down and down't get your panties in a bunch." she laughed, walking to the door.
Nathan- Yeah, if the commander didn't have a soft spot for women you'd know WHY I'm in a rush.

Without waiting for her as she walked to the door, he briskly walked past her and started for the meeting room. They were supposed to go to a town-like area in the forest and meet with its HQ. They needed some more men because of the jungle-dwelling rebels.

Nathan- Hurry up.
"Oh come now, I have to take my advantages when I can, right?"
She followed behind him, going somewhat slowly, just to piss him off. She followed quickly, they were still quite far away from the room that thay were headed to. "Besides, he didn't punish you last time because of me, you should be thankful!"
When they finally reached the command room, she laughed.
"I told you we would not be late! Ya could have let me sleep for five more minuts..."
Nathan- To hell with that...I'm tired of getting in trouble cause you want to sleep all day....

After a while, the commander informed them on their next mission for them to take and gave them train tickets that would take them to the Jungle city of Florensia.

Nathan- Are you ready to go? I wanna get there as quickly as possible before anything should happen.
"Hah... Calm down... It's not that bad... Punishments aren't too bad around here..." she laughed and took the ticket from the commander, smiling.
"Thank you very much sir..." she then turned back to Nathen and grinned impishly.
"Yea, yea, let's go, I need some exitement in my life... Hopefully this won't be as dull as our last little tour of duity... We didn't get to fight anyone at all..."
Without waiting for his response, he just walked off, toward the exit.
Nathan- Grr...I actually preferred the peace and quiet. What exactly makes you such a war monger to want to fight anything in you way? You're not even good, I beat you in the last sparring match we had, and I didn't even use alchemy!
She laughed hartely as she walked. "Oh come now, You know I went easy on you right? I didn't wat you to get all angry just beached you lost to a girl, you're really anoying when you lose..." she shot an agry look at him. "Besides, your little alchemy tricks are quite unfair in fights, Ehy can't you Judy learn to use a gun like everyone else?"
Nathan- Because real power is in the sword and how you use it...or enhance it. Either or. Guns, who needs em when I can just push you out the way? They don't call me the Silver Wind Alchemist for nothing.

He raised his right arm, his automail arm. He showed her the engravement on his palm, the alchemist circle and the title he achieved for his work.

Nathan- You try and be this awesome.
"Of course it is Nathen... Of course it is..." she muttered in a sarcastic tone. She steped onto the train, leading him. She found them seats quickly and sat down. She leaned backwards in her new seat, looking at him.
"You forget that without your little magic you couldn't kill a fly, right?" she laughed and handed him her train ticket.
"Give this to the conductor when he comes by... I'm gonna take a nap..." she relaxed into te chair and dozed off to sleep, knowing that she probably wouldn't wake up untill they reached their destination.
"Without my 'magic'...pfft...learn to use alchemy and you'll see just how good it is you little..." He said to himself. He stopped himself short as he handed the tickets to the conductor when he came by. Leaning back, he sighed as he began to thump his automail to make a small clanging sound with each impact of his finger. "This trains gonna be a long one, I can already tell..."
-2 hours later-

Gwenne had slept soundly untill now, about 3/4 into their train ride when the train came to an abrupt stop. There was a loud crashing sound outside and there was an anouncement over the train speakers.
"Attention passengers, please close and lock your doors, someone appears to be trying to get onto the train. Gweene slowly opened her eyes and looked around .
"Nathen, what the hell is going on now?" she didn't hear most of the announcement and was somewhat confused.

There were sounds of fighting outside the cabin, so Gwenne stood up, placing her hand on her gun.
Nathan stood up and looked to Gwenne. "Careful, train robbers...okay...we're military so we can handle them, when I open these doors, I check the left and you check the right and we stay together, got it?" He said as he reached for the door handle.
"Well, Shit, they picked the wrong train to rob, didn't they?" She drew the handgun, and loaded it.
She cracked her neck and her knuckles.
"Alright, let's do this..." she kicked the door open and kept around the corner. Before her partner could do anything, she dashed forward and took a masked man down. She grinned and ran to the next car before them. She was quite battle-ready.
"I said stay together! Dammit!" He called out to her as he rushed after her. He summoned a stone wall behind him to block the corridors so that no one could take them from behind as he raced after Gwenne. "Wait up!!"
By the time Nathan had got to where she was, the was fighting off a group of robbers had surounded her, and she was fighting them back.
"Took ya long enough, little help please..." she kicked one of them in the face and grinned. She wasn't even using her gun, yet she seemed aware of it.
He sighed and summoned a dagger, his weapon of choice for close ranged fights. He ran toward the guards and began to take them on one by one, easily picking them off without killing them with the dagger unless needed. "Gwenne, I got things here, head to the engine room and stop the train!"
"Show off..." Gwenne muttered under her breath and dashed out of the small crowd. She had to take out someone in the engine room but she got the train to come to a standstill. She ran back to check on Nathan, checking on passengers on the way.
"You ok?" She yelled, sliding around the corner.
Nathan nodded, but he was wounded. His shoulder had a cut in it and it was bloody around the area, but he seemed fine. He looked at the pile of robbers that were in a room beside him. "I'm just watching them is all. Are you okay?"
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