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Several Ideas

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Oct 31, 2010
Here are several ideas that I have for roleplaying. I am looking for females in each of these, so if you see one you like feel free to PM me or pitch some of your own ideas! ^_^

1. The male character is sent into this cave to spend the night as part of a dare. The cave is said to be haunted or some superstitious mumbo jumbo. He stumbles upon a girl (who is really a witch or a monster in human form) as he makes camp. It turns out that she seduces those who come by themselves to feed on their energy.

2. The male character is a pimp who hears from a source that this girl has run away from home. He decides to find her and take advantage of her to try and get her to be his newest prostitute. This would involve convincing her that she needs money and that she really needs a paying job which he can give her, but before she can go out on the streets he has to test her first.

3. The female character is sent by her husband to take care of an errand. What she doesn't know is that he is in debt and needs to quickly come up with the money to pay the guy back. He also didn't tell her what the real errand was or that the guy she was sent to find makes porn videos and sells them.

4. The male character has a curse on him. It turns out that no matter who he has sex with, the female partner always ends up dying during an orgasm. It would be easy to abstain from sex, but the problem is that women are somehow naturally attracted to him. In some past cases, women have even gone to lengths to tie him down. He resolves to never have sex again and is always on the move before he can attract anyone. He stays in an area too long and is attracted to a woman even though he knows the consequence. In the end, they both try to look for the cure of the curse before they ultimately lose themselves to their desire.

5. This involves two angels. One is pure and innocent, the other dark. The dark angel has been on Earth taking pleasures in using humans for pleasurable gains. The Pure angel has just been sent to Earth on some sort of mission. The dark angel notices that the pure angel has come to Earth and seduces the other.
*I can play as either the submissive pure angel or the dark dominate angel.*

6. This idea involves a demon (in human form) who spots a pure human. He comes up with this plan to send one of his lesser demons to seduce the pure human's best friend. Eventually the main demon comes down to confront the pure human with an ultimatum: either succumb to his whim or her best friend will be eternally ravished sexually by lesser demons.

7. The war between witches and wizards has been going on for centuries. Only a rare few can even detect the presence of one with magic anymore leaving both factions to hide their power until needed. It was only this decade when wizards found a way to strip a witch of her magical powers and soon after witches found a way to strip a wizard of his powers. This rp involves the template above, but can be used in any setting. The plot would involve a wizard finding out of a witches power and then trying to seduce her to strip her of her power. (roles could be reversed where a witch finds the wizard).

8. Mark had been dumped by his ex a couple days ago. She left him to pursue her roommate who thrills in no strings attached sex. The roommate set her eyes upon Mark's gf and pounced on her bringing her over to the lesbian side. Now it is Mark's turn, to show his ex just what it means to be a man. His plan is to go in and fuck his ex's current gf and show her what it means to have a cock. He would do what was done to him.

9. This is a battle between a super hero and a super villain. The villain has turned the city into chaos by developing a gas which has the inhabitants of the city changing into sex crazed citizens. The super hero of the city comes back (after being away on some other super hero business elsewhere) to find the city in such chaos. She knows who it is and immediately sets out to find the villain, unbeknown to her that he has set a trap for her and is waiting for her.

10. An evil science teacher at a school has created a new plant creature. In order for it to survive, he must feed it life essences of young schoolgirls. He lures them to his laboratory so his tentacled monster can feed.

11. A witch summons a demon, but there is a price to be paid.

*NEW*** 12. Girl gets sent to a tough boarding school, but realizes that the headmaster sells some of the girls during nights as prostitutes.
You have some good ideas that look very intersting,send me a pm and I'll pm you my list of my rps I truly love ot do that are 1X1 only.
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