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Bang, Bang

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Here I am again, looking for RP's. I'll try to keep this short. But I think I'm going to fail miserably at that.

Anyway, my length is somewhat subjective and I don't expect you to follow any strict limits either. Sometimes I can post a hefty post..other times I just post what'll work. I'm a quality over quantity sort of guy, if I get right down to it I prefer more ways to move the RP forward than a ton of detail, unless I'm feeling particularly picky.

On that note, also. If people feel so inclined to see examples of my work, I'll probably post a link or two to what I can do, because I'll probably scout out for the same, I do want a quality experience

My main genre is modern/military stuff, I'm a pretty big gun nut so it sort of comes as part of the deal. Gunplay is very much a favorite with me, realism isn't always necessary but being a gun-nut it kinda seeps through sometimes.

What I can also do is:
General Anime feel plots and situations.

Fandoms to come at a later date, since I have a shitton of them. And I guess some sort of fetish list or a rabbit hole at some point.
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