Fable 3 (Jugger x Intangible)


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia

The day is bright over Albion today. The prince lays asleep in bed only to be awoken by his loyal butler Jeeves (Jasper in the game). Jeeves tells Prince Nathan that it is time to wake up, and he also wakes up his companion, Dog (The dog is literally started off named Dog and I kept it that way). Getting up, Nathan puts on his clothes and walks out to the balcony. From his view, he can see the garden that he personally ordered to be modified in an area for him and his friend to train under Sir Darian (Walter in the game). Nathan exits the castle and heads to the garden to await in the small arena as he waits for Darian and his rival to come and join him for the day's sparring.

Keera woke with a start. Her bright violet eyes popped open as she snapped into a sitting position. It took several minutes to fade out of the nightmare and slow her breathing. Once she had, it was hard to remember what dream had frightened her so. Perhaps it was of a coming battle - stage fright, that was all. A quick glance out the window into the courtyard told her she was late for practice. Nathan was already there.

"Dammit," she muttered, leaping out of bed and throwing on her sparring gear in a hurry. The light leather armor covered only her most vulnerable spots while giving her increased agility and ease of movement. As she sped down the stairs, she pulled her wavy firetruck red hair back into a messy bun. Someone's argument caught her attention as she ran. She looked back, righting her gaze just in time to avoid running headlong into her rival.

"Oops, sorry. About being late I mean. What did I miss?"
Nathan- Damn Keera, for once you got here before Darian. Where the heck is he? He's later than usual...hm...

He looked around the garden but still no sign of him. The only presence were the guards and any visitors walking around that were noble and/or lived in the castle along with the royal members.

Nathan- So, ready to lose? Shall we spar before Darian comes back?
Keera scoffed at his assumption that he'd beat her. Typical male, she thought. "Dream on little boy," she shot back with a smirk. Even though he was a bit older than her, 'little boy' had a nice sting to it. She patted his cheek, condescending, then stepped back so she was facing him. "Don't worry, I'll go easy on you since Darian isn't here to save your ass." Her competitive nature had kicked in, a shot of adrenaline shedding what little drowsiness had remained after sleep.
Nathan chuckled and drew his sword. It was a nice scarlet red sword, thin but longer than most swords used by normal Albion soldiers. He stepped back and smirked at her. ″You can't beat me. Not this time anyway. Ladies first Big Red.″She was taller than him slightly, so he nicknamed her Big Red, mostly because of her hair.

He looked up to see his brother Logan watching the fight. This made Nathan want to win more to prove to his brother he was just as good as any other soldier rather than just a simple minded person following everyone else. He kept his fighting stance for when Keera would come to attack.

Nathan- What're ya waiting for? Comin?
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