The Erotic Adventures of "Oh Wicked Wanda" (special invite for Peter Legend)


Oct 12, 2010
New England area USA
The LADY guns her newest toy ~a custom~ built orginal 160~mph Supo Delecto Peniso Flagrante, sport car, barely running over an old man in a wheelchair. With the licence plate glaring the letters "FKU2"!


The sound of tires squealing on pavement and the deafening thunder of the 6-liter V-12 engine as each throbbing, pulsating piston pumps in and out those cylinder walls in one massive orgy of 660 thrusting horsepower. The door opens and out emerges a tall statuesque Woman wearing tight leather pants and towering on daunting spiked heels

This the Rich Heiress, Wanda Von Kreesus, in all Her regal splendor, known by ALL at the old castle residence Schloss, as an unyielding, shit-kickin', ball-busting, no mercy MISTRESS... WICKED WANDA! The staff clears the way for HER as She enter the front door... some even cower in dreadful fear in Her very presence...


The messages flashes on the computer screen for special agent "Mister Peter Legend" (obviously an alias) Long range satellite imagery detect a rather large pedestrian body count near Lake Zurich in Switzerland. Your mission, if you decide to take it, is to investigate and report your findings to HQ. Caution is advised, Central Centrol believes there's something WICKED afoot.
Sitting in the high backed chair before the computer, Peter Legend weaved his fingers together, contemplating the grave alert. "Hmm... he said aloud to himself. Seems trouble's afoot." He rose and prepared a traveling case. He preferred to travel light so he made sure to bring only the lightweight red, white, and blue spandex suit (not the heavily armored one- that would just be silly) and his "travel size" grappling hook. Content with another job well done he changed to a civilian disguise and caught the first available flight to Switzerland.

Disembarking several hours later, he retrieved his luggage and flagged the first available cab. "Lake Zurich, my good man" he commanded, adjusting his thick framed glasses he used to disguise his true nature. "And don't spare he horses!"
A beautiful brunette heiress to a multi-million-dollar fortune, Wanda Von Kreesus ran a bank which, among other things, contained secrets that could bring down world governments. As a “man-hating” lesbian, She would have a handful of male 'toys' whom she would use and abuse until they died of exhaustion, her sexual preference was almost exclusively for Women.

Before I enter the inner chambers, I alerted security to guard the outer gate and passageways for any intruders who foollishly found their way here. Throughout My adventures, I have been assisted by My elite army of “butch-dikes,” the Puss International Force, or PIF, the commander of which was General German Grrrr.

Deep in the bowels of the dungeon depth awaits the laboratory where diabolical, deviate SEX eperiments are conducted by My resident Mad Scientist, Doctor Homer Sapiens...


...Sapiens was a sadism masochist who enjoyed nothing better than a beating from Wanda, either as a reward or as a punishment, so either way he won.

"What DO you have for Me today, Doctor?" I utter obviously excited about the prospect of some evil device that would asist My sinister scheme of total World Domination.
As the cab pulled into the town square in Lake Zurich, the cab driver advised the square jawed blond in the back seat, "Be sure to see der castle during joor stay, sir. Der mistress does so like to vilcome guests from out o' town. Vould you like me to drive you dair now?"

This wasn't the hero's first dance, as they say. He could smell a set up a mile away (converted slightly to kilometers at the moment, of course). But he also knew the best way to find a trap was to spring it.

"Yes, of course," he stated with measured assurance. "The castle."

And away they down the road they sped. Their destination: the fortress-like abode of the towns unofficial ruler and mistress, Wanda Von Kreesus.
While waiting for The DOCTOR I decide to check on My menagerie of human pets on display...

"Alas... a product of one of my Sex experiments who, unfortunately, gone awry!" Skulking in an iron metal cage is a blonded, oiled, bronze tanned, healthy look male specimen. One couldn't help but marvel at his awesome manly physique, his broad shoulders, flat hard pectorals that jut nicely over that cobbled stomach and well define chest, nicely rounded ass... and a sex organ that'll make any girl cream her panties for. I explain how in the attempt to create (every woman's fantasy) a man with a perpetual HARD-on, I might have "accidentally" fried his brain a little. Now, he has to be kept on a collar and leash cuz he has no control of his sexual libido anymore. To prove the point I pull on the leash tied to his huge, hanging balls and his cock jerks and gets harder, bobbing obscenely between his legs.

"We have to train him as a DOG now! See, he knows all sorts of doggie tricks like cum on command, play fetch the dildo and even knows now to bury the boner! Watch this!" I extent My smooth nylon leg out into his cage and REX happily finds him on it. His hairy balls resting against the pointed tip of My shoe and his hot canine cock sliding up and down My smooth sexy leg. In a furious fuck the sweaty dog-man gurgles and grunts and finally cums. "LOOK WHAT YOU"LL DONE, FIDO!!!" I hiss. "ARE YOU PROUD OF YOURSELF BOY! YOU'VE GOT DOG CUM ON MY LEG!"

Beware, trespassers who venture onto My estate might suffer a similar fate!
Lightning struck in the distance as the cab approached the gate that marked to border to the Von Kreesus estate. The cab driver pulled up to the gate and the door locks released. "Zees is as far as I go, sir. May the mistress smile upon you."

As the well built blond man exited the vehicle and collected his luggage he looked around. Deciding no prying eyes were watching he donned his costume becoming world renowned adventure and all-around hero extraordinaire, Peter Legend: Man of Action!

He leaped over the gate like a pommel horse and made his way stealthily to the castle's entrance.
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