New Ninja to Konoha [Neko_Mari and Jugger82]


Oct 28, 2010
Time had been kind to Sakura in the recent year.

Konoha was at peace, Tsunade still in charge, and the threat of Akatsuki had been silenced. Now the ninjas lived their daily lives and did missions as they arose. The time of peace was greatly embraced by many, but there were still instances where chaos erupted. Sakura was about to find herself right in the middle of one of those situations, only she didn’t know it yet.

She was on her way back from a secluded village, sent out on a mission to retrieve some special herbs to be used with the research herself and other medical ninjas were conducting. It was important work, Tsunade herself watching over the project. Sakura prided herself on her medical knowledge, but also her skills as a shinobi. Her life had been hard when she started down the path; losing a friend to an unfortunate circumstance and watching her other one suffer alongside her.

But with time all wounds healed and Sakura’s heart had done just that. She was stronger, more confident, independent, and sure of herself now. Always walking with her head held up high, she would smile at others and greet them as if they’d known each other for years. She had gained immense respect through the events that had transpired years prior, along with Naruto, and was considered a great asset to Konoha. Now, in her 18th year of life within the village she knew she was where she belonged.

Travelling by tree, as they usually did, Sakura easily leapt from branch to branch, her eyes staring forward the whole time as her body moved with grace. It was so natural, travelling this way to her, even in her heeled sandals. Her outfit was a slight variation of what she used to wear; her family symbol still imprinted on the back of the red vest she wore zipped up over her torso. Still wearing the skirt/short combo she used too, Sakura looked rather similar to how she had in her youth a few years back. The material of her outfit had changed, the colors darker now, but this was something that added a sense of maturity to her frame. She had elected to keep her hair shorter, the forehead protector tied behind the front of her hair as always, but the way it was cut had changed, a bit longer in places but shorter in others. It was something she was constantly experimenting with.

She was completely unaware that there was a fight going on until she was midair, suddenly sensing the chakura in the air. Determined to investigate why there was such a thing going on so close to the village, she immediately veered off of her path and headed straight for the source of the massive amounts of chakura being used.

(I can play Naruto if you want but I'm not really sure how Shippuuden Naruto acts. Never really got to watching it. Is Naruto there right now in this scene or is he even alive at all?)

Nathan Stone
Chakra Element: Ice
Specialty: Illusionist Jutsus, Projectile Jutsus

Nathan was fending off three rogue ninja bandits as he had traveled through the forest. He had many rare items of interest with him from his travels, all kept in a bag behind his back. The bag was now cut open and all the material things had spilled out over the battlefield as the ninja lackies scooped up the treasure. Nathan was fending himself off from the leader of the rogues, someone who used a sword.

All Nathan could do was dodge and occassionally kick now and then, though he wasn't that good of a ninja, especially up close. He usually, whenever he had to fight, was pick off opponents one at a time using small jutsus that he knew or trick them with illusions that an experienced ninja could see past. Soon the leader caught Nathan across the shoulder with the sword and it ran down to his chest. The force sent Nathan into a tree where he limped against it as he tried to stop himself from bleeding.

Nathan- D-Damn...I...I'm gonna die...! Just take it and go!

Leader- Oh no, we're not letting you go after you tried to defend yourself with that cheap ice pellet crap. You're going to die slowly and painfully.

He snickered and approached him slowly and threateningly.
At this point, Sakura was close enough to hear what was being said and was already pulling her gloves on with her teeth. Cracking her knuckles, she grabbed a few shuriken and immediately threw them through the forest. Two nicked one of the accomplices that was with the leader, and Sakura burst out of cover of the trees screaming like she usually did. Her leg was extended out and came down swiftly on the leader's head. Using her chakura induced strength, she send him flying into the earth, a small crater forming before her. Immediately lifting her gaze, she charged toward the two that were with the leader.

In the brief glance she had over the ninja that was being attacked, Sakura had already assessed that he was hurt and going to need medical attention. But being alone as she was, she would have to quiet the threats before her first before administering treatment. Using the tools all ninja's had, along with some clone jutsu, she was soon outnumbering the ninjas that were attacking the injured one and had them retreating. She noticed that they dropped some of the injured ninja's items but didn't pay attention to it for the moment. Shifting the gloves on her hands, she walked toward the injured ninja and eyed the unconscious leader. Lifting him out of the crater, she growled at him before tossing him head first into the tree line, flying thought he air for hundreds of feet.

Patting her hands as she removed her gloves, she muttered to herself about how stupid they were. Opening her eyes, she assessed the injured ninja and immediately pressed her bare palms to his chest, releasing a small amount of her chakura to heal the wounds. "Just sit still," she said softly. "I'll have you patched up in no time. Do you know those guys? Or was it a random attack?" Her green eyes locked onto those of the injured ninja. She had to determine whether the group was a rouge one, or if they were a serious threat to Konoha.
Nathan- T-That was just...a random attack...I fought them before whenever I travel through here...once or twice before...They're just a band of thieves...ambushing people and murdering...

He looked at the girl that was before him, a strong medical ninja capable of doing....well...that. Nathan looked at the crater that had formed and back at the girl. He had never met her before, but then again he hardly stayed in Konoha and it'd been a year since he had last been here to look at the rare items around. Feeling better, he relaxed a bit against the tree but frowned at his rare accommodies. All either broken, dented, dirtied, or just of no value whatsoever anymore, minus the shuriken he had in his bag.

Nathan- W-Who are you? I never knew a ninja...a medical ninja...could have so much strength....!
Sakura nodded in understanding when the ninja before her spoke. A random group hmm? Well it sounds like they've been around for awhile. I wonder why no one has dealt with this problem before. I will definitely have to take this up with Tsunade-sama... Sakura thought to herself. It was especially important that she report the incident to her mentor right away. Immediately lifting from the crouched position near the man, she pulled her gloves back on as she answered his questions.

"I am a medical ninja yes, but I have the strength I do through intense training and endurance." Smirking a bit, she flexed her arm a bit as chakura. "It's something Konoha has been working on for a few years." Letting her energy dissipate, she reached her hand down to help the stranger stand up and eyed his things. "I'm really sorry about all of this. I am certain that the group will be dealt with swiftly though as soon as I make the report about them. Justice will be served." Pushing some of her pink hair back, she gazed at the stranger once more before motioning toward Konoha. "You should get some rest as soon as possible. The village isn't far, I would advice retiring there. I am heading that way myself, I can travel with you if you desire."
Nathan stood up and nodded. He looked around seeing the fallen items he'd collected for so long lay to waste, but material possessions like these weren't worth crying over. He was mad about the fact the time he used trying to get it all was wasted however. He looked at Sakura.

Nathan- Thanks...I'll be happy to join may not look it, but I'm actually a ninja myself too...well...not an official ninja but...I am able to use my chakra for some types of Jutsu. I specialize in illusions and projectile ice attacks...though they aren't that good. lead...I'll be right behind you.

He looked up in the air for something. He walked out a bit as he looked through the top of the trees trying to find something.

Nathan- Wonder where he went...Nano, Nano! Where are you!?

A small owl-like bird came falling down from the trees. It landed with a plop but it looked like it was having fun as it fell.

Nathan- There you are.
Sakura had seen many pets and familiars in her time as a ninja. Even Tsunade, her mentor and commander, had a special pet named Ton Ton that was a pig. Kiba, a fellow ninja from her graduating class, was partnered with a dog named Akamaru. Sakura herself had no familiar, but it didn't bother her. Used to her ungodly strength and healing abilities, she knew that was where her specialty was.

She couldn't help herself but smiling softly at the tiny little owl, and watched it with curiosity for a few moments before returning her attention to the stranger she had saved. "What an interesting familiar." she would say quietly before offering the stranger a smile. Pondering the fact that he wasn't an official ninja yet, Sakura wasn't surprised that he was unable to protect himself from the group. Perhaps with some training he would be able to provide such defensive measures in the future.

Crossing her arms slowly before her, she furrowed her brow in thought for a few moments before turning toward the village, glancing off. Noting where the sun was in the sky, she knew she really needed to get moving, and bringing a stranger with her would slow her down a bit, but not by much. Smirking a little coyly, Sakura flicked some of her shortened pink locks over her shoulder and called out to the stranger. "Well, we should get moving if we want to get there by sundown." She winked playfully before darting up into the tree cover once more, slowly jumping across the tree branches. Anyone who had some ninja training should be able to keep up with her, especially since she wasn't going that fast.
Hearing her, Nathan nodded as he noticed how late it was. He turned to look at his fallen treasures once more before turning to see the owl fly off after Sakura.

Nathan- W-wait!

He dashed after her and was hardly keeping up. He hoped she would stop so they can walk a more gentle pace. He didn't mind if they arrived late, but it occurred to him she might be in a hurry. He ran faster hoping to catch up.
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