I love this job~! {ClonexCinn}


Oct 7, 2010

Assassination. That was what she was built for. She was fairly strong, but she also avoided alchemy and guns. The young woman appeared nothing more than a Xingese traveler. Though there was much more to her than that. She'd been hired to do something for some Ishvalan rebels, as a slight grin stayed on her features. Her eyes cast back and forth, as though she were lost, hoever she was really looking for someone. There never really was too much to do here in the North. She'd followed a certain man here, to assassinate him. The young woman held her coat tighter, as she walked along the rather crowded roads. Despite it being winter-like all year round, she wasn't all that well clothed for the weather. She hadn't been expecting it to be this cold!

Being from Xing, she was used to hot temperatures, and had never been out in the snow before. Aoi shivered briefly as she rubbed her arms. Even the heavy jacket she wore did nothing to quell her chattering teeth.

Honestly, there wasn't much she could do about it, but she was sure as hell still going to try. She narrowed here eyes suddenly, spotting her target as she continued to glance around, her eyes only landing on him a moment, before continuing along their lost gaze pattern. She would follow him until he was in an alleyway, going for a shortcut. She smirked slightly to herself, and slipped in the alleyway behind him, slipping up quickly behind her target, flinging her shuriken at his back.

"Hnn. I wasn't expecting the 'Great Red Lotus Alchemist' to be so careless." She sneered, as she lowered her arm, shrugging off her jacket as she smirked at him, she was ready to fight, her black hair hidden in a bun up above her head, and her bright red eyes focused on him. The eyes may have tipped some off that she wasn't completely Xingese, in fact she had a bit of Ishvalan blood running within her veins alongside her mostly Xingese heritage. Though she had absolutely no clue about this, and a smirk was on her features. Kimblee had been in the Ishvalan war, and he most likely would notice that her eyes were red, and obviously not Xingese, comparing it to the rest of her body, however, she was obviously not pure blooded Ishvalan either.
He spent all day getting the ingredients to the right place. Normally he would have taken out the entire block but that’s not how they wanted it done. By noon he was almost ready to set it off, only he felt like he was being watched. Reaching into his pockets he felt the marbles smooth cool with enough kick to blow off an arm. Her smiled and decided to wait the bomb was almost finished no point in letting it go to waste.

Kimblee was on a job for central, normally he was not so on task but the latest assignment was right up his alley a real blast. He was ready to set of the bomb hundreds of gallons of explosives running through the pipes of a major pain in the governments back side. Just then a shiver ran down his spine someone was watching him. “Knotty, Knotty” he did not like to run but even he could not blow someone to chunks and get away with it in public.

The figure was not that big, a woman or a young man either way it would be hard to make a big bomb before she was on him. The blade sliced through his coat falling to the ground it exploded in a shower of smoke and stone. Turning around he held a marble between is thumb and forefinger. “An I did not think an assassin would talk so much” Normally he would have already spattered the girl but he had to know what she knew. Damn bureaucrats always breathing down his neck burring him in paper work.

The small marble was as powerful as a hand grenade and in his hand far more accurate the best part was he had the btter part of a hundred. “So tell me before you die miss assassin what is you’re name so I can carve it on you’re tomb stone” Not the most original comeback but he had work to do and the bitch was bothering him. He aimed for her arms and legs, she would make a good distraction or a better fall girl.
Giving him a smirk, the woman sighed, he'd blown up her shuriken and that annoyed her. She fell silent at his mocking, eyes cold, before leaping backwards a bit, with a grin. "Oh, don't worry, I'm not that stupid." She grinned, as she leapt up to the wall, and dashed along it, to get behind him, holding one of her kunai out, as she attempted to get his arm when she flounced past him.

She knew plenty about the government, but she wasn't about to let him know that. She grinned at him as she pushed off of the wall, and landed behind him, almost delicately. A smirk was still on her features as she glared at him. It annoyed her, sincerely that he took her so lightly. Sure she was responsible for many deaths, but that was all part of the fun in her eyes. She wouldn't give in that easily and she was sure as hell strong enough to take him on if he couldn't use his alchemy. So maybe that should have been her first course of action against a State Alchemist, take out his power supply, his hands. But no, she hadn't thought of that until now. She narrowed her eyes, and slammed her knee towards his back.

"Well now, you're a lot slower than I'd heard~" She jeered right back at him, with a sadistic grin crossing her features. Sure she wasn't all that good of a person, and she was sure as hell willing to cause him pain before killing him....If only she knew anything about the Philosopher's Stone. She honestly didn't, and so she wouldn't really be able to kill him. She placed a hand on her left hip, letting her gaze tell him she wasn't going to be easy to defeat, she was most definitely sadistic, and ready for a hell of a fight!
He caught the next spinning metal blade with his belt he was no boxer but he could throw a punch when he wanted to “Come girl can you only play with butter knives” He tossed the belt and blade at he taking out a section of the wall. As her knee slammed into his back ten marbles flew into the air. He smiled pressing his body to the wall a smile on his face he loved it the smell of scorched flesh.

“Tell me if a ten foot section of wall falls into a 10 foot alley how hard will it squash a bug” the wall mostly in tact began to fall towards her. He watched it fall slowly as he began to climb the wall using the handholds he made. As he reached the top he felt a wash of hot air before the wall smashed into the alley floor. The only thing he could see was dust and smoke billowing out like a storm cloud.

“You again I should have known dropping a building on you would not be enough” slowly he rotated his arm making sure the bitch had not hurt him too back. He already had lost his favorite jacket. Jumping back he watched half the building collapse on top of the smaller single story shop he already half destroyed.

“Such a shame so young so viscous so hot”he turned to leave discarding his glasses and placing a hat on his head. He could smell it the scent of life death lingers a sweat scent that you never forget this was life. “Come on do I have to knock the entire city to burry you” he asked throwing his hands up towards the heavens.
Aoi narrowed her eyes angrily. Crap, this battle wasn't going quite how she wanted it to...Her bright red eyes widened slightly when he caught the kunai, and narrowed her eyes further, as she dashed out of the way when he flung it back at her. 'Bah! This is not going too well...!' She closed her eyes, feeling the wall beginning to fall down. 'A BUG!? If that bastard thinks he can get away with calling me a bug, he's got another thing coming!' She thought to herself as she sprinted down the alleyway, trying to get out the other side, unluckily for her, the wall finished falling, and caught her too close, smacking her down to the ground harshly.

"Gah..." She yelped softly, and barely managed to get up from the ground in time to run out of the way of the next wall, "Shit, shit, shit!" She hissed beneath her breath as she sprinted around the corner, panting, and glaring back at the wall. It would be easiest to scale up the wall, to try and confront him directly rather than having to sprint around, when she was already out of breath, and trying to avoid his attacks when she couldn't attack him. Aoi narrowed her eyes quickly and ran from one wall, straight at the other, before suddenly turning around and sprinting up to the top of the building that Kimblee was on, eyes narrowed.

She grabbed onto the ledge of the roof, and flung herself over the side, landing behind him with a mocking grin. "I guess it's harder to kill a bug than you thought it would be, isn't it, you bastard?" She sneered, as she grabbed about eight kunai and shuriken from her sleeves, getting ready to fight again. "Honestly..." She hissed, before dashing at him. "Don't underestimate me~"
He brought the tube to his mouth a dozen beads ready “You think I am even trying to kill you” he laughed the beads spread out exploding in midair forming a wall of smoke he leapt forward holding out his arm. Did he get her or not what ever happened he rolled out of the way avoiding a dozen blades on sank into his calf mussel. “Bitch you really love sharp thinks” Leaping over the side he began shooting beads into the building. The floors began to collapse on after the other until the building was gone.

landing on the ruble his leg gave out and he fell smashing through a half pain of glass cutting himself up something fierce. “I know I know you are not dead” grabbing the shuriken he yanked pulling back a bloody blade. Limping he began to gather ingredient in a bag his special fire bomb a good old home recipe. “Come on bitch I have something for you” blood leaked down his boot leaving a trail.

He found another blade in his arm he was not cut out for this run and gun fighting already he wanted to pass out. “Come on bitch come get some” he would have to fool her get her close enough to the blast while not getting hit himself. “Come on don’t you want to finish me off” he was not sure how she was alive she should have been dead eight times over, that was it she was some kind of cat chimaera. “Here kitty kitty”
He knew what Aoi was, but she didn't know just yet. She sure as hell wasn't dead yet, and she hadn't been killed just yet. Though she'd been stuck on the building when it collapsed in on her. She groaned, now stuck beneath a pile of rubble. Aoi hissed softly as she struggled to try and get out from beneath the rubble, but wasn't able to manage it, just yet. She was getting beaten up pretty badly already from him, but she couldn't tell for sure if she'd been able to hit him with her mix of kunai and shuriken.

"Shit..." She hissed in pain, rubbing her forehead as she slowly tried to move the rubble off of herself, at least it wasn't as devastating as a wall landing on her would be. She winced, rolling onto her back when she finally got all of the rubble off of her, and panted, trying to catch her breath. "Gah..." She winced slightly. It hurt a hell of a lot, so she wasn't able to move just yet, and she could also feel her vision getting blurry. Oh hell no. She couldn't pass out here....! But her brain just didn't want to work, eyes falling closes as she moaned softly in pain. "God damn..."
He held up the tube he had to know if she was dead or not he had to know “Come on kitty I just want to give you some milk” he dove through a window glass fell of his shirt along with dirt and explosive residue. He landed next to her it was clear she was even in worse shape then him “Tell me kitty why did you start a fight with me” he threw a stun charge no shrapnel no gas of fire just enough to knock the wind out of her. Was she alone or was there an entire team of them waiting to tear him apart.

“You will pay for every cut” he moved closer was she down or would she have a few more lives tucked away. She was attractive and she was one of those one of the people he first learned the art of explosion on. “Tell me what are you red eyed freaks doing among good god fearing people of science” he wanted to kill her to thin one of those dirty people would come so close to doing him in. “Tell me arms or legs first” he asked he knew enough about a human any human body to take them apart piece by piece.
She glowered at the man towering above her, and grimaced. She felt the stun charge thrown into her stomach, and yelped, having the breath knocked out of her, as she struggled to get up. "Heh, red eyes don't mean shit! I'm Xingese for all I care to know!" She snarled in response to him, with a smirk. She knew that it got on his nerves that she got so close to killing him, but it also bothered her, that she couldn't take him down. She was a lone assassin, there wasn't anyone with her, after all an assassin with her tastes preferred to be alone, she never did work well with others. She glared at him angrily as he stepped closer to her, and narrowed her eyes, trying to get up, still.

"Heh...I may be down, but I'm not letting you take me apart!" She hissed at him, angrily, as she panted. Aoi was trying to get her breath back, still, and she was trying her damndest to not pass out. She was sure as all hell going to give it her all, if he tried to kill her, but her vision was fading in and out of focus, and blackness. She wasn't sure how much longer she could keep this up.
“Well I cant interrogate you until you are better” he lifted her up praying she did not stab him in the neck. Despite being a crime highway the sewers were not guarded or patrolled he found his way to his base in only a few minutes. The girl was a lot heavier the she looked most of it would turn out to be weapons. He had to admit as he ran his finger over her naked stomach that she was not hard on the eyes. “I cant do much yet but when I Finnish I will know you re mother name and favorite color”

“Now tell me xingese why are you trying to kill me, I mean I have my fans but none so persistent as you” he ran his finger over her body the table was lined with transmutation circle if she got up she would blow up. “I warn you move to fast and there wont be enough left to fill a tea spoon” he would have plenty of time to get out of the way or sop he planned. Her ran hsi finger up the inside of her leg over her hip and up her armpit to her hand. “Tell me who wired you to kill me”
Aoi narrowed her eyes, though she wasn't able to resist, nor was she able to stab him, far too tired to do so. She was easily picked up, and taken to his base. She grimaced as he stripped her, all too easily of her clothes, and her weapons. She snarled bitterly at him, and attempted to move to get up, but then she saw the transmutation circle. It registered in her brain that despite being fast, she wouldn't be able to survive being blown up...She flinched, however, feeling his finger run along her stomach, and hissed bitterly, as she grabbed his hand on her stomach, "Don't touch me...!" She snarled.

Flinching a bit, she felt his other hand wander the upper thigh of her leg, and grit her teeth, as he ran it up her hip to her hand. "Ch-Che..." She grimaced again as she struggled to not move too quickly, she had heard his comment about the transmutation circle, and glared at him. "I'm not telling you anything..." She hissed in response.
Picking through her cloths he found enough cutlery to start a small shop. “Look after you tell me what I need to know you can go to a nice cell with a medic” slowly he began to take of his cloths he did not care what she did. He began to whistle a little tune as she shed his shirt and pants throwing them off into a corner. He had to admit she was the best chance he was going to get to relieve some pressure. “It will end one way and one way only if you don’t tell me what io want to know you die”

Slowly he climbed onto the table unlike his quest he knew the exact tolerances of the circle. “Now I know you don’t want me to do this so talk” he began kissing up her neck then down licking around her nipples. Truth was after killing so many people he began to miss the simple thing like coffee and sex. His hands moved up and then between her legs if she fought back it would only be more pun. “Now talk” he demanded as he roughly shoved two fingers into her unguarded sex.
Aoi grimaced as he dug through her clothes, removing the cutlery and weapons, narrowing her eyes as she glared back at him. He removed his shirt and then his pants. She glowered at him, from her rather strange position on the floor, and tried to keep her fists from clenching, she had a small idea of what he planned on doing, and she had enough pride to make sure that wouldn't happen, but he was suddenly on top of her, obviously he knew the alchemic properties much better than she did, and was able to move around without blowing them both up.

She flinched suddenly as he began to kiss her tender neck, and proving that she most likely was rather new to this sort of torture. She glared at him, as he began to kiss down to her hardened nipples, and shrieked in surprise, from his tongue. "G-Get the hell off!" She snarled in response as she slipped her hands up to try and push him off. She felt his hands move to her legs, and gasped softly when he pressed his two fingers up inside of her, and flinched, letting out a soft moan of surprise. She wasn't used to this at all. She glared back at him, ".....Who hired me?" She asked, bitterly glaring at him, as she finally responded. "Ishvalan's of course, wouldn't it be obvious to someone who tried to kill an entire race off the face of Amestris?!" She snarled back at him.
He laughed not a human laugh of mirth but one born of the deepest levels of hell an inhuman laugh. “They couldn’t hire a clown for a child’s birthday” roughly he pulled out his hand and shoved in three fingers. Never many in number central outspent the entire mut race in a week roughly he bit down on her chest. “I mean who bank rolled you don’t tell me you are some kind of avenging angel” with that he pulled out pushing four fingers into her sex only an inch or so at this rate he would never get his entire hand inside of her.

“Tell me which traitor general is paying you to kill me” he laughed moving his hand to lick his finger clean of her juices. He then bit her chest again hard enough to leave an imprint of his teeth on her chest. “Was it Mr flame alchemist that fool would have let me wrought in jail” he wondered if she knew the military well enough to know all there nicknames like the crystal alchemist. “Tell me bitch who paid for you to try and kill me” he thrust his hand into her managing to get it up to his second knuckles. Already she was bleeding but that’s what the drugs were for. “Now tell me before I rip you apart who the traitor is I did not let you catch me just to kill some puke assassin”
Aoi glared at him, flinching at his laugh, and glowered at him, before letting out a yelp as he suddenly yanked his hand out, and then shoved it back in. "G-Gah!" She cried out in surprise, as he bit down on her chest, and winced, letting out a soft whimper of pain, before clenching her teeth together, bitterly as she glared at him. "I don't know who paid!" She hissed, "The man who's behind the payments? I don't know who it is, he just gave them the money to pay for my services." She hissed back at him, before cringing as he bit into her chest, letting out a slight gasp of pain before she breathed in, and tried to calm her breath once more.

She glared at him once again, as she thought a moment, about what he said, the Flame Alchemist...? She surely knew the man's title, and she knew most of their titles, as she had to research them before she left on this assignment. She grimaced as he thrust his hand into her, making her bleed more, and she cringed further. "G-Gah!" She cried out, as he threatened her. She clenched her fists tighter together, as she felt him slam his hand into her, further.
He laughed she was like a butterfly pinned to a piece of wax paper beautiful but unable to move or fight him. “Then maybe I should find another use for you I mean you are a woman, I am a man” he hated everyone they were at best fuel and at worst an obstacle. He smiled as he fit in the last of his hand. She was so tight that he could barley move his hand even lubed up with all her blood and other bodily fluids. “Now if you bit this I will cut you and let you bleed to death” slowly he mounted her head holding her nose he pushed his cock in. He felt her gag as he reached her throat pushing in to his balls. He wondered what he should do and considered hanging her from the wall. “Now my little captive what should I do with an assassin who has nothing to say” he could hand her over to the military or just dump her in the desert another body to add to a war that never ended. "Tell me how you want it"
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