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Looking For Partner: Cannon SuperHero x Made-Up Villian [Full Details inside]

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Aug 20, 2010
**The Super Hero can change depending on which one if your favortie superhero. I am just using Batman/Nightiwng Beacuse they are my favorite and I know that most about their pasts

Rp Idea: Batman or Nightwing, In choice, leave Gotham (The reason can by up by you) and trys to restablish themselves in a brand new city that is covered with crime. The Super hero meets both new and old enemies and allies.

Looking For: I would love to have a Hero x Villian Pairing. Of course I would love to have the Hero be Either Batman or Nightwing. Althought I am willing to entertain the idea of a Made-Up Hero. I do wanna play as a Villian. I have created a brand new Villianess that uses Telepathic powers and I would love the chance to try her out. The Details with who plays Which character can be worked out later.

If romance happens in the Rp I would like to be either MxF or MxM. With redarges to Romance I have it in my mind that Batman or Nightwing devolps a crush on the Oposite character when they are not in costum. That leave a place to twist and turn that story to either break up they realtionship in some sort of way and let the two lovers and enimies for a while or Turn that super hero over the the Dark Side of the law.

I am a Fexibale Person when it comes to Rping. I do not mind that Facts about Canon Character are made up as you go. Just as long as the Characters personality remains in tact. Like the Titles Says I am looking for a Semi-lit Rp Patner. Althought you do not have to be up to that level to Rp with me. If you just give me post with good detail I will be happy. I do with to warn people this is my first attempt to Rp this sort of thing and it might take me a while to get into a good grove. I woulkd like to Rp over a Privte board on Menewsha. Althought I am willing to Rp over the Privte Messgae System or a Messenger. To tell the truth I so not might if the Rp consists of heavey sex. I just ask that there is still some story to the Rp.

I you have any question or If you would like to Rp with me please drop me a Private Message or post on this thread. I will be sure to get back to you as soon as I see you message.
Hey Sun.

I would be more than willing do do a fun Superhero vs Villain story. Could you post a bit more about your character, looks/personality/powers/clothing/etc.
You piqued my interest as I too crave these things, even have it posted in my request page.

Do you have a problem with the hero to be younger than the female? 18-21 year old?. It adds realism as his youthfulness gives her the opportunity to slowly turn him, as I could not imagine a battle grizzled batman to give in to her wishes.

How a bout a younger Nightwing, who just left batman to find his own path. Now in a new city, he has to find his path in all this chaos.

Hope to hear from you soon,
Sure I can tell you more about my character. Personal I like working out the details over the Pm system. I will send you a message in just one second.
I have finaly sent it. Sorry for the long wait. Its the first time I put her full background story onto paper and I wanted to make sure that I had not missed anything. Tell me what you think ^^
As I said in the pm, A fun build.

I like the fact that she is not..'evil" but someone forced into that life. It adds depth and strengthens her personality. If your approve of my pm, we could start off if you want.
actually I am interested unfortanately I am not that much into DC. in fact when it comes to super heroes i know of Batman, Flash and Superman. (As the only DC heroes.) But my Marvel knowledge is far more advanced and I love Spiderman. If it has to be Batman or Nightwing (Which i believe is Robin) I may be able to do that. But As i said I would prefer to play one I'm more acustomed to) (Which in terms as mainly Spiderman.)
That for the good review of my character Falssche. I can not wait to Rp with you.

As for Gashnaw, Spider man is one of my favorite Marvel character. I would love to try and do and Rp opposite to him. I will send you a Pm Right way so we can work out the detail ^^
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