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Christian Rock Music


Oct 13, 2010
Well I am a really huge fan of music, I find in music a way to get out of reality and embrace another world. A couple of years ago I was turned from being a person who heard a lot of satanic and heavy metal music like MM and Ozzy. Now I hear Demon Hunter and a few others christian rock music. Now my question is, what is your opinion of christian Rock music. If you still don't believe that is possible I beg you to watch this....

Now I ask, what is your opinion about christian rock
<.< There is nothing with Christian Rock. At all. Creed is probably the most famous of most christan rock band. I've gone to a Christain Rock concert. Some of them are epic, some of them epic fail =P

I think by far my favorites are Skillet (Three Days Grace feel to them), and Fireflight. Cause. Chick bands rule ~
Believe it or not Demon Hunter falls into christian rock. I also like spanish group WarCry
I have been listeing to a lot of Christian rock for a while, and really like most of it. Definitely agree with you about Skillet, Demon Hunter, and Fireflight. The Almost are another good group to check out. While there are some bands that aren't all that good, the same can be said for any other genre of music. Based on all that I have listened to, the majority of the bands out there are really quite good.
There's decent bands. There's also bands that sell records just because they put 'christian' in their genre. Personally, I'm a little bit leery of any band that has one overarching message in every song, with the exception of, say, The Protomen, which is a rock opera project and therefore cohesive. It just seems unnecessarily limiting. They're religious, okay - Do they have anything ELSE to talk about?
--+Hahvoc Requiem+-- said:

I think she meant Fireflight, hahvy.

I've been in the Christian rock music scene before. We used to have festivals and concerts through my youth group. I like a lot of the bands mentioned. Switchfoot was sorta in that category for a bit, but I don't think they are anymore.

There is also-
The Devil Wears Prada
Family Force 5
Children 18:3

Mercy Me
Jars of Clay
Though these last two are very, very christian, meaning most of their songs are worship type songs.
I don't mind if a rock band is made up of christians but I have a button on my leather jacket that I think sums it all up for my tastes.

I've always been a big fan of the Christian Rock Bands. I usually prefer Skillet, Relient K, The Classic Crime, I Am Terrified, things like that.
I feel like with Christian Rock you don't only get a good influence in the music, but it's also something to just bang your head or dance to. :)
Not to mention some of the best bands are in this genre. ^^​
I couldn't get into it. Every now and then I'll find an inspirational song that I like but as a genre Christian Rock just isn't my thing.
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