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That is not dead which can eternal lie (Ele & Qedesha)


May 31, 2010
"That is not dead, which can eternal lie. Yet with strange aeons, even death may die" -- Abdul Alhazred, Necronomicon

Villatella was one of those postcard villages that tourist agents used to get you to book expensive trips to places you would never normally go. It was buried deep in the mountains on the Italian side of the border with France, and was home to perhaps three hundred souls. The cemeteries in Nice, across the border in France, had more residents.

Doctor Louis Bovier, from the Universite de Nice Sophia Antipolis, in Nice had brought his graduate students here to study the local legends and do some digging in the mountains. A professor of history and mythology, with a strong fascination in the occult, Doctor Bovier was tracking down some particular legends that dated back to the time of the Inquisition. Apparently, Villatella had been quite a focal point for a particular priest intent on, as the stories went, eradicating the most infectious of evils.

The spring morning had given way to a humid and warm afternoon, and the noise of the students talking as they worked filled the air around the dig. Doctor Bovier had sent one of his more promising students, a shy young woman studying abroad from America, to investigate a cave one of the local townsfolk had sworn was where the priest in the stories had died.
Rain Maire O'Dell. Five foot nine, curvy, dark red hair, piercing blue eyes, a dusting of freckles across a pale face and dark, full lips that had drawn more than a few ultimately disappointed boys. History had always drawn her, the adventures of the past a difficult opponent to compete with. If she was honest she'd have to admit that there was something else missing from her liaisons, a desire that she couldn't put her finger on... so to speak. Thus she was launched into the world on that eternal American quest, to 'find herself'. The tradition was to seek oneself in Europe, hence her vicious battle to claw her way into the grant that sent her abroad, to study with the rather odd but prestigious Doctor.

The path had, ultimately, led to this rather surprising cave. Surprising in that it wasn't dank and wet and spooky, like her imagination had populated it, but rather dull in its dryness and, in the face of her powerful electric lantern, lacking in frightening shadows. Despite the rather prosaic surroundings the young, healthily male local she'd managed to find to do the heavy lifting was nervous, muttering under his breath in his local dialect while eyeing the walls.

The dark patch on the wall right at the back of the cave had drawn her eye. There had been a cave-in here, mounded rubble covered with the dust of centuries, smoothed despite the still air... but next to it was a strangely coloured area of the wall. She tapped her torch against it, intrigued by the crunch as the stone simply crumbled, then hit a little harder. To her not inconsiderable shock a large chunk of the stone wall simply dropped away, crumbling as it fell with a loud clatter to leave a hole a good two feet wide. Her companion, as surprised as her, muttered a few words that she pretended not to know were rather crude swearwords.

The muttering turned into what was, from the cadence, probably a prayer to the local saints as they peered through the hole.
"Now that is what I'm talking about," she said as she eyed the contents of the cave. More dust, probably from the roof, covered mounds of objects in the gloom, surrounding a large stone sarcophagus-like box in the center.

"Ricky, you better call the oth... Ricky?"
She turned, startled to find that the young man had vanished at speed. She shrugged, eyeing the ceiling and the rock fall cautiously, then eased her way through the hole.
It was cooler in the concealed chamber, and the room was decorated not so much as a burial chamber but more as a sitting room. The furniture, as near as Rain could tell was, indeed, authentic to the period the doctor was interested in, and while the room was dominated by the sarcophagus, a pair of chairs fronted what was obviously a fireplace, though the chimney seemed to have collapsed in the rock slide that had drawn Rain to the doorway.

Pounding feet announced the appearance of the good doctor and some of the other students. Apparently Ricky had alerted someone to her discovery, even if he hadn't deigned to return with the rest.

"Excellent Rain! Excellent," the doctor's eyes gleamed in the light of her torch, and he took a few pictures, especially around the sarcophagus, before detailing to her the task of cataloging the contents of the room and detailing exactly what had been found. Another student began laboriously recreating the runes carved into the sarcophagus, which seemed to predate the middle ages based on their shapes.

The afternoon passed into early evening with the work making the day pass quite quickly, from the subjective point of view. When the team finally broke for dinner, several of the smaller artifacts had been removed from the room for further study and dating, and work lights had been erected around the sarcophagus.

After dinner, the doctor bored a small hole in the lid of the sarcophagus using a tools to preserve the interior contents and inserted a camera on a flexible metal tube. As the images resolved from the tiny lens, it was not the priest's body that was revealed, but the startlingly well preserved body of a woman. Her skin bore the remnants of great beauty, though it was dessicated and drawn tightly from the centuries spent buried in this cave. Rain could only suppose that the seal on the cave had kept the room dry enough to mummify her instead of allowing her body to rot away.

The doctor finally called a halt at shortly past ten pm, and sent the bleary eyed students off to find their beds, jabbering away at their discovery. Papers would undoubtedly be written, and some of them would perhaps be able to build them into careers.
Rain went to bed confused. She'd ranted to the others around the dinner table, their confusion matching hers.
"Roman coins. Jugs from the city-states. Remnants of dyes from the silk road. The crown of a Capetian king, for god's sake! Who was this guy, a medieval archaeologist? A grave-robber with exotic taste and amazing luck? If it wasn't for how old that rock fall obviously was I'd swear someone was playing a joke on us. Tomorrow I'm checking the back of the cave for sliding walls."

The others just chuckled, used to the flares of her typical red-haired temperament... in the rare occasions it got out of her cowl of shy sweetness. She went to bed, still muttering, angered by inability to interpret the unusual grave. The strange layout was also very weird... the evident structure of the room as a home, rather than a tomb, the rather functional layout of the items, the very weird and out-of-place sarcophagus. She realised she should probably be excited, that the oddness was the sign of amazing discoveries to be made... but she was just unsettled, feeling that something was out of place. That, she assumed, probably explained the dreams.

Fire, and blood... always, during the disjointed sequences, the background of copper taste, warm slick richness, and a burning hunger. The hunger was dulled as a woman appeared, tempered by a longing that spoke of desire, and lust, and a form of love, and then anguish as fire rose. The hunger flared as it was fed by a desire for vengeance, a fury that coloured the dreams... and then again a longing for a different face, sadness at an ending, darkness of depression, the hunger again, and another face and another dream of betrayal and fury.

She rolled in her bed, sweating into the sheets, moaning into the quiet night as the dreams ravaged her mind. Laughter, and fine wines ignored for the desire of a pulsating vein. Drowsy company, and the taste of blood. Cold streets, and warmth filling her mouth from a soft figure clutched in her arms. Piles of coins, and the body of a medieval prostitute collapsed on top of them. The smells of life and death and lust and fear and always, always the blood, and the hunger. She felt the longing, and the pull, and the desire...

And then suddenly pain. She was in darkness, and her shins hurt. She was cold, and equally cold stone pressed against her hands and knees. She vaguely remembered crawling through the hole into the cave as if it was the most normal thing in the world, and then the slip and fall that grazed her, and now she was awake and staring into the darkness in panic.

Fumbling hands found one of the cables leading to the dig lights, turning it on, flinching as the bright light filled the cave.
Annemarie had awoken and stared at the tiny hole in the lid of her sarcophagus not quite understanding what it was, only that from beyond it she could smell the tantalizing aroma of humans - blood, sweat, flesh. Aromas she had not smelled in centuries flooded into her awareness as she struggled to make muscles that had long since atrophied respond to her commands.

It was well past midnight when she finally freed herself from the confines on her tomb, the lid of the sarcophagus tossed carelessly to one side, the dig lights knocked askew as she stumbled towards the smells of life - the scent of prey lured her onward. She slipped into one of the tents and stood there, an emaciated zombie with dead white hair and burning red eyes, and as the need to feed herself overcame her she fell on those within it with a primal, yet utterly silent, growl.

It was hours later, nearly dawn in fact when she returned to her tomb, her skin restored to a youthful luster, her hair as black as it had been in life, and her green eyes once more the color of emeralds. She was standing in front of an ancient polished silver mirror regarding her reflection in the little bit of light that reflected into the cave from outside, when she heard the mortal coming. She turned, watching the young woman crawl inside, heard the gasp as she fell, and the fumbling for the lights in the darkness.

She tilted her head, curiously, as she watched the girl in the darkness, and when the lights flared to life, Annemarie's first, irrational thought, was how very lovely the young woman was. Her second thought was a scent, the lingering smell of the woman had been on the doorway to her tomb. So this, then, was the one who had found her.

"I should thank you, I suppose," she said. The rags she had been wearing while buried had fallen away from her as she fed, and her nude form moved with the grace of her kind, silent footsteps on cold stone as she circled between the woman and the doorway, preventing her from leaving. "Thank you for finding me. What year is it?"
"Holy fuck on a windmill!"
Rain, only just managed to regain her feet, fell over backwards, knocking over several items from the top of an ancient half-rotted container. Fortunately, for the archeologist corner of her soul, none broke. A trembling finger pointed at the sudden naked woman.
"Who the fuck are you?! What the fuck is going on?! Holy shit I need to calm down."
She rested her head in trembling hands for a moment, willing her heart to slow down and taking several deep breaths.

Part of her mind had made several key notes of just how attractive the woman was, in a rather gothic sense. The unsettling grace was another notable characteristic, made by the part of her mind that wasn't sinking in an adrenaline surge. It was cold... the thin nightie, complete with humorous picture of grouchy-bunny-with-cup-of-coffee, wasn't much protection and her skimpy panties... one of her few sensual secrets... didn't help at all.

Finally some panicking neurons made some connections, and she stared from the open sarcophagus to the woman.
"Oh no," she said, "I'm not falling for that. This is a joke, right? This whole thing has been a joke?"
Annemarie tilted her head the other way, much like a cat presented with an interesting treat it hadn't quite decided whether or not to pounce on yet. She waited for the mortal's initial shock to subside and ignored her initial exclamations of surprise. Once she had seemed to calm enough to begin uttering rational statements, Annemarie addressed her again.

"What year is this?" She really needed to know what the outside world was like now before she went and ventured too far from her safe surroundings, and judging by the unusual clothes and the hard metal torches that blazed with an unwavering light next to the young woman, she had been asleep far longer than she had intended.

As the girl looked towards the sarcophagus, Annemarie crossed the space between them, so that when she looked back, she was no more than an arm's length away. She lifted the girl back to her feet as easily as if she were a child, and shook her once, careful not to break her. At least, not yet. Annemarie needed her, for now.

"Final chance. Tell me what year it is."
Rain started backwards as the woman was suddenly in front of her, the vampire as quick as a snake and silent as a cat. The strength in her grip, the ease with which the not that small woman was lifted, was also frightening.
"Twenty ten!" she said hurriedly as she was shaken, struggling futilely... it was like an industrial crane was holding her, yet gently enough to not bruise her arms.

"W... what are you?" she finally ventured. It was obvious that this wasn't actually a joke. What it was was less clear... nothing that was happening was making sense in her still not-quite-awake brain, quite aside from the remnants of the shock.
Annemarie set the woman back on her feet. She could smell her fear, and the smell made her hungry again, but she had to think. Twenty-ten, she had said. Two thousand ten.

"Six hundred years..." She looked askance at the electric lights on the floor, their glare casting the lines of her face into sharp relief. "What are those things?" That question seemed almost rhetorical because she plowed on immediately into her next observation, "It will be dawn soon. I need clothes. You will get them for me, and some for yourself. We need to leave this place. You have a carriage or some transportation?"

She had, thus far, ignored Rain's question, focused instead on gathering information - information she was going to need to survive.
The beauty and grace of the woman was almost hypnotic... but even that was subsumed by the sheer terror of the frighteningly surreal situation. The prosaic orders snapped her into some sense of reality.
"What's going on? Who are you? What do you mean six hundred years?"

Perhaps demanding answers wasn't the best approach. Rain was an intelligent woman, and one who'd come to rely on her deductive reasoning, and the reality of her senses. Supernaturally strong, six hundred years, in a box in a cave, concerned about the dawn... the reasoning was obvious for anyone who'd read a vampire novel or seen a suitable movie.

On the other hand, reason had to deal with a lifetime's assurance that the things that went bump in the night were just the trees and the wind. Even in the world's current harsh climate she was unusually practical and not superstitious.
Annemarie paused at the questions, her attention finally diverted from her more immediate concern to the reality of the young woman standing there in naught but a flimsy top and a pair of scant panties. The look she gave Rain was, for lack of a better term, predatory; a wolf regarding a rabbit in those few moments before the race for survival began.

"My name," she said finally, " is Annemarie Benoit. As you have no doubt already deduced, given the state of barely suppressed panic in your voice, I am a vampire - a Kindred, if you wish to use the proper term. I was buried in this tomb in 1417 by an overzealous priest with more luck than actual faith in the almighty."

She smiled then, and her voice dropped into a silky purr that was calculated to both seduce and reassure. "Do not worry yourself - as I said, I owe you my thanks. Without you, who knows how many more centuries I would have slept." She had crossed the room while she spoke, and when she was close enough, lifted a hand to brush her fingertips against Rain's cheek. Her skin was cooler than a person's might be, but only marginally. "I'll have to think of a way to thank you properly at some point. But for now, we really do need to get away from here. You will help me, yes?"
The predatory look did very little to aid Rain in calming down... at least at the level of her conscious mind. On the other hand it distinctly spoke to something in her subconscious, nudging a core part of her being that responded to the overtones of possession and control. A small flame flared into life deep in her mind.

The flame was flared by the seductive voice, sending off little psychological sparks that opened doors into her desires. She couldn't help leaning away from the hand as it neared, as if it held a burning coal, but she finally leaned into the touch. The strength of personality of any vampire was overpowering, and of Annemarie's kind even more so, and it flattened Rain's objections like a steamroller. She simply nodded, unable to speak.

It was like hypnosis at a very personal level. She suddenly found herself stumbling back through the dig campsite, the cold air beaten back by the fire of purpose... and something more... deep within her. In retrospect she should have been more aware of the silence of the camp, the dark stillness that spoke of more than natural sleep, but she just crashed into her own tent, gathered up every scrap of clothing she could find, and then rolled the whole lot up in her sheet and lugged it back to the cave like a rather erotic Santa Claus.
When Rain left, Annemarie's smile faded from her face like a light switch had been turned off. One moment she was silky, seductive, and sweet enough to put a diabetic into shock; the next, she was like marble, her body unnaturally still as she considered her predicament. Absentmindedly, she ran the tip of her tongue against the back of a fang, finally stirred into motion by the sight of her belongings laid out so carefully on a work table that had been brought into the cave.

Archaeologists, she mused, as she began to collect her more precious artifacts. Working a cleverly concealed latch on a side table, she reveled a hidden drawer, which contained a drawstring bag. it jingled when she flopped it carelessly on the table, and she absently wondered if the coins within would worth anything. She was going to need modern money and accouterments if she wanted blend in and, above all else, survive.

She resumed her stock still pose, her nude form still highlighted by the work lights on the floor, which she had neither picked up nor turned off, and thought long and hard about her next move. Paris, she decided. She had, at one time, had connections and wealth there. It was possible someone who had known her then would be able to provide what she needed and help her get established in a new identity. Obviously, she would take the mortal with her. She had knowledge of the modern world Annemarie desperately needed, and she would make a convenient snack while they traveled. And if she became tiresome, there were ways of ensuring her compliance until she was no longer needed.

Annemarie barely stirred as she heard her newest pet returning, the heavier sound of her footsteps indicating that she was carrying some kind of load. When she finally did turn around, the soft, alluring smile was back on her face, and she leaned a hip on the side table, letting Rain come to her.

"You've brought quite the bundle. Very good. Let's see if there's anything in there that's salvageable."
Rain dumped the huge bundle on the table, then blinked as something clinked underneath it. She felt underneath, pulling out the old, musty bag and opening it.
"Oh my," she said softly, tilting it to examine the coins inside. "These are... well... wow. I know at least three museums that would seriously consider killing for these, and a couple coin collectors as well. Wait... this... this is an early sestertius! It's not even worn!"

The clothes were a rather odd mixture, a hint at Rain's pack-rat nature. Some were obviously elderly, stuff from her teens that only just fit her. The majority were typical college teen wear... a range of jeans, a range of tshirts, a couple of jackets, and a few more sophisticated tops. There was some evening-wear for special occasions, a rather nice pair of dresses and some suitable shoes. And then of course a full range of lingerie, Rain's real personal luxury. To someone from the middle ages it was no doubt weird in cut and design.
Annemarie was only half listening to Rain, though she glanced once at the coin she seemed so excited about. She murmured, in a half distracted fashion, as she went back to rifling through the clothes Rain had brought, "One of the hazards of living as long as I have dear - you eventually end up with money you can't spend because no one knows what it's worth anymore."

The only thing that looked remotely recognizable as clothing were the dresses, and even those were cut oddly. "You seem to have collected a lot of men's clothing." Distraction was setting back in - she could feel the oncoming dawn, like a warning in her head, drawing nearer and nearer, and while she could survive in the sun light for a short time, if she had to, it was never pleasant and it would drain a good portion of the strength she had regained.

Finally, in exasperation, she simply shoved the pile at Rain, "Pick me something. And do we have transportation? If I have to spend another day trapped in this infernal cave, I shall become irritated."
IT was amazing, the human ability to take a world-changing situation and made it commonplace. She was trapped in a cave with an ancient blood-drinking 'monster', a creature that could kill her as easily as break a cheese straw, based on the strength she'd experienced. And suddenly it was fine, almost commonplace.

The fact that the 'monster' was a stunningly beautiful woman was a help, of course. Rain was trying not to explore what that meant about her own interests, quite aside from why she was suddenly willing to help her.

Still, it meant that she'd had time to think. She picked up a pair of her pants, her largest pair considering the woman generally had a bigger frame than her, and stared at the vampire thoughtfully.
"You can't go out in the sunlight, can you. So that much of the mythology is true. I'm about the only person in the camp that would willingly help you... god only knows why... which means that you need me a lot more than I need you. Irritated or not, how do I know you won't kill me the moment we get somewhere safe?"
Her stare was challenging. Perhaps it was another flare of her fiery Irish heritage, or perhaps it was just the final snarl of a fox cornered by the hounds, but she was suddenly flying on wings of conflicted bravery.
Annemarie seemed momentarily taken aback by Rain's sudden challenge, but the surprise that flickered on her face was tinged with something else - a sudden appreciation, perhaps? In any case, the smile that curled the corner of her mouth was impish, and her bright green eyes flashed with a hint of the monster that lay underneath.

"You may not have been the only member of your camp that was wiling to help me, my pretty," she said, in the same velvet tones she had used earlier, her fingertips reaching out to brush the hair back from Rain's face, nails caressing her cheek. "However, the others are, in we are being euphemistic, in no position to answer my call for aid, having assisted me in a much more pressing matter earlier in the evening."

Her hand wandered to the back of Rain's neck and she drew the mortal in with that irresistible strength of an ages old daughter of the night, her impression of power helped by the few inches of height she had on her prey, and her voice dropped into an almost honey laden coo. "I need you, my dear. It is quite simple. You are, quite unequivocally, an advantage to my immediate survival. And I always follow my own best interests."

She leaned in closer, her lips nearly brushing Rain's ear, her voice a whisper of wind across delicate flesh, "Make no mistake, you are not, however, required. While I offer no guarantees about what the future might bring, your other option is to join your friends here and now. Are we understood, my pet?" This close it was impossible not to feel the power of what she was. It practically thrummed across the small space separating the two of them. She smelled faintly of cinnamon, and a fainter, coppery smell that may not be immediately identifiable.
Rain was far from stupid. She could feel the power, and Annemarie's strong grip and threat-laden sugary tones simply magnified the almost palpable sensation. She wasn't surprised... like many in the modern world she'd been vaguely interested in various supernatural concepts and mythologies, and her archeological studies had brought her into contact with some of the more obscure ones, and a lot more history of the more common ones... understanding the past had brought with it an understanding of the superstitions. The idea that an ancient vampire would be more powerful the older it was simply made sense.

What surprised her was her exhilaration. The woman's strength, her piercing gaze, the very real danger she was in surged her entire body in a way she'd never felt before. Adrenaline coursed through her veins, washing her mind in hormones that basically made her drunk. She felt her mouth go dry, her breathing quicken and her heart race in ways that must be audible to the beautiful creature's enhanced hearing. Her cheeks flushed, and even more startling she felt a familiar warmth in her stomach, and an almost embarrassing throb between her legs as part of her responded in a very unexpected way.

The revelation as to why the camp was so quiet was somewhat sobering, but not enough to counter the powerful thrill that she was already becoming addicted to. Like any addict she had to push the envelope slightly further.
"There are others, aren't there? Like you? I wonder how they would respond to the knowledge that you're alive and awake... and stuck here in this cave, facing another sunrise, surrounded by gun-wielding cops the moment people find the bodies."

She swallowed nervously, hoping she hadn't gone to far, continuing quickly.
"I'll help you. I'll do whatever you say. Just... remember that I am helping you, and will continue to help you. This is a very, very different world to the one you went to sleep in. You'll need me."
She hesitated, not wanting to break the focused power of their contact... but finally held up the jeans.
"Women wear stuff like this these days. They're comfortable."
Annemarie was not, despite her power, foolish or reckless. One did not live as long as she had, even discounting her extended sleep, by making hasty decisions; the mess left behind at the camp was a problem, and one of the reasons she was in a hurry to leave, but she couldn't really be blamed for that. The thirst trumped all other concerns, especially when it became that strong.

Still, the girl had a point. If she became trapped in this cave by mortals, she was in very real danger. She did not yet know enough about this modern world to know if she could successfully escape. She did need the girl, and apparently the girl was astute enough to realize just how badly. She could also hear and, to her own amusement, smell just how aroused the mortal was becoming.

She nodded finally, when Rain finished speaking, and placed a delicate kiss on the girl's cheek. "Then we understand each other. Now, do we have transportation, my dear? Dawn is approaching, and, as you said, it wouldn't do for us to be trapped in this cave." She placed no particular emphasis on the word us, but her implication, that they were now in this together, was quite clear.

She took the jeans, and tugged them on; being button-fly, she figured out how to close them, and she took the shirt that Rain offered her next. It was most likely comical watching her struggle to figure out which way the shirt went on, but in the end she was clothed, even if the whole outfit looked like it had been painted on.

She gathered up her belongings, the ones she planned to take with them, while Rain got dressed, and they left the cave together, the mortal and the vampire, walking down to the camp. The cars they had used to bring them out were there, lined up a neat, if somewhat dusty, row, and another one of those comical moments ensued while Annemarie simply stared at the vehicle, as if waiting for a magic footman to appear and open the door to the carriage. Eventually they were off, Rain driving, Annemarie musing at the scenes out the window. As they left, Annemarie said, "Just take us towards Paris. I will tell you when we need to stop and seek cover."
Rain was concentrating... driving wasn't something she had a huge amount of experience of, road rules here were different in unexpected ways, and she really didn't know where she was going. The lingering sensation of the light kiss on her cheek also preyed on her mind somewhat, although she was quite sure there was less meaning than a simple gesture from the ancient vampire.

"The police will be looking for the car from the moment they find the camp. Communication travels a lot faster these days. I took Andre's car... it'll probably take a bit longer for them to figure out it's missing, nobody really liked him. I also have an idea there..."
She was looking for a car that looked like it didn't move much as they eventually found a small village, silent in the dark hours of the morning. Suddenly, a gift beyond her wildest dreams... an ancient panel van with a missing wheel, tucked in beside a shop wall, covered with dust and a healthy layer of rust. She brought the car to a juddering halt then leaped out with a screwdriver.

Ten minutes vigorous work gave the old van a set of brand new plates, and their stolen car the van's identity. She pulled away in a hurry, diving down any road that looked like it would lead to a highway, and following any sign her faltering french suggested led to the city.
"What kind of cover do we need? A bedroom? A basement?" she asked, starting to eye the buildings they passed for something suitable... perhaps a bed and breakfast, perhaps an old warehouse.
Annemarie had also been watching the buildings for something suitable, as as they passed a field on the outskirts of yet another small village, she pointed to the abandoned looking barn set just off the road. "There."

she had Rain drive close to the building and then she got out. The rusted chain binding the doors shut was easy enough to deal with; the wood of the doors gave way before the chain, but the result was the same. She pulled the doors open, and after Rain had carefully maneuvered the car inside, closed them. She checked the roof carefully, it had holes in it, but they would be easy enough to avoid. She could drape one of the tarps left over from the barn's earlier existence over the car windows and sleep inside.

Once the tarp was in place (she settled on two, just in case), and she was satisfied no light would penetrate to her sleeping form, she turned once more to the woman who was, for whatever reason, helping her. She crooked her finger at Rain in a come hither gesture, and when the mortal came within reach, she took hold of one arm, and wound her other hand into a fistful of Rain's hair pulling her head to one side. "Thank you," she said simply, and bit down.

It was heaven, bliss as the blood erupted into her mouth. Such sweet flavors. She could feel Rain's arousal growing again, and pressed her back against the car, stealing the warmth of her body while she stole the blood from her throat.
Rain squeaked as her head was pulled to one side, squirmed briefly as she felt the mouth on her neck and the sharp pain of the bite... and then dreamy bliss, washing out and down her spine, leaving her languid and pliant. It was like every sensual warmth she'd ever felt, from a hot bath on a cold day to the warmth of a lover's sleeping body, all wrapped up into one moment.

She certainly felt arousal erupt within her, and she was acutely aware of her heart pounding even as it struggled against the loss of the precious vitae. She pressed against the vampiress' cool, strong body with sudden desire, feeling it warm as her own cooled slightly, head tilted back and eyes fluttering shut as strength and energy left her.

She was drained at the end, as exhausted as a runner after a marathon. Her body felt heavy, and she stumbled to one side when she was released, bracing herself against the car. She struggled to think as the bliss slowly faded, her head like cotton wool from the serious drain.
"I, er... uh..." she mumbled.
Annemarie smiled at the girls somewhat stunned expression, and reached out to draw her back in, smoothing the hair from her face and murmuring into her ear. "You've done very well, my pet. I'm very proud of you." She might have even meant some of it, but as far as Annemarie was concerned, it was simply another piece of the puzzle of keeping Rain with her. To Annemarie's way of thinking, if the girl felt appreciated and valuable, she would be more likely to think that she necessary, and less likely to run away. It was an old game, one she had played many times with many mortals over the centuries.

She took advantage of the girl's semi-stunned condition to catch her by the chin, and planted a slow and, surprisingly, tender kiss upon her lips. Her tongue licked lightly at Rain's lips, as if encouraging her to open her mouth.
Rain was innocent in a number of ways... not entirely inexperienced, just a novice when it came to certain attentions. She knew she was at least slightly interested in other women that way, but the sum total of her experiences was some drunken fumbling in the lesbian club she'd finally plucked up the courage to enter.

This was a whole new level of intensity. Still under the warm, subduing influence of the bite, she simply melted into the kiss, leaning into Annemarie's arms, eyes shut as a new warmth rushed through her.
Annemarie pressed her advantage, and slipped her tongue past Rain's unresisting lips. In the process, she sliced it open along one of her fangs so that some of her own blood ran dribbling into Rain's mouth, and she held the kiss long enough that the other woman would be forced to swallow it. Her hands, in the meantime, explored the new prize she'd been presented with, and found it to be as firm and delightfully feminine as she had thought.

She broke the kiss, finally, when her tongue healed of it's own accord, and pulled her head back to regard the young woman in her arms. She had, it seemed, chosen well. She was going to make a delightful pet. Her thirst sated, Annemarie had other, more pressing needs. Running her hands along Rain's sides, she caught the edges of her t-shirt and lifted, pulling it off over head head to reveal the firm, pert breasts that lay under it. She cupped one of them, briefly, her palm grazing the nipple just to feel it stiffen, and watched Rain's eyes as she did so.

Her voice almost a purr, she said, "Why don't you get the rest of those off, hmm pet?"
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