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Witch Hunt (Yakuza + I)


Jan 9, 2009
With the recent promotion of the new young Cardinal Johannes, the Luminous Church had begun to take more measures in eliminating all witches that were terrorizing them. Many different groups were formed in order to meet the witches, such as the Eurus Knights and the Zephyroth Knights. There was also a recent formation of the Fatal Hounds. Many sightings of a particular witch had been reported in many towns, in which lapistier had been taken. The lapistier were powerful items indeed, and if in the wrong hands they could cause some serious damage. This is what the Luminous Church would constantly recite to the knights and Garden Children, letting them know of their missions. They were to condemn witches wherever they be, and retrieve the lapistier and bring them back to Cardinal Johannes for cleansing. With that, all the groups had gone off in their own directions, looking to carry out there missions as ordered.

"Tch...about time this speech was over."

On the steps of the Luminous Church, there was a large speech given by Cardinal Johannes to the Eurus and Zephyroth Knights on their seperate missions. Of course, this had been constantly drilled into their heads: Protect the Light! Condemn the Dark. Their mission couldn't be more clear. A heavy sigh left the lips of the woman, clearly relieved to move again. She had been standing still for far too long during the speech, and her legs were killing her. She brushed a few of the coal black locks from her face, turning her head slightly as a voice called to her. "General Blair." That was a rather familiar voice. She turned to face the man, keeping her stoic expression to counter his rather cheerful look. "'s you Heath." Heath was the one who had assembled the Garden Children, however he was called to other duties, thus leading to the making of the Fatal Hounds. He was a very respected man and a skilled fighter as well. Blair had sparred with him numerous times, though they hadn't really settled their rivalry. "Is there something you wish to speak to me about Heath?" She wasn't being quite as formal as he was with her. "Not really. I'm still rather surprised that you had been asked to investigate on your own, that's all. You have probably found favor in Cardinal Johannes's eyes." She grumbled a little at the mention of him. She didn't really have anything against him, but she was reminded of the speech just now and how long it took. She was eager to get up and go already. "Hmph, perhaps. Whatever the reason, I'll just do what I'm ordered. As for you, you should be fine. Of course, these 'Fatal Hounds' you really think they will be fine without you? They are rather young." Heath simply chuckled at her comment. "I appreciate your concern, however they will be all right. All their training up until now will surely surprise you." She paused as she adjusted the sheath at her waist, which concealed her long katana. "Is that so...? We'll see about that." she said, turning to head off already. "Well then, I'll be off. Don't get yourself killed."

It was true that she had been specially picked for this particular mission by Cardinal Johannes himself. It was a rather big deal, and many had wondered why she was picked over Heath. It didn't matter. After all, she had confidence in her swordsmanship. If any witches came her way, then she'd just have to strike them down. Of course, she wanted to say that. She hadn't even seen a real witch in person. The Luminous Church had always said negative things about them, and she was eager to see for herself. She let out another heavy sigh as she stared down the path. She could feel the aching in her legs going away as she walked. "Next time, I'll just have to skip out on the speeches." she muttered to herself. She glanced up ahead, catching a glimpse of a town up ahead. That would be a good place to stock up on some equipment if she needed anything.
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