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Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 and I.

Jan 10, 2009
Tanja continues on smiling in her sleepand she was glad that Knuckles was fine with her head leaning against his shoulder and she knew that Sonic and Sally will be a bit worried about them both if they don't return back to the castle in the morning.
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Dawn soon arrived and Knuckles was the first one up. "Tanja, time to get up. We got to get to the castle before Sally starts worrying," He tells her.
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Tanja gently yawns and she stretches as well,and she said to Knuckles,"Your right about that one for sure that Sally and Sonic will be worried about us both,and let's head back to the castle shall we Knuckles.?" She was fully awake now and she got up,and folded her blanket and waited for Knuckles to lead the way back to the castle since it's his home as well as Sally and Sonic home as well.
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Knuckles got up and stretched for a few secons. "I'm ready to go," he tells her. He then took Tanja's hand and they both left the cave. He placed his own seal around the cave that only guardians can open as they left. Though they were in a hurry, They took their time so Knuckles could show her the beautiful scenery. As they arrived to the castle the see Sally and Sonic. Both were not in a happy mood.
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Sonic and Sally said to Knuckles and Tanja,"We were both really worried about you,we thought that something might of have happened to you both,but thank goodness you both are alright and not badly hurt or injuired. It's nice to see you both again and Tanja what do think of this place hmm.?"

Tanja said to them both,"It's really nice here and the scenry is so beautiful I really do like it here and it feels so realxing to be on this Island,and where do we go from here hmm.?"

Sonic said to Sally,"Knuckles and I will look around the island to mkae sure that Shadow is gone and he isn't in hiding at all don't worry we'll be safe,and you two girls just stay inside the castle for your own safety ok."

Sally and Tanja both nodded their heads to agree with Sonic idea and they knew that they'll be safe inside here then outside the castle while Sonic and Knuckles look around the Isalnd for any kind of a sign of Shadow.
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Sonic kept a close eye on everything including Sonic. He hoped that Sally and Tanja would be okay, but he was mosty concerned about Tanja than Sally.

Shadow was hiding in the bushes. He was holding a chaos emerald that Eggman gave to him. "Chaos Control.." he whispered and time stood still. He rushed into the castle and sees Sally and Tanja frozen in place. He grabs them both and and leaves the castle; leaving a message for Sonic and Knuckles behind.
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Sonic said to Knuckles,"What just happened time must of froze,oh know the girls might be in danger.let's get back to the castle I have a bad feeling Knuckles come on Knuckles."

Sonic picked up speed and he runs back to the castle and he sees a note and said to Knuckles,"You better come and look at this note that Shadow left for us,damn him anyway,what does he want with Sally and Tanja this is not good."

Sally and Tanja both glared at Shadow and said to him,"What the blazes just happened,why did you capture Sally and I what is you want from us Shadow hmm.?"
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Knuckles eyes was filled with rage as he reads the letter, he said that he want the Master Emerald in wxchange for the girls. "Tanja..." he mutters quietly, "I won't give him the emerald, but I will give him a taste of my fist!" he shouts. He closes his eyes an focuses on Tanja's location. "Found her Sonic, follow me," he tells him.

Shadow smiled at Tanja. "I want you to open that cave of chaos emeralds. I could have done it myself, but Knuckles added another seal to it. I need your power to help me open it." he puts his hands on Tanja's and Sally's Cheek. "You will help me, Tanja, even if it means torturing you mentally...or physically" he grins.
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Sally looked at Tanja and said to her,"I had no idea you could break two different seals that Knuckles put up on the Chaos emeralds to protect them from him,this is not good,don't help him Tanja,don't listen to him at all Tanja."

Tanja glared at Shadow and she said to him,"I think you got the wrong person I have no idea how to break that seal at any cost,I'm not one of the guardians that knows where the chaos emeralds are located sorry Shadow."

"You won't get away with this Sonic and Knuckles will be here anytime soon,and they'll both kick your rear,you'll be sorry Shadow."

Sonic nods his head and he follows Knuckles and said to him,"How did Shadow know that Tanja was one of the guardians,how did he figure it out Knuckles,and how the heck are we going to get into his hideout,remember he has all kinds of traps that no one has ever manage to get away from or escape from any of them Knuckles.?"
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

As they head to the castle, Knuckles explained to Sonic about Shadow. "Shadow was influenced by Rouge's charm and tried to steal the master Emerald for her. I defeated him, but he aborbed toom much chaos energy that he gained guardian powers as well. I guessing he used that energy to discover the truth about her."

As they found and entered the hideout, they both encounter many traps. Form spikes, to arrows, to lava flow, and even some of Eggman's old robots.

Shadow hears the traps going off. "Looks like they're here, but they won't get far." He then grabs Sally by her waist. "This is your last chance, Tanja. Help me, or sally will suffer." he tells her.
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Sonic said to Knuckles,"I had no idea that Shadow could use those Chaos Emeralds to find out that Tanja is a guardian at any cost,and this place has a lot of traps in here,and how can we avoid all of these traps,without getting caught in them hmm Knuckles.?"

Tanja glared at Shadow and she said to him,"You win this time Shadow,I will help you if you let Sally go right now".

"And you have my word Shadow and I promise that I will help you unseal both seals that Knuckles put around The Chaos Emeralds ok."
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Shadow grinned and threw Sally down to the ground. "Good..." he replied. He goes to Tanja and grabbed her arm tightly. "Let's go," he tells her. As he took a step, Sonic and Knuckles arrived. He sees him holding Tanja hard and punches him to a cave wall. "Keep your hands off her!" Knuckles yelled at him. He then turns to Tanja and asked, "Are you okay?'
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Tanja said to Knuckles,"Yes I'm ok,and you know Shadow will never ever give up at any cost Knuckles,and I hope that Sally is alright too."

Sonic ran over to Sally and he helped her up and said to her,"Are you alright as well Sally did Shadow hurt you if he did let me at him right now."

Sally said to Sonic,"Yes I'm alright Sonic,and thank goodness you and Knuckles showed up at the right time to save us from Shadow,perfect timing Sonic and you too Knuckles."

Sally hugged Sonic and Sonic hugged her back and Tanja just shrugged her shoulders and she said to Knuckles,"I heard a rumor that a guardian can some how can control another guardian with the chaos emeralds,is that true Knuckles or not true at all hmm.?"
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

"It's true," he tells her, "But, I had never used it. Besides, I can do something to couter it." Knuckles closes his eyes and spoke quietly yo himself. "The servers are the seven Chaos. Chaos is power, power is enriched by the heart. The heart is the controller. The controller serves to unify the chaos." His body soon had a green glow.

Shadow saw what he done and began to do the same thing. However it was a different chant. "The servants are the seven Chaos. Chaos is power, controlled by my will. The controller exists to enslave the Chaos." his body soon glowed a dark purple.

"Stand back, Tanja. This will get heavy," he tells her as he prepares to fight Shadow again.
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Tanja looks at Knuckles and she said to him,"Just becareful ok and of course I will stand back for sure Knuckles ok." Tanja stands back and she stays close to Sonic and Sally and said to them both,"I've never seen this kind of power before,and hopefully Knuckles will not lose against Shadow at any cost,what should we do.?"

Sonic and Sally said to Tanja,"We better find shelter no telling what could happen,let's take cover right now behind those barrels ok let's move it girls."

Sally and Tanja both followed Sonic and they all hid behind those barrels and watched this fight between Shadow and Knuckles right at the moment.
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Knuckles and Shadow began their fight. Everytime they collied, a shockwave appeared. Only Sonic was able to keep track of the fight since it was near light speed. The surrounding began to crumble around then. Knuckles so smashed Shadow through a wall in the cave and everything began to fall apart. A loud "Chaos Control" was soon called out.
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Sonic said to Sally and Tanja,"Time to split,its starting to fall apart and time to move out of here so we don't get trapped inside and let's go." Sonic grabs Sally in his arms and he runs pretty fast out of cave and he held Sally really close to his body and said to her,"Tanja will get out soon,she is clever and she won't get trapped inside etiher will Shadow or Knuckles ok don't worry Sally."

Tanja tries to remember how to get out of here without getting stuck inside this cave and she needed to get out of here as fast as she could. She begins to run really fast and she felt someone grabbing her from her behind and she tries to figure out if it's Knuckles or if it's Shadow
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

The fight was soon over and Knuckles had prevail with some damage. He sees Tanja trying to escape and grabs her. "Time to go," he tells her. He carries her in his arms and escapes the cave before it collapses. He sets her down and ask her, "Are you alright?"
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Tanja said to Knuckles,"Yes I'm alright thanks for asking me anyway Knuckles." She was just a bit shooken up and said to Knuckles,"I have a bad feeling that we haven't seen the last of Shadow not yet Knuckles,and hopefully we can all get some rest once again,and thanks again for coming after me and Sally thank-you Knuckles."
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Knuckles just nods his head and smiles. "No problem. You're right though, Shadow is defeated, but now out. We'll just have to wait for his counterattack. They all went back to the castle. Knuckles didn't realized he was still carrying Tanja in his arms on the way back.
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Sonic and Sally said to Knuckles,"How will we be able to counter attack any of Shadow's attack if he thinks of about attacking us how can we stand against him hmm.?"

Tanja also reliazes that Knuckles is still carrying her and she didn't mind at all,and she just smiled at Knuckles and she slowly dozed off to sleep in his arms on the way back to the castle.
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

"Don't forget, he's as some guardian powers too. Tanja or I can sence him coming and could prevent the counterstrike," He tells them. At the castle, Kunckles finally realized he was still carrying Tanja. He lightly blushed beacuse of it. He notice that she fell asleep in his arms. "Mind telling me where her room is?" he ask them.
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Sally said to Knuckles,"Her room is right across from your room where you usually sleep,and she looks so adoreable when she is sound asleep in your arms Knuckles,but carefully place her down on her bed ok."

Sonic watches Knuckles leave with Tanja in his armms nad said to Sally,"I think those two would make a perfect couple for each other,but only time will tell we'll just wait and see what happens ok Sally."

Sally nods her head and she was also a little bit tired as well and she gently yawns and stretches for a few minutes and she was fine.
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Knuckles carries Tanja to her room. He then gently lay her down on her bed. "Beautiful" he thought and blushed. Instead of leaving, he took a chair and watched over her, as if he was watching over the Master Emerald. He didn't fall asleep.

Shadow emerged from the rubble. His plan failed and he was injured. He had no other choice, he had to return to Eggman for reinforcements.
Re: Cont. Sonic The Hedgehog KnucklesXTanja rp. Silver117 an

Sonic smiles at Sally and he walked over towards her and he gently hugged her and all of a sudden he finally has the guts to finally kiss Sally on her lips hoping she didn't mind this at all.

Sally looks at Sonic and she was a bit surpised at this and she returned the kills and hug as well and she said to Sonic,"You sure knew how to catch me off guard and I'm fine with this,hopefully Knuckles won't find out we just kissed,and I didn't mean to have you worry about me at all I'm sorry Sonic."

Sonic wraps his arm around Sally and said to her,"It's alright Sally,I'm just glad that you are safe and so is Tanja safe as well and don't worry it's none of Knuckles business between our love life between us both Sally ok,and let's get some sleep now shall we my love.?"

Sally nods her head and she leads Sonic and herself to her room,because it's an extra cot for Sonic to sleep on so he could keep an eye on Sally at all times during the night.

Sonic follows Sally into the room and he closes the door behind them both,and he flops down on the cot and he drifts off to sleep for a bit and knew that Shadow will be back again anytime soon.

Sally was in her bed already and she also dozed off to sleep for a bit as well,and smiled in her sleep.

Tanja eventually woke up during the middle of the night and she sees Knuckles sitting in a chair and she said to him,"Have you been watching over me all this time,I don't mind this at all Knuckles,and I owe you one sometime ok,and you have helped me out a lot of times and I thank-you Knuckles."

She showed a bit of smile towards Knuckles only and she was comfy right now and not scared anymore about things in her life.
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