- Joined
- Jun 2, 2009
Name- Aiko Dushino
Age- 23
Other- She was placed in the organzation when she was young to start her training. She excells in sharp shooting and hand to hand combat. Rumor has it her entire family line have been demon hunters, the reason she was placed as a hunter so young.
For years theres been a so called police force for the supernatural. Its a restricted force where either you're born into or you possess something, a gift perhaps, to become a Hunter. Those who were a hunter at a young age lead a somewhat normal life. They went to school and few to no friends and no social life at all. That is the true test of all can you handle being an outcast to keep everyone safe from something they can't defeat?
Around five years ago Aiko was sent out on her first solo hunt. The thick thorny branches sliced at her bare legs as she tracked down a werewolf. Little did she know there was two werewolves and one was being set up. Her small heart was racing when she saw the site of two werewolves fighting. Both were wounded and either one could fit the description of the creature who was killing and stealing from humans. Aiko pulled her pistols out from her hip holsters and aimmed at the two. "FREEZE!" Her voice rang out as she noticed one werewolf's eyes was pure blood red.
"The wolf...Had red eyes when he...killed my daddy!" Aiko remembered a tiny girl crying as she was telling her what happened. She watched as the crazed werewolf turned to the second with his blood stained claws raised in the air as if to continue the fight to the death. Actting out of reflex she squeezed the triggers firing the rounds into the crazed werewolf's back.
In the present Aiko was sleeping in the headquarters in her black shorts and zipped up halter top. Last night was a rough one, a gang of vampires creating havoc and they were high as high on herione. Groaning Aiko sat up with he rubbing her brown eyes only to hear the other hunters saying Johnson hasn't came back and neither did his partner Ronald. Those two were sent after the Demon whose been creating choas on a city but it wasn't Aiko's nor her partner's problem. well atleast she thought at the moment.
Age- 23

Other- She was placed in the organzation when she was young to start her training. She excells in sharp shooting and hand to hand combat. Rumor has it her entire family line have been demon hunters, the reason she was placed as a hunter so young.
For years theres been a so called police force for the supernatural. Its a restricted force where either you're born into or you possess something, a gift perhaps, to become a Hunter. Those who were a hunter at a young age lead a somewhat normal life. They went to school and few to no friends and no social life at all. That is the true test of all can you handle being an outcast to keep everyone safe from something they can't defeat?
Around five years ago Aiko was sent out on her first solo hunt. The thick thorny branches sliced at her bare legs as she tracked down a werewolf. Little did she know there was two werewolves and one was being set up. Her small heart was racing when she saw the site of two werewolves fighting. Both were wounded and either one could fit the description of the creature who was killing and stealing from humans. Aiko pulled her pistols out from her hip holsters and aimmed at the two. "FREEZE!" Her voice rang out as she noticed one werewolf's eyes was pure blood red.
"The wolf...Had red eyes when he...killed my daddy!" Aiko remembered a tiny girl crying as she was telling her what happened. She watched as the crazed werewolf turned to the second with his blood stained claws raised in the air as if to continue the fight to the death. Actting out of reflex she squeezed the triggers firing the rounds into the crazed werewolf's back.
In the present Aiko was sleeping in the headquarters in her black shorts and zipped up halter top. Last night was a rough one, a gang of vampires creating havoc and they were high as high on herione. Groaning Aiko sat up with he rubbing her brown eyes only to hear the other hunters saying Johnson hasn't came back and neither did his partner Ronald. Those two were sent after the Demon whose been creating choas on a city but it wasn't Aiko's nor her partner's problem. well atleast she thought at the moment.