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Stealing From History (BlisteredBlood x TakodaVega)


The Crucified Angel
Jan 9, 2009
Rhode Island

The job was simple. All Nathan had to do was just look for something that pertained to the legend of El Dorado and he would find the mythical City Of Gold. After that, he had to report it to his employer and Nathan would get a nice cut after it was all said and done. Sure, the road to getting there was no doubt going to have some tricks up its sleeve, but when the job requires the best, then someone had to phone in someone like Nathan "Silver Talon" Leone, perhaps one of the best thieves money can buy in today's market.

Upon arrival near the Amazon River in Peru, Nathan - dressed in his usual thief's garb for the day - only smiled to himself as he then began his trek through the jungles of Apurimac, slashing through dense foliage by using his own talons and athletic ability in order to safely maneuver this rainforest. It honestly amazed him a great deal that this place hadn't been bulldozed down already to make way for a new Dodge factory out here, but then again, where would be the fun in that?

A good 30 miles into the forest went by before Nathan had to stop and rest near an old temple that was built during the ancient Mayan times. He could visibly see that the place hadn't been used in some time, given the fact that the structure looked to be at least five centuries old. On the outside of one of those temples appeared to have some sort of inscriptions about the ancient races that worshiped here, but that was typical for him. After all, the cat was a very revered and sacred animal to these people. So revered as a matter of fact, that sacrifices were often made in their honor. How touching... Nathan thought to himself with a laughing grin on his face as he inspected one of the ruins, seeing one of the inscriptions that looked as though it was pointing into the temple itself.

A thought then crossed the male ebony nekojin's as he decided upon himself that one look inside of the temple couldn't hurt. Besides, what was the worst that could happen?

As soon as he was inside the temple, he hadn't gone more than ten paces inside of it when...


"Huh?" Nathan sounded to himself as he glanced around, wondering it was he had triggered. Soon enough, the temple door came sliding down shut, sealing the male neko inside. "Shit!" He seethed as he ran back towards the entrance and began to look for a way out. There had to be something, ANYTHING that he could find to reverse the trap that he had to go and spring on himself.

"Well, that's just great." He muttered to himself as he then looked around the dimly lit temple. Perhaps there was another way out of this place.

As he continued to look around, however, Nathan soon came upon a small glint of light that was on the ground, somewhat illuminated by the only light source within this place; this being a small hole in the ceiling shining down on what appeared to be a solid gold coin.

A grin was on the male neko's face as he then approached it, knelt down and picked up the coin. But upon closer inspection, it wasn't a gold coin as he suspected initially. It was an amulet, one that belonged to someone of high prestige. But even as he thought about reading the inscriptions on the amulet, something happened. It felt as though Nathan felt displaced or possibly even disconnected.

The sudden feeling disoriented Nathan to the point where he became severely dizzy. Within moments, Nathan collapsed into unconsciousness, landing upon the ground with a dull thump.
Zyanya was the first to find the male in one of the old traps. Her feline instincts weaved through the intricate maze in one the lower levels of the temples. She had come her on the basis that she had smelled something different, and that she needed time away from the people she guarded with the fierce passion that burned through her veins.

A passion that died, more often than not, with their ritual sacrifice of children to their sacred god. However it was her duty, as it was with her entire family. The beads chinked against her breasts as she finally found the source of the scent. Her skirts cutting off slightly past her hips while two longer pieces of fabric, more to her knees, covered her front and rear.

The brown haired woman stopped to eye him carefully. Was he dead? She crept closer, moving into a crouch as the hunter in her moved closer, cautious that he attack her at any moment. It was only in a beam of light that one could see the open spots that dusted along her shoulders, back and thighs, a black dot in the center distinguishing her from her Leopard kin. Her dark ears sported a white spot behind them as she crept closer and dropped her head to his chest. His heartbeat as strong though the breath was shallow.

She muttered softly, a strange tongue on her lips, before scurrying back up to the surface. El Dorado, the city of gold, was not made truly, of gold, though gold inlays could be seen against the sun. She made it to the top level just as two of the males of her clan, Tototl and Xipil almost ran into her. The language of the Mayan flourished between them as the others disappeared beneath the lower levels, dragging out the new captive as the priests spoke amongst each other. Her mother and older sister sat on either side of the men, a collar bound to their throats leading up to the corded line to them. They were the strongest mystics amongst their Clan, able to channel the power the Mayans wanted to appease their gods, though they neglected to honor their very guardians goddess, Ixchel. She was the one, afterall, whom the Mayans had arranged their safety with.

In front of the Mayans, however, her people were forced to act much like their feline counterparts, at least the females were as the Men were used more as personal guards than those for sacrifice. Though her father had become one of the recent sacrifices as the birthrate amongst her chosen guarded people declined. Zyanya's own gift, as most of her people had one, made it difficult for her to join the Priest's growing list. Their bloodshed made her blood churn just as a bucket of water was tossed to their captive who was hanging between the two fellow Jaguar-like kin. Only the males sported piercings, ones that went through their nose on one, and the other had a piercing that looped from nose to ear. Paint still decorated their chests from the earlier ritual. Or at least what she hoped was paint.

She sat on the stairs in front of him, a Priest moving to gently stroke through her hair, those green eyes never straying from the male. He was...different. It was only when he awoke and he spoke would she be able to be of any use. The Gift of Tongues was a gift that as rare as it was, was not necessarily one that worked on it's own. Otherwise Zyanya wouldn't have bothered coming to the surface.
Through the time that Nathan laid there motionless save for steady breathing, it just felt as though that he had continued to feel as though he was ripped from his own reality. It took all the better part of what felt like several hours to him before he finally awoke, having felt water splashed onto him in an effort to awaken him. In truth, it did, but the reaction wasn't as pleasant as it sounded.

"The fuck?! Who threw that at me?! I'll kill the bastard that did that!" Nathan snarled out, as his primary reaction was to lash out at whoever it was that threw that water at him. It was impeded, however, when Nathan felt something restraining his wrists back. Looking from one side to the other, he could see lengths of rope that bound his wrists to what appeared to be some sort of suspension apparatus. Another thing that was curious to him was the two guards dressed in their respective uniforms at his sides and two more were in front of him. One appeared to be a priest while the other looked as though she was someone of high regard. They also looked different, too. Not by much, but the resemblance was uncanny. They appeared to be of the jaguar breed of the nekos, ones that hadn't been found for some time.

A look of confusion was on Nathan's face as he looked around once more, trying to decipher where he was. "Where in the hell am I? At a Mayan cosplay event?" He quipped sarcastically as the male neko glanced around once more.
Zyanya blinked a moment as his words slipped and her world of verse connected and weaved within her head before she spoke, "You are in the last Mayan stronghold, given by Ixchel after the Incas drove them to the sea." Her voice was calm, accented by her heritage, but she spoke plain English to him, though the others heard their native tongue. The priest behind her, moved to grip up under her chin lightly stroking along her throat reminding her how easily it would be to die if she didn't do her job to the perfect letter.

The men stood stoic as always as her mother and sister moved to sit along either side of the woman at the feet of priest, the others lounging on the other sides of her, reassuring her even. The Priest spoke in archaic tongue to the woman at his feet, her feline tail curving her knees as she remained seated. "My lord, wishes to know who sent you to their city." She perked her ears as the man continued, her ears flattening for a moment. The Mayan priest was not one to make angry and she swallowed as she continued. "He also also wishes for me to tell you that you are our prisoner." Her older sister moved then, despite her mothers warning, strolling on hands and knees to the male as her hands reached up feeling before the gold amulet fell from the man's pocket.

Taking it by the tail she strolled away from him and deposited the amulet into the Priests awaiting hand. She knew what the high price for thievery was, however there were still some days left until the next sacrifice. Her eyes widened a fraction showing her fear for only a moment before she killed it again with her iron will. "You will be taken to the Prison house where you will be taken care of by me, until the full moon." The Priest had continued speaking in the archaic language as suddenly he pushed her off the stairs in front of him onto her hands and knees.

She knew he was angry at her for not telling the male why in front of everyone the reason for the wait but he would learn soon enough, she waited for a more destructive form of punishment, but none came as the priest left them to attend to whatever desires he had wanted. Slowly on trembling legs she stood, dusting off her knees and arms. Small scrapes had formed on the skin but she knew she'd be okay. The others carried him down to a lower level where he was soon deposited into a round cage like structure, Zyanya hovering outside until the others vacated and left her alone with him that she settled on the ground near him and rested her head on the small ledge that lipped the end of the cage. "You shouldn't have come here."
Nathan blinked when he heard where he was. Wait a minute... He thought to himself as he lowered his head for a moment, trying to piece together where he was. None of this was making any sense to him at all. If in fact that he was where he thought he was, it just made his current predicament all the more bizarre to say the least. That amulet... What did it do? He thought again as he glanced down to his pants pocket where it was, only to see the female approach him and take it from him.

"As for what I'm doing here, that's a mystery even to me. I don't even know how I got here in the first place. One minute I'm walking through this temple and see something laying on the ground then boom. I end up here, wherever the hell it is I am." Nathan answered. But then, something began to click in his mind. Where did she say he was? The last temple that was given to them by their god before the Aztecs drove them into the sea?

A sudden realization came to him as his eyes widened suddenly before Nathan heard where he would be going next and how long he would be there for. A frown was on the male neko's face as he hung there for a little while longer before he was soon brought down onto his feet then escorted to a cage some time later then shoved into it after his bonds were loosened from his wrists.

Nathan's ears were laid back against the sides of his head as he walked to the front of the cage and glared at the guards that walked away from him before he emitted a snarl more to himself than to anyone in the immediate vicinity. How careless he was. To be caught in a place like this and then placed into a cage without being given his rights? Man, the agency wasn't going to like this, but then again, they often played the same card they often played to other employees whenever they were caught in the middle of a mission. They couldn't confirm nor deny the existence of that person and handwaved it off.

By the time he saw the same female come back, Nathan's arms were crossed in front of his chest and a brow was raised at her as she said that he shouldn't have come here. A scoff was his reply before he spoke. "Oh yeah? And here I was expecting the rock star treatment. Red carpet, wine, hot women and other celebrities and all that other jargon." Nathan answered with the same dripping sarcasm in his voice.
Zyanya was silent for a moment, the beads that hid the front of her breasts from view clacked together as she shifted to curl her legs out to her side, her feline tail with thick jaguar spots curving over her hip as she listened to the male carefully. Puzzlement riddled on her face as she tried to decipher some of the worlds. The Mayans, and the others, had not advanced beyond their disappearance in the sixteenth century. Zyanya was not a member of the original guardians. Her father had been, before the ritual sacrifice.

"I am sorry," she said at first, "But...I do not understand these words you speak of." Those green eyes of hers searched his face, without fear, and really without judgement of any kind even though she as sitting outside the cage he was in. She really was just as caged as he was. "You are in what the Fables call The City of Gold. Though I believe the gold is now more ruby." She said, "Those who have a drop of the old clans react as you apparently have to something of our city. Humans who have wandered here were those who had somehow managed to escape the Inca and Silver Man's rule." She said as she she shifted so her back pressed against the ridge beneath his cage. "My Father told me the Silver Man came on something called 'boats' with big bellies with men. But that was a long time ago. Time is different here."

Very different if he realized how old she really was. Though the bargain had originally for the Mayans, Ixchel looked after her own, and she was getting angry at the sacrifices being done to her children. However Zyanya became more in tuned with herself as she glanced over at him, "Do you have a name?" She mentally scolded herself. She was to see to his needs, not to become friends with a living sacrifice. The Priest, she believed, was slowly becoming mad...considering on how he had started to slowly wipe out the males of her kind.
Nathan wasn't really surprised that she didn't know exactly what it was he was talking about, but one could only assume that that was what happened when someone had been shoved back by about 500 years into the Mayans' past through some arcane means. A shrug was all Nathan gave as she listened to her story before he gave a roll of his eyes then looked to her. "Those men with the 'big belly boats' as you called them were the Spanish. I think I know enough about the history of this place to not need a lecture about it." He answered abruptly with his arms still folded in front of his chest with narrowed eyes.

"As for a name, my name is Nathan. Nathan 'Silver Talon' Leone." He then spoke, not making any attempt to extend a hand through the bars and offer her a handshake. It seemed it was far past that point with the way he was wrangled into this whole mess. "And you? How about yourself? You got a name or do I get to call you whatever?" He then asked, his sarcasm still present as ever.
She paused, "I didn't know what they were called. They came before I was born." She gave him a look, those emerald eyes hardening. He was being an arrogant male, and held no respect for the female in front of him. Granted not many respected her in most regards but they at least didn't make her feel like she was an idiot. That and his tone stung rather sharply for some reason as she moved away from him. A soft growl leaving her lips, reminding him she was as much of a predator as he was, and much more feral than his civilized self. "My name is Zyanya. Though after the full moon that will not matter to you."

She saw one of the males come towards her direction and spoke to her in that ancient Mayan, directly to her, a smirk on his features though her gaze remained level she continued her growl, and replied in much harsher tone than she had intended to the male. Which had been the wrong move for the female as the male grabbed her throat and forced her down on her back, snarling at her as he tried to make her submit. Unfortunately for him, all that ended him up with a swift kick to his groin. The release had been swift and as the other males laughed, she could see the Mayans stare at her in shock.

Zyanya had been the one that wasn't quite right as the males dragged their fallen comrade away. The scuffle had done nothing to appease her mood as she went into a different corner of the dwelling curling up slightly with her back to him. From this angle all he could see was those jaguar spots that seemed permanently inked into her body, freshly done, rather than her natural birthmarks of her people. She was so different from the others, no piercings nothing like the others of the village, at least those he had seen so far. "The rains will start soon," she said with less emotion than she had given him earlier.
At first, Nathan wanted to make another smartass comment about Zyanya, but he decided to lay off on it for now. Besides, there was only a limit as to how much someone could take before they decided to make a lunge at him. But he would be ready for whatever was thrown at him. After all, he was trained at a young age of how to fight and how to maim someone both physically and mentally all while using their own momentum against them and sometimes in a far more brutal way. "Complex name, but I like it." Nathan answered simply with a shrug of his shoulders.

It would be all he spoke with as he watched a rather comedic scene - to him, anyway - where one of those males came up to her and said something in a way to her that implied he was looking to hit on her and even attempted to force his will on her before he got her rather stern negative answer. This in the form of Zyanya aiming a well placed kick into his junk. A snicker came from him at the sight, seeing this woman had a little more spunk than Nathan had originally thought. But all of that snickering soon faded as she settled back on another side of the cage, showing her features a little more clearly to him now.

"And what would happen to me when this full moon comes? Am I scheduled to be executed or something?" Nathan then inquired when she mentioned the time to him. "I do hope your men are capable of trying to keep me locked in here, because I'll be making sure that my escape is ascertained even before then. And once I leave this place, you'll never have to see or hear from me ever again. Besides, you already made it clear that I didn't belong here." He added as he watched the female settled herself down into a sitting position. "Trust me, madam. That's not a threat. It's not even a promise. I personally guarantee that before the full moon, that I will be long gone before even knows where I went." Nathan proclaimed.
"The Priest wishes to sacrifice you to appease Ixchel, after he sacrificed my father to Quetzalcoatl." She said softly before glancing at him over her shoulder. "My father was a great warrior and was one of the ones who has been with the Mayans since they have made their plea to Ixchel. The old ones say that those who were in the presence of the Goddess were given an eternal life when they were taken from our homeland. I do not know as I was born here," The only one of the many of her kind that had been born since then and lived anyway. She traced her fingers along the floor.

"The Mayans have shed much blood since they came to this city, their numbers stay the same while, the same unique number, as our own have not changed in the past twenty-three years." The Mayans calendar to at least tell them years and dates. Her feline tail curled over her knees before the rains started to patter against the roof of the hut which held his cage. "The only way you can get away from this place is to get through the scouts and males, and even then you'd have to get by me." She looked at him, "The Priest put me in charge of you because you are not of our land. And I have the Gift of Tongues." Which explained why she was able to speak to him as she had been. She reached for one of the nearby pots which held an archaic picture on it and set it outside as the rains came. Fresh water for them as she flicked her feline ear.

"When the rains stop, I will go bring you food." with her profile to him, he could see the beads only rested on top of her breasts, seeing the curve along the side of one before she moved her arms. Even then he could see more skin than not as the skirt like lower portion rested just at her hips, "Hopefully the others will not come back in the mean time. Tormenting is Ichtaga's favorite past time." That named possibly one of the males from earlier. "Sleep though, they will not bother us until the rain stops." She pulled out another, larger, pot to place in the rain to collect, for what purposes for the larger were harder to tell. Those green of hers seemed more focused on her task than him.
Nathan only shook his head when he heard the word sacrifice, and even if he did sound surprised, the expression on his face hardly seemed to budge from its current stoicism. In all actuality, a sigh came from him as he crossed his arms and looked over to the side with an almost bored look on his face even as he continued to listen to her.

As much as he wanted to cut her off and blurt out a sarcastic remark, he instead turned his attention to her completely now, taking further note of her appearance. It was a sad shame that he'd have to get past her with all known intentions, for she was a rather lovely looking jaguar. But since his own life was at stake, Nathan wouldn't have any inhibitions of taking her down along with those who intended on getting in his way. "Well then. It looks as though we'll be at odds with each other. You guys wanna keep me here just so you can kill me to appease some god you worship while I plan on getting out of here and go home." He said with a shrug of his shoulders before he lifted his head up to the roof of the hut that housed him and his cage, listening to the rain above the two of them. "Something's gotta give, I'm afraid to say. I just hope for your sake that you and your buddies aren't afraid to go full out when I bust out." He added as he pointed a thumb back to himself in confidence.

"Anyways, I'm not even tired. Most I feel at the moment is mostly a little disoriented after arriving here." Nathan spoke once more as he then opened his arms out wide, stretching himself out with a long groan as he then leaned back a bit, popping a few stiff tendons in his arms and legs as well as a couple of discs in his spine before letting his arms go back down to their respective sides with a sigh.
Her green eyes were hard as she glared at him. "We have no choice, Nathan." She said as she pulled the smaller pot from under the rain that continued to fall in heavy sheets before pushing it into his cage, "Drink then." She growled out softly before returning to her perch as she brought one of her knees up to her chest, the other curled beneath it as she watched the rain. "The Priest, and the other Mayans, are our keepers, as much as we are their Guardians. My people respect nature and would not force a fellow hunter to be given to our Goddess unless it was absolutely necessary. The blood of our people is enough to appease her, not the lives."She glanced down at her fingers extending her claws that were disguised as nails before sheathing them again. Only for inspection reasons, considering as a female she wasn't supposed to go with the males on the hunt.

Good thing she ignored that lovely rule on more than one occasion. "You understate my people, and that is foolish of you." She said softly as she wrapped her arms around her propped up leg,k leaning her cheek against it as she chose to ignore him for now. She only perked her ears when she heard him pop the discs in his back but other than that her focus was more on the rain. Her eyes were half-lidded, and more to herself than to him she sung in her ancient language, because she was no longer focusing on him the Mayan tongue was able to flow freely. It was a bittersweet song, she knew the words by heart as they had been sung to her the nights after Father had been sacrificed.

The rains were harder here this time of the year, though the Mayans often blamed it for whatever god they had angered that day, Zyanya was much different. She loved her gift, however she knew Ixchel would have her wrath if another one of her people, even if it was a small strain of a blood decedent, was sacrificed. She contemplated in her head the pros and cons of things. For now it would be easier to just let the male die so that the Priest would leave her in peace. She thought about it, the Priest had been awfully keen on her lately. She would have to find her sister later to find out the reasons behind that. Her older sister had another gift, possibly due to the fact she was loosing her sight from her many of the rituals she had been forced to endure. A gift of Foresight. However it was very limited, she could only hope that it was one of those times that her sister knew.
"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Cool story, bro." Nathan eventually spoke up in a purely venomous tone after listening to her side of the story. "Just keep on believing what you believe and I'll do my thing." He said as he walked towards the door of the cage and looked at it for a moment. The bars looked as though they were made from a strong wood of some sort, and even the padlock looked somewhat primitive. A tightly wound Windsor knot in the ropes that held the cage shut.

A grin was on the male neko's face as his eyes of dark brown looked over the knot. If this was made any more simpler for him, then his escape from this detestable place and then finding his means of getting home was going to be almost child's play. He then looked to his right hand for a moment as his perfectly groomed fingernails lengthened into inch-long claws. He first thought about cutting through those ropes and then making his way out, but if that woman was as skilled as she was, then he might be in for a challenge. "I'll take my drink later." He said as he then glanced over to the pot that was laid out for him as his claws scaled back into their regular fingernails for the time being before he turned his back to the cage door and leaned back into it, sighing quietly.
Zyanya's gaze flicked to him at his tone, and another growl left her lips. "What kindness I showed you was not worth my time." She said coldly, though now she could see him eying the door with more interest. She turned fully, to face him, the only exit for him if he managed to get through the cage was to get past her, and even if he managed that she had a bigger advantage than he did, even in the rain. She had grown up in the Amazon far longer than he had been here. She also knew all the safer traps that lay hidden just outside their borders.

Though she seemed completely relaxed, her tail was the tell tale give away she knew he was planning something as it slowly swished back and forth on the floor. Despite her desire for an afternoon nap with the help of the rain, there was no way she was going to let her guard down now. She could see the occasional streak through the rain by some of the others as they ran before the rains got worse. Storms were not uncommon here, though the roads to the temple were no longer paved in blood, the gold was still there. And there was no easy way to win this. The water would surely slow him down if he really decided to risk it now.

The males wouldn't chase after him, if what he gathered was right. It was only the female who sat there so poised and ready to pounce that stood between him and freedom. Well and the cage of course, but the real 'guard' was her. If only he knew what he was getting into.
"Kindness? Some kindness your goons showed me when I arrived here." Nathan answered.

Such a shame, really. Despite he felt a little bad for the female jaguar, Nathan knew he was in the right. For all intents and purposes, he should've killed the guard that was unfortunate enough to toss that bucketful of water on him. Oh, how much he wanted to find that bastard and give him what he felt only on a much worser scale. But that wasn't the objective at the moment. The first thing he needed to do at the present was to get out of this place and get back what rightfully belonged to him in the first place then find his way back home. There was no way he was going to hang around to be sacrificed to some mystical being and there sure as hell wasn't going to be anyone who was going to carry the plot out. Now if only that female knew what his talents were, she would know firsthand that he wasn't just any common thief. Quite the opposite, as a matter of fact. His marital arts skills was absolutely second-to-none, gathering himself two numbered black belts in both Capoeira and in perhaps one of the most brutal forms of it all, Muay Thai Kickboxing. As referenced by one of his superiors once, it was said that Nathan's left knee could put someone into the hospital while the right one was a certified ticket to the morgue. The way he could mix it up was also a splendor to behold, as well, making seamless transitions from one style to the other and then back again without so much as a hiccup. Despite he was caught in that one trap from earlier, it was only because Nathan got far too careless. Other than that, it was said that his trap knowledge was one of the best. If only Zyanya knew what she was up against if she were to go toe to toe with him.

Given the heavy sounds of rainfall outside, Nathan estimated in his head that it would be quite a while before the storm would let up. At least maybe a few hours at best. If he were to get out of this place now, the rain would be a bit of a problem, but his years of thievery taught him that no matter what condition it was or how worn down your body was, the mission always came first and it had to be accomplished. At any cost. Even if it meant that his own life was on the line, Nathan was more than ready to put it all out there and then some for his body was trained to go for however long it took before he had to come down for a rest.

Sensing her eyes on him, Nathan glanced back at her with one eye opened. But instead of prolonging any further conversation, he instead pushed himself off of the door and then moved over to the pot that held his drinking water inside of it before he knelt down and took a hold of it before lifting it up to his face, sipping from it slowly as his tail swished about for a moment before it lowered to the ground.

Soon enough, Nathan lowered the pot to the ground with his eyes closed in calm thought for the time being, not saying another word to the female that stood nearby.
"I thought you would rather live a little longer than to have one of the others kill you for being so deep in the temples, the temples are sacred to our people, Nathan. So I told the others you had fallen into one of my traps so that they didn't kill you on sight. Unconscious. With no fair fight for you. Or do you believe that I would stoop to the point of no morals?" The Jaguar certainly had a mouth on her, sharp as the claws she had to as she remained in her seat. Those legs of hers toned from more than just running, and hunting, but those stairs were killer.

She shifted her weight a bit however, and braced her back against the entrance of the building, her eye on the larger pot. Finding it at an adequate amount she pulled it back in though it was at least thirty or so pounds she seemed to carry it with ease as she set it inside. Enough to wash oneself with easily as she rested her arms across her knee again as she sat back down after a minute or so. She was fighting the urge to sleep with an iron fist, especially when she couldn't trust the male to really...behave outside of watchful eyes if her senses told her anything about him. Pity, he seemed liked a good man if he wasn't so much of a prick.
Nathan hardly had anything more to say to Zyanya as he remained knelt down beside the pot that he was given as he glanced up to her with a stoic look on his face even as he laid down onto his back with his hands behind his head. From there, he gave another pensive sigh before he eventually spoke all while crossing one leg over the other then tapped the heel of his boot against his knee.

"Whether or not you people have morals about anything is a little out of my caring radar." He answered without missing a beat. "It didn't seem that one of your cronies didn't have any inhibitions about trying to make you into his bitch. But, I suppose he got what he deserve for trying to do so." Nathan answered, referring to the male she kicked in the crotch earlier. "Either way, I couldn't care less." He concluded as he closed his eyes in thought while his tail swished about from side to side in a relaxed way.
Zyanya eyed him, "Believe as you wish, it is custom to try to exert dominance over an unmated female." She shrugged carefully, "If she submits, then she becomes his. Until then she chooses her destiny." She leaned against the entrance, watching as the rain came down harder than it had at first, thunder rippling through the sky as her attention faded from the male. She turned on her side balancing on her hip as her tail curled over her bare thigh.

There would be no logical reason fro him to try and break free with the rain so hard. "Like I said, sleep while you can." She muttered softly, letting her arms cross over her mid section in a relaxed state. However her no matter how relaxed the female was, her feline ears remained alert. The female was a light sleeper, and she should be, considering her station. Though the hollow reeds that held up the building were strong, there was no way to keep the water from completely coming in.

Even then it was a welcome relief from the humid sticky heat that claimed the Amazon jungle. Even as the darkness of sleep claimed the jaguar woman, alone as per usual, there was something about the male that had told her that there was a great change to come. Somehow the world as she knew it would change. The cycle would soon come to the end from it's tilting wheel that had been turning since the beginning of time.
A quiet scoff was all Nathan emitted as he glanced up to the female jaguar and listened to her speak. It honestly wasn't all that surprising to him, really. Besides, most cultures had bizarre mating rituals of some sort or another. Nathan began to listen to the heavy rainfall beginning to pelt harder and harder against the stone that made this temple into what it was today - or in this time period anyhow - causing him to possibly consider the offer of sleep. Even if it was just a little catnap of sorts, then perhaps she had a point. There was no getting out of here just yet, but Nathan knew beyond a shadow of a doubt within his body that he was going to get out of this makeshift prison and there was no one that would stand between him and his inherent freedom.

He needed to make plans for it later when the storm loosened up a bit more. The irritating thing about it however was when those same droplets of water began to pelt over his ears, causing him to flatten them back to shield his inner ears from it and then emit a soft sigh. Nathan, Nathan, Nathan. What are you going to do in order to get out of this, eh? He thought to himself as he continued to look upwards to the ceiling as if it had the answer to all of his problems.

Come to think of it, Zyanya did have a point in her previous comment in telling him to get some rest. With the storm the way it was behaving as of currently, there was no way that Nathan could much of anything as of yet. But the one thing the male neko knew is that he would be getting out of this place, but not before retrieving the item that brought him here in the first place, that being the amulet. If it brought him here, then it might have the potential to bring him back to his own time.

But for now, Nathan simply lay back on the ground slowly with a sigh upon the stone floor with his eyes opened for perhaps a little while longer before he relaxed enough to fall asleep.
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