/What happens at Con/ - Me and Killdozer -


Jan 11, 2009
Starly stared at the convention around her. It was set up in a good place this year - near a park with a lot of stone fixtures. There was also a mall nearby. The convention was in a decent hotel - decent prices, and she had four friends on staff. She tapped her finger on her lip, it was the first morning of the covention - always a busy time. She was decked out in her cosplay, albeit it was one that bothered her a little. The seamstress was a friend of hers - and had decided that it would be a wonderful idea to add stiffer underskirts.

Which meant she had to be careful - not that it mattered. The outfit was her Dark Side of the Moon Senshi. The extensions had been easily, and her hairdoe wasn't dragging down on her too much. She had forgone a weapon this time - mostly because jumping around the place and impressing people with mock fights, went much easier without one.

A chuckle left the dark haired girl as she walked towards the park across the street. She grabbed the ledge that was about a foot about her head, and dragged herself up effortlessly. She sat on the ledge - looking down at the con goers, amusement crossing her features. So many people this year, at least a good twenty thousand. The convention had bloomed well in three years. Since she had started attending - she had watched an influx of people.

Starly was twenty, just barely reaching the age of twenty-one, that would be tomorrow. It was early spring and the air was warm, a soft crisp breeze brushed through her bangs. Well this would prove to be an interesting convention. She hoped she could get a good mockfight this time. One that actually challenged her.
The hotel and area was filled with people, all coming together to celebrate their love of things anime, video game, television, and comic book alike. The minority of people were dressed in street clothes, a very small minority. The rest, cosplayers as they were known, dressed in costumes to represent their favorite characters, main or obscure, male or female, costumes and outfits ranging from dozens of different universes plotted the floor.

Some were crappy, some cardboard boxes cut up and taped to look like armor. Some were of a very high quality, hiring actual make-up artists to make themselves look like a different species. One person in particular, to others, would seem like someone who really went all out today. This person had white robes, a cape draping over his left arm, accessories and very real looking weapons all around. It seemed like a perfect replica of whatever the man was trying to be. Probably because it wasn't a costume, this was the person.

Ezio Auditore da Firenze was an assassin, born in the fifteenth century in the city of Florence, Italy. Yet, somehow, he was here, on the convention floor, 2010. The man assumed it had something to do with a Piece of Eden, one powerful enough to do more than simply affect minds. Whatever the case, Ezio had been taken out of Italy and thrown into this new place.

As soon as he'd shown up he took to hiding, in crowds and along the walls, finding a good niche next to a pillar to observe the crowd and try to make sense of it. He could hear people as they walked by, talking about things he'd never heard of, using strange devices...It seemed to him like they were a bunch of freaks, though to all of the convention goers, he was one of them.
The young woman remained on the wall that was part of the stone structure of the park at the convention. She stood up for a moment, and then let herself fall forward. Most people freaked out for a moment and screamed - but at the last moment she tucked and rolled - coming up on her feet and looking around like the cat that ate the canary. "What? Did you think I would get hurt?" She commented in a sugary voice to a Naruto cosplayer standing not to far away. The boy looked like he had wet himself a little.

"You wanna play a ninja? Learn a few tricks..." She teased as she waggled a finger in his face, and then ran straight at the wall she had just jumped down from. She pushed up with her boots, a thick layer of sealant on them protected the designs, and the rough leather bottom produced a perfect grip. She scaled the wall rapidly again and then jumped down the fixture that was the waterfall attached to the otherside. She slid down a few of the rocks and then rolled to a stop, looking around. Who to pick on?

Well she'd figure that out easily! She looked around a few moments and saw a cosplayer sticking to alcoves and shadows. Perfect, an assassins creed cosplayer. She dropped down quickly - remaining rather silent as she approached her boots didn't scuff the ground, and she remained low and to the shadows - her outfit being rather good for blending in. She came up behind the cosplayer and popped up, tapping him on the shoulder.

"You look a little outta place, most people don't go that all out on their Assassin's garb." She commented lightly.
Confusion filled Ezio as he sat in the alcove, observing the crowd and catching what snippets of conversation he could. These people were all dressed so strangely, even compared to what he was used to. Even their conversation was weird, hearing mostly English. He'd learned some here and there from business contacts that his father had, and certain jobs in his own career as an assassin, not too much though, and these people were adding in strange words he'd never heard before on top of it. He decided to leave it up to the Piece of Eden, somehow able to let him understand.

Mainly he wanted to figure out where the hell he was. While the architecture slightly resembled it, he knew this wasn't in Italy. The people looked different, they had weird boxes with buttons they were carrying around, squares on the walls that had pictures playing like moving paintings... Certainly not Florence, Rome, or anywhere he knew of had these things.

As Ezio stared, suddenly a tap came on his shoulder. His left hand was ready to shoot out the hidden blade it carried as he turned to see who was here with him. Certainly someone that wouldn't be a threat to him wouldn't be able to get here without him noticing. A woman. Dressed like the others here, different though. Her clothing was very revealing, was she a courtesan? The ones of Italy didn't even wear such clothing, it seemed this girl barely had anything on. Not that it was a bad thing, she was rather attractive. Then she said assassin. Instantly he shifted from a flirty look to serious, now on his guard. If she knew who and what he was...that meant she was either an assassin herself, or a Templar.

"Why exactly would you think I am an assassin miss? You must be mistaken," he said in a deep Italian accent, glad whatever let him understand this strange English dialect also let him speak it
(( Decided for some fun, to toss in a translator from this site - http://translation.babylon.com/italian/ ))
Starly's eyes lit up - this one was a good one. A good actor, and his reaction time was flawless. When his hand came up - hers came up for a block, almost instantaneously. Gold eyes danced with amusement - as her eyes took in his garments. They looked rather authentic, like they had been hand crafted. This was someone that definitely paid attention to his garbs. He spoke with a heavy italian accent. She arched a brow as she leaned back a little, arms crossing over her chest. "Well your garbs are of Ezio, of Assassin's Creed. It's a video game." She said as she tilted her head to the side a little.

Something was of here, this seemed too authentic. Always a believer in the odd - a sort of idea came to her. Perhaps it was because of him - or perhaps it may actually have something to do with a Piece of Eden(as Ezio seemed to believe). "Non siete di America. Siete?" She said lightly - her accent was nearly fluent. But that was because her Grandfather and Grandmother were Italian by birth - and had come to the states. They had made sure she knew what she knew.

Something odd was going on - and the young woman couldn't quite place it. "Mi spiace, sto così rude. Il mio nome è Starly Sanguidochi." She said lightly, knowing that some of the con goers were looking at her like she was insane. How ofter did someone speak Italian? At a convention. But perhaps it was part of a show? That's what people were whispering.
Ezio was surprised, she was good. It only made him more suspicious that she was more than she seemed to be, perhaps really being an assassin or Templar rather than a courtesan, as her clothing would make her seem. He stared, though eyes widened as she spoke. She knew his name, but what were these other things? Assassin's Creed? Video game?

The confusion of knowing his name was shadowed when she spoke perfect Italian. "America dove siamo adesso? Cosa sta succedendo?" he asked, ignoring the English for now since she could understand. America... Where was that? Any other eyes that were on them were ignored as Ezio stared at her, seeming to demand answers with just the glance. Hopefully she would know to tread carefully, since he didn't exactly trust her right now, and the hidden blade beneath his sleeve was rather sharp.
"Sì. Siamo in America. Il nuovo continente. Ho la sensazione, pensate di essere da un altro luogo e tempo." She said lightly as she leaned back against the wall. Her arms crossed under her chest, a nice pair at that. A good handful - not to large and not to small. Firm but definitely perky. She couldn't wear a normal bra with this outfit, it had one built in - thanks to her friend. She looked around her and motioned for him to follow.

Walking over towards the park now. Perhaps he would follow - knowing him - he would. She had a feeling that something odd was happening. This wasn't a cosplayer - there was something too authentic to this. "Non siete in Italia. Non a Firenze, o a Roma. Siete in un luogo che sarà creato un po' dopo il vostro tempo. Che cosa è successo l'ultima che vi ricordate?" She said as she looked back at him, her lips quirking a little.

The park was a good place, and there was a few alcoves that cosplayers tended to just go around. Mostly because that was smoking areas - which was what she was about to go do.
The new continent? Different time? "Naturalmente so da un luogo differente. Diverso tempo?" he said, muttering the last in disbelief. This woman was crazy, though attractively crazy. Her outfit showed off her body, and Ezio took that as a sign to admire it. He smirked as his eyes gazed to her breasts when her arms crossed under them, sight moving south to take in her smooth legs, mostly revealed by the short skirt she wore. As she motioned he moved with her, dropping from the spot they were in with ease and moving with her through the crowds.

Ezio looked around as they walked, taking in the strange looking buildings. They did not seem to be made of clay and stone... More like metal and glass, and they seemed to reach to the sky. He looked to her when she spoke, taking her words with some shock. "Dopo il mio tempo, siamo in futre? L'ultima cosa mi ricordo... La mia famiglia della villa in Monteggrioni, l'anno 1480 è stato. Qualcosa è accaduto e mi è stato inviato qui," he said, hoping the woman could make some sense of this.

Perhaps his Uncle found a Piece of Eden and hadn't told him? Then while experimenting sent Ezio forward in time? It didn't make sense, though he assumed whatever the real explanation was couldn't be any more logical. "C'è qualche tipo di evento? Ognuno è vestito strano," he said, deciding to question why the people here were wearing such strange attire.
Starly walked towards one of the alcoves, her hand braced on a ledge that was about as high up as her hips. SHe pushed off and pulled herself up - using the one arm. Rolling a little and then sitting with her legs tucked under her. It was one of the grassier alcoves - and a tree was up above. Perhaps she would climb it later, not now though. She pulled out her pack, and tapped it on the back of her hand. Pulling one out and lighting it up with a match. She took a long drag - and then exhaled. "Sì. Qualcosa deve essere accaduto. E' l'anno 2010. Primavera stagione." She said lightly as she tapped her cigarette.

She stared ahead of herself contemplatively as she stretched out her legs, bracing one hand on her skirts for modesty sake. She exhaled again and then nibbled her lower lip. His next words were expected - actually, odd at that. "Si tratta di un incontro. Come un festival. Ci riuniamo in determinati periodi dell'anno per celebrare le cose ci piace. Le cose che noi l'amore." She said softly as she tapped the cigarette again. She looked over at him - taking in the site of him. Yes he was authentic, which meant she was going to have to help him.

"Dovremo get you identificazione. Qui - alla convenzione - avete bisogno di avere un badge. Si dice lei appartiene alla convenzione, e che potete andare in tutte le camere." She stated as she shifted a little more, sitting back against the tree trunk and tucking one leg up, folding the other neatly to hide the under skirts and her underwear from site. He was a bit of a pervert - as the game had dictated, no reason to torment the poor lost man.
Ezio watched her move, mostly waiting for an answer to his questions but also admiring her body once more, gazing up and down as she climbed above him. Still a few feet away, Ezio got a running start and leapt up to the ledge she sat on. He leaned against the tree and looked down to her, confused by what she pulled out and started to breath from. "Che cosa stai usando?" he asked, giving her something else to answer.

He stuttered some nonsense at what she said. 2010? It was really five hundred and thirty years later? If Ezio was to believe this, he would have to accept he was on another continent and half a millennium later than his own time. Insanity... Yet it all seemed too real to be a dream or some sort of joke.

"Siete riuniti in un festival per la ravvivatura stranamente? Non capisco. si assomigliano al Carnivale?" Ezio asked, not really getting this weird event. His eyes looked down, hoping to catch a glance when her legs moved, unfortunately she seemed to have thought of it and adjusted accordingly. "Come posso ottenere questo badge, per quale motivo avrei di restare qui? Vorrei per esplorare questo nuovo mondo, specialmente se le donne tutti indossare queste vesti," he said, smirking at the end.
Starly looked over at him sideways and cocked her head to the side. Her lips quirking a little as she took another drag and let the exhale slowly leave her. He was so adorable with that question. Surely they had tobacco back then. She was sure of it - because the higher class people tended to smoke - quite a bit. "Sigarette. Tabacco e di carta. Voi li fumo." She responded as she gave a faint yawn. She was in a way ignoring him - and in a way not. She knew he was suspicious of him, reading people was one of the many things she had been taught to do.

She looked at him, and noticed his confusion. Laughing softly as she rolled a shoulder back. Tossing her pigtail over her shoulder, and stretching her leg out now. "Sì. Siamo riuniti e all'usura e costumi. Per sostenere le cose ci piace. Creazioni di letteratura - libri e animazioni." She responded as she laughed gently and cocked her head to the side. She laughed softly and tapped her cigarette again, pulling another from her pack and holding it out towards him.

His next question actually made her blush - as she scratched the back of her head. "Qui, in America, abbiamo cose difficili per esplorare. Per essere onesti, senza identificazione, lei non sarebbe in grado di andare ovunque. Vostri trucchi e del commercio è anche qualcosa che è illegale qui. Come lo erano nel vostro tempo." She responded as she gained a thoughtful look. It was possible to get him identifications - to try and help him fit in. But who knew how long he'd be here, or if he'd actually remain? In all honesty.

"Come per il badge, ho amici in alti luoghi. Quando ho fatto qui, si può andare e parlare loro." She stated lightly.
Ezio had never seen tobacco, it was slightly after his time. Still he was confused, but decided to drop it. The thing wasn't important. What was important was how he was going to get this so called 'badge' and fit in with these people, and how he would get back. Even if he wanted to stay and explore, he still had a duty to complete back in Italy, to kill the Templars.

So... It wasn't exactly like Carnivale. The costumes seemed to be similar, but that was for fun, not to celebrate pieces of literature. A strange concept, but he accepted it. The other people did, clear as they walked past them dressed in all sorts of costumes. He gave a slight glare as she laughed, angry that she might be enjoying his confusion.

The glare disappeared as he saw the blush, a chuckle now coming from him as he saw the effects of his flirting, though her words seemed to show that she'd ignored it. "Lavorando nell'ambito della legge non è esattamente una preoccupazione di miniera, dovreste sapere se sapete tanto della mia racconti. Che cosa accadrà dopo di noi ottenere questo badge? Io non ne sappiamo nulla della vostra letteratura, che cosa sarebbe io fare qui?" he said. He couldn't exactly go to the event and have fun while celebrating things he knew nothing of, really wanting to either get back to his own time or at least have some fun outside of this place.
"Quando si riceve il badge, andremo in giro con le altre persone. Possiamo andare a eventi, dove discutere di cose che gli piace. Oppure possiamo anche solo rimanere in giro qui nel parco - ed eseguire per le persone. A volte si danno soldi per la gente se ne esegue abbastanza bene. Personalmente - Sono qui per uno sparring partner. Anche se devo ancora trovarne uno." She responded to him at his question. She ignored the fact that he was openly hitting on her - the blush staying on her cheeks as she flicked away the cigarette but and stood up. Legs rather closely together and back leaning against the tree.

Her hand pressed to the top of her skirt - once again blocking him of any possible view. With that thought in mind she took two steps forward and jumped from the ledge. Holding out her hand in a questioning manner to him and smiling. She was ready to get going and get his badge. "Come on." She responded lightly. She then turned and started to walk again, ducking through the crowd. She knew he would easily follow her. Out came her cellphone as she made a call.

Before they had even left the park, a short rather quite looking girl - dressed up like an elf ran up towards them. She handed Starly a badge, and Starly turned around to see if Ezio was behind her.
Ezio nodded. The whole touring or discussing things didn't exactly appeal to him, though sparring and doing some free-running did, he rather enjoyed that aspect of his work. Of course, he supposed if he did stay, that meant more women here to try and meet. Something he'd noticed while observing was that there were many attractive females here, though dressed strangely. Like here. Another smirk formed as he noticed the blush stay, enjoying how he was getting to her.

The assassin followed when she jumped down, leaping after her and landing cleanly. He didn't like how much she was trying to hide herself, though that would change with time, he was sure. Ezio followed her through the crowd, rather easy to track with the long, long hair. "What is that thing you talk into, I've seen many people here with them," he said, seeming that they'd gone back to English.

His eyes caught the girl moving to them before she got too close, and smirked once more as she approached them. She was rather cute as well. "Thank you my dear," he said, giving a slight bow.
The young woman blinked at him rapidly and rolled her eyes a little. "I've gotta go, there's a short out in the game room." She stated as she turned and walked off. Starly turned back to Ezio and laughed - actually laughed. "A bit of a hint about our time, some women don't like men - at all. Same as some men not liking women, at all. Sarah, doesn't like men - at all. Flirting with her does you no good." She said as she stepped up to him. Getting close enough that she could smell him. He must have bathed recently - he didn't smell horrible or sweaty. Just a little musky.

She leaned in closer to him, so her head brushed the top of his chin, as she pinned the badge to the edge of his cloak. Then she stepped back and looked around. "We can go to a panel, or we can go back to the park. I'm hoping to find a sparring partner, that actually knows what they are doing." She commented as she looked around. She peeked her head around the hotel buildings corner - her body bending a little. Then there it was a flash, of smooth white flesh and a peeking of plain black cotton. She was not aware she had flashed him - but she was not aware he was watching her that closely either.

"Unless you are hungry, and I suppose I can cover some food for you." She commented.
Ezio blinked a couple times and watched the woman leave, a bit surprised at exactly how much she'd shot down his flirts. "Really, it's common here?" he asked, looking to her. There had been some people back in his time that were like that, though it was hidden more. He smirked again as she got close to him, even if it was just to attach the badge onto his robes.

"I suppose you can lead the way milady, I do not know what this panel is, and I wouldn't know what to do otherwise," he said, standing behind her and looking down as she bent around the corner. Ezio's smirk returned and he let out a chuckle, seeing as how her body turned it revealed her undergarments.

"I certainly hunger for something," he said in his sultry, Italian tone, stepping a bit closer and placing a hand on her waist. The whole idea that 'revealing clothing doesn't mean she wants sex' didn't seem to hit Ezio. The only women who dressed as such in his time were the courtesans, and they were willing. "Unless you are like your friend, and you aren't interested in being with a man."
Starly laughed at his words - her eyes lighting up as she stretched a little. "Yeah, it's pretty common. People are open about it too." She said as she looked around, and then started to walk around the edge of the building. She was unaware she had given him a nice bit of flashing. A hum leaving her lips - an old lullaby, one her grandparents had whispered to her to get her to sleep. Odd how the presence of a pervert, brought up such fond memories. Her head cocked to the side as she listened around her, trying to perceive anything of valure.

Then he stepped forward, a hand landing on her waist, and a sultry voice in her ear. She whirled around, the fist was aimed in an upwards jab for his solar plexus - rage crossing her features as she glared daggers at him. "Come hai osato! Io sono una donna - e vi treat me come tale!" She barked at him, well anger seemed to flare certain roots in her. Her eyes blazed as she stared up at him. She shook her head and stepped back, pressing her palm to her forehead.

"Rule 1. Do not EVER assume that just because I'm nice to you, and just because I may be dressed differently then women you remember, do not EVER assume that I am an easy fuck."
Ezio coughed as her fist landed in his stomach, he was able to move out of the way slightly, but it still connected and got him pretty good. He tried to catch his breath as she shouted at him in Italian. Even as he wheezed slightly and was reprimanded, he had to smirk.

"Ho potuto trattare lei come una donna, ma pare che non si vuole," he said in his flirty original language, smirking still as he recovered himself. "I understand, though that means it is possible, true?" he said with a slight chuckle. It seems he would continue to flirt, even while being yelled at about said flirting.

"In all seriousness some food would be nice. Perhaps afterward we could spar, if you wanted," he said, stepping around the corner and looking around the park and festival. They all seemed to be enjoying themselves, even if Ezio didn't understand. He noticed some people were looking to him and muttering to each other, to the women that would he gave a smirk and nod, causing a couple to giggle and some to roll their eyes and turn away.
Starly's eyes flared with anger as she yanked away from him. Turning away and walking - she was ignoring his words now. As she walked down towards an opening - a door into a restaurant. He was lucky she had gotten paid - that way she could get him food he would at least be able to appreciate. "We can get you food here." She stated as she jammed her clenched fists - downward. She looked at the line for the Italian Restaurant - and sighed inwardly to herself. She was just doing this - because otherwise he'd end up dead. His continuum didn't need that happening.

"As for a spar, we can do that later. Eat first, then I'll do my warm ups - and we can see about a spar." She stated as the young woman approached them. "Two please." She said as she held up two fingers. The waitress nodded and lead them to a table. "You should recognize food here. At least I hope so." She muttered as she sat down and picked up her menu.
Ezio chuckled as he followed her, amused with her reactions. These were the fun ones, the ones you had to work to get at. Girls that fell at your feet were fun too, but it was a sort of thrill to him to work for it, slowly seduce them. "Sounds good," he said as they walked in, scrunching his face a bit at the restaurant. "They call this Italian," he muttered. Hanging up a flag and serving pasta apparently made you Italian now.

"That will be fun, just to practice. Usually when I am fighting, it is to take a life," he said to her quietly as they went to the table and sat. He took the menu and looked through it. Such a strange thing, like a book of food they had. "Er, I suppose I will have the spaghetti. Do they have wine?" he asked, looking over the menu to Starly.
She snorted just a little and rolled her eyes. Crooking an eyebrow up as she watched his accents. "This is a real one, and it has nothing to do with just serving pasta. This restaurant is owned by family friends. You shouldn't be so damn judgemental. You're getting a free meal." She stated as she watched the people walking by. She looked over the menu, and made her order. Stopping then she stared at him.

"Well without identification - you aren't allowed to get wine. Here they have a law that anyone under the age of 21 is not allowed to drink." She stated as she muttered their order to the man that had come over. The man nodded lightly and vanished. "What kind of sparring are we talking about doing, just a heads up. I need to figure out exactly what kind of level of sparring we will be doing."
Ezio scoffed quietly and closed his menu, setting it on the table. Well, he had been suddenly taken from his home and thrust into a different place, centuries ahead of when he lived. The assassin supposed he had a bit of a right to be slightly judgmental, angry even. He decided against it, not wanting to piss off the person who was helping him. At least, not too much.

He followed her example, telling their waiter he would like water, tone clear that he wanted something different. "Don't I look over twenty-one? Hell, I had wine when I was well under that age," he muttered, not liking the rules this place seemed to have. His gaze moved to her once she questioned him about the spar. "Well, I'd hope it is just a casual spar. I don't really feel like hurting you and I would hope you feel the same about me."
"Well that's still the way it is in Italy, back there. But here - this is America. The new Continent - and here you have to have identification." She said as she pulled out her wallet and showed him the card that was within it. "We also only pay with coins if the item is worth very little, the rest of our products and possessions are bought with this or this." She said as she motioned to the cash and the credit card within her wallet. "Though I try to avoid using the card..." She muttered faintly as she looked around.

The Waiter returned, and bowed lightly. Holding a bottle on his arm "A compliment from the chef. He says he can recognize one of his own - when he sees one, and says the meal is on the house." He said lightly as he uncorked the bottle and poured a little into each of their glassed. He set down the basket of fresh bread that was brought to him,a nd set the wine down in a bucket of ice on the table. "Enjoy your evening, madame and Sir."

Well damn.
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