- Joined
- Oct 1, 2010
Right; time to talk about myself:
- I could be adv. lit. - but I'm too lazy.
- but don't come to me if you're totally illiterate. I'm able to write a decent amount, and write quite well - so I've been told - so please be the same. ^^
- I much prefer quality over quantity.
- Give me one or two paragraphs of quality, fun, exciting writing, and I'll love you forever. As long as I can reply to it; I'm happy.
- I don't like insta-love. If your character 'loves' mine within two days of knowing them, I won't be happy. It's fine if the characters are attracted to each other, but.. They wouldn't love each other immediately. Unless the plot calls for it. ^^
- I really like visual aids. Pictures of your characters are loved - but not needed - although I would much prefer if they were 'real-life' pictures and not anime. I don't like anime. I also LOVE Fashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore - where you can make outfits. Let me know if you want to use pictures or polyvore as visual aids. If you don't; I don't mind. It's not the end of the world for me. xD
- I ♥ drama in roleplays. =]]]
- As for characters; I pretty much only play females. I'll play male side characters, but.. I don't like playing males. If that makes me a bad roleplayer, then so be it. I don't enjoy playing them, so I don't. What's the point in roleplaying if I'm not gonna have fun? =]
- Continuing the subject of characters - if your character is shy, emo-ish, generally really submissive in every way; then he won't get on well with mine. My characters are confident, out-spoken, etc - they get on well with the same kind of characters. I like a bit of a clash between similar characters. It's fun.
Wow. Count how many times I said 'characters' in that. xD
- Only hetero. Sorry.
- Ask to know my kinks. But, I don't do incest. Umm.. Or anything /too/ heavy. I don't really know, to be honest. I like light watersports, but nothing too extreme.[/b]
- Where do I want to roleplay?
AIM: flashyelephants
YIM: flashyelephants
MSN: flashyelephants@hotmail.co.uk
- only IMs for now. got too many PM roleplays.
- Yeah, that's pretty much it.
Umm.. So, yeah.. I'm one of those annoying people who have pairings. Like it, or lump it!
I'm lovely, really. Promise. =]
♥♥♥♥♥ - CRAVING.
♥♥♥♥ - Will definately do.
♥♥♥ - Okay, cool. =]
♥♥ - Will do, if persuaded.
♥ - Will take a lot of persuasion.
bold - My part.
☆ - I have a plot - See plot post.
★ - Need a plot/Come up with a plot together.
♦ - YOU come up with a plot. Please. :3
TeacherxStudent - ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ☆
VampirexHuman - ♥♥♥♥ ♦
PopularRichBoyxNo-HoperPoorGirl - ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ☆
Abusive Relationship - ♥♥♥♥♥ ♦
YoungerSisterxOlderSister'sBoyfriend - ♥♥♥ ★
VampireTeacherxHumanStudent - ♥♥♥♥♥ ♦
VerySexualxVirgin - ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ☆
CutterxFriend/Teacher/RandomPerson - ♥♥♥♥♥ ★ - note: does not mean I will be emo.
CheatingHusband x YoungNeighbour ♥♥♥♥♥ ★
DelinquentDoingCommunityServicexParoleOfficer/Probation Worker ♥♥ (I've got a sort-of plot. Needs developing. Is just an idea, really.)
Love Triangle ♥♥ ☆
That's all I can think of at the moment. But, bear in mind I do Modern/Realistic pairings, and just suggest something to me. I don't bite.
Plots are up next. ^^
TeacherxStudent -
Plot 1: The two meet at the start of the summer in a club/party. They get drunk. They go home together. They have far too much fun than they should have. They go back to school after the summer. They recognise each other. She's seventeen; he's a lot older than her. And her teacher.
(Added Drama Bonus: Maybe he's married? Maybe he has a girlfriend? Maybe she has a boyfriend? Maybe he has a kid? Maybe she gets pregnant? - You choose. =])
Plot 2: The two meet at the start of the summer in a club/party. They get drunk. They go home together. They have far too much fun than they should have. She lies about her age. They get together after that night. She continues to lie about her age - she likes him; she doesn't want to lose him because of something as small as age. Age is just a number, right? Wrong. They both go to school after the summer and find each other there. He got a job at her school; quite spur of the moment - didn't bother to tell her. Now he knows she's lied. Can they stay together? He's her teacher.
Plot 3: The two meet at the end of the summer - the day before all the schools go back, actually. The meet in a club/party. They get drunk. They go home together. They have far too much fun than they should have. The next morning, he goes off to work, and she goes home. Little do they know that they'll see each other in just a few hours. She's only seventeen; he's a lot older than her. And he's her teacher.
That's not all, though.
Her family have only just moved into the area. She and her brother had to go to school, and her mother needed a new job. Guess what job she chose? The Principal of the school.
PopularRichBoyxNo-HoperPoorGirl -
He's rich. She's not. He's got prospects. She hasn't. She's trouble. He isn't. His parents know exactly what they want for him; nice girl, nice education, nice job. They don't want her. But he does.
(There's more to the plot. Ask to know more. I have a starting point, not just a vague plot. =])
Love Triangle -
So, this will be a big rambly mess, and I apologise for that. I've been reading the book 'Ralph's Party' - if you haven't read it, read it or wiki it xD - and it's basically got a bit of a love triangle in it. So, I want to steal the plot from it. Girl moves into apartment with two guys who already lived there, and they are best friends. She's very confident, knows what she wants, wants a relationship, but wants the RIGHT relationship - she's been messed around before. They all get on pretty well, but she starts to get on better with Guy A, and decides that this is the guy she should be with, but then Guy 2 realises he likes her too, so tries to get her attention - is nice to her, tries to get her alone, etc. Basically, it's just the struggle as to which one she likes/loves more - exploring relationships between the characters; secrets, sneaking around. LOVELY. xD
Just because this is a 'love triangle' kind of roleplay, doesn't mean it'll be smutty. JS. =]
You can play both guys, or, if you just want two main characters - the girl and a guy - then we can focus on their relationship, and just both play the other guy as a side character, who can still spice up the plot.
Okay, so, first things first, I don't want this to be a depressing, emo roleplay, and my character will most definitely not be all doom and gloom, because those kinds of characters are boring and don't further the plot. That won't be happening. JS. =]
So, she is popular - not as in cheerleader-popular; she just has friends. She's confident, the life and soul of the party, and she's the one everyone goes to when they need help, or have a problem. Maybe that's what blinds people from what is happening to her behind the scenes. Her home-life isn't great, but she never mentions it. She has a boyfriend, but her friends don't know him. Probably for the best, really, since if they saw how he treats her, they wouldn't be happy. The confidence; the happiness - it's all a mask, concealing what is really going on inside, and no one takes the time to see if she's okay because.. Well, why wouldn't she be?
No one except one guy. Someone really quite unlikely. The guy who lives next door. He's cocky, arrogant, seems to be only out for himself. He doesn't seem the caring type.
But he sees her - those moments where she lets her guard down and doesn't smile; where the confidence disappears. He wants to help her; help her get out of the relationship and make her life better. Will she let him? Or stay in the denial that she is 'fine' how she is, and doesn't need any help.
Another rambly plot, I'm sorry. xD If you need me to clarify things, I can. And we can add/change bits, too. =]
She's a 'Good Girl'. She comes from a good family. She doesn't swear. She doesn't fight. She doesn't have sex. She doesn't drink. She doesn't do drugs. The list of what she DOES do would be shorter. Her parents are incredibly proud of her. She's everything they want in their daughter.
He's the complete opposite. They live next door to each other. They're both pretty rich. But he's not 'good'. He sleeps around. He drinks. He swears like a sailor. He fights. His parents hate him. In fact, the whole neighbourhood hates him.
She's humble about her wealth. He flaunts his wealth.
Seem like an unlikely couple, huh?
But he needs a tutor. He's failing school/college. Enter the 'good girl'. His parents pay her to tutor him, because she's smart and is passing through school/college with flying colours. Yet another difference between them. He doesn't want to be tutored. He doesn't want to be hanging around with the 'good girl', either. She cramps his style. But if he doesn't pass, he'll be kicked out of the house, and then what will he have? So, grudgingly, he accepts the help.
What will happen between them? Will she make him better? Or will he make her worse? What will their parents think of it? What will the entire neighbourhood think of it??
There. All done. Sorry it was so long! ^^
Give me a PM or IM. I'll be waiting. ♥
- I could be adv. lit. - but I'm too lazy.
- I much prefer quality over quantity.
- Give me one or two paragraphs of quality, fun, exciting writing, and I'll love you forever. As long as I can reply to it; I'm happy.
- I don't like insta-love. If your character 'loves' mine within two days of knowing them, I won't be happy. It's fine if the characters are attracted to each other, but.. They wouldn't love each other immediately. Unless the plot calls for it. ^^
- I really like visual aids. Pictures of your characters are loved - but not needed - although I would much prefer if they were 'real-life' pictures and not anime. I don't like anime. I also LOVE Fashion Trends & Styles - Polyvore - where you can make outfits. Let me know if you want to use pictures or polyvore as visual aids. If you don't; I don't mind. It's not the end of the world for me. xD
- I ♥ drama in roleplays. =]]]
- As for characters; I pretty much only play females. I'll play male side characters, but.. I don't like playing males. If that makes me a bad roleplayer, then so be it. I don't enjoy playing them, so I don't. What's the point in roleplaying if I'm not gonna have fun? =]
- Continuing the subject of characters - if your character is shy, emo-ish, generally really submissive in every way; then he won't get on well with mine. My characters are confident, out-spoken, etc - they get on well with the same kind of characters. I like a bit of a clash between similar characters. It's fun.
Wow. Count how many times I said 'characters' in that. xD
- Only hetero. Sorry.
- Ask to know my kinks. But, I don't do incest. Umm.. Or anything /too/ heavy. I don't really know, to be honest. I like light watersports, but nothing too extreme.[/b]
- Where do I want to roleplay?
AIM: flashyelephants
YIM: flashyelephants
MSN: flashyelephants@hotmail.co.uk
- only IMs for now. got too many PM roleplays.
- Yeah, that's pretty much it.
Umm.. So, yeah.. I'm one of those annoying people who have pairings. Like it, or lump it!
I'm lovely, really. Promise. =]
♥♥♥♥♥ - CRAVING.
♥♥♥♥ - Will definately do.
♥♥♥ - Okay, cool. =]
♥♥ - Will do, if persuaded.
♥ - Will take a lot of persuasion.
bold - My part.
☆ - I have a plot - See plot post.
★ - Need a plot/Come up with a plot together.
♦ - YOU come up with a plot. Please. :3
TeacherxStudent - ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ☆
VampirexHuman - ♥♥♥♥ ♦
PopularRichBoyxNo-HoperPoorGirl - ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ☆
Abusive Relationship - ♥♥♥♥♥ ♦
YoungerSisterxOlderSister'sBoyfriend - ♥♥♥ ★
VampireTeacherxHumanStudent - ♥♥♥♥♥ ♦
VerySexualxVirgin - ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ ☆
CutterxFriend/Teacher/RandomPerson - ♥♥♥♥♥ ★ - note: does not mean I will be emo.
CheatingHusband x YoungNeighbour ♥♥♥♥♥ ★
DelinquentDoingCommunityServicexParoleOfficer/Probation Worker ♥♥ (I've got a sort-of plot. Needs developing. Is just an idea, really.)
Love Triangle ♥♥ ☆
That's all I can think of at the moment. But, bear in mind I do Modern/Realistic pairings, and just suggest something to me. I don't bite.
Plots are up next. ^^
TeacherxStudent -
Plot 1: The two meet at the start of the summer in a club/party. They get drunk. They go home together. They have far too much fun than they should have. They go back to school after the summer. They recognise each other. She's seventeen; he's a lot older than her. And her teacher.
(Added Drama Bonus: Maybe he's married? Maybe he has a girlfriend? Maybe she has a boyfriend? Maybe he has a kid? Maybe she gets pregnant? - You choose. =])
Plot 2: The two meet at the start of the summer in a club/party. They get drunk. They go home together. They have far too much fun than they should have. She lies about her age. They get together after that night. She continues to lie about her age - she likes him; she doesn't want to lose him because of something as small as age. Age is just a number, right? Wrong. They both go to school after the summer and find each other there. He got a job at her school; quite spur of the moment - didn't bother to tell her. Now he knows she's lied. Can they stay together? He's her teacher.
Plot 3: The two meet at the end of the summer - the day before all the schools go back, actually. The meet in a club/party. They get drunk. They go home together. They have far too much fun than they should have. The next morning, he goes off to work, and she goes home. Little do they know that they'll see each other in just a few hours. She's only seventeen; he's a lot older than her. And he's her teacher.
That's not all, though.
Her family have only just moved into the area. She and her brother had to go to school, and her mother needed a new job. Guess what job she chose? The Principal of the school.
PopularRichBoyxNo-HoperPoorGirl -
He's rich. She's not. He's got prospects. She hasn't. She's trouble. He isn't. His parents know exactly what they want for him; nice girl, nice education, nice job. They don't want her. But he does.
(There's more to the plot. Ask to know more. I have a starting point, not just a vague plot. =])
Love Triangle -
So, this will be a big rambly mess, and I apologise for that. I've been reading the book 'Ralph's Party' - if you haven't read it, read it or wiki it xD - and it's basically got a bit of a love triangle in it. So, I want to steal the plot from it. Girl moves into apartment with two guys who already lived there, and they are best friends. She's very confident, knows what she wants, wants a relationship, but wants the RIGHT relationship - she's been messed around before. They all get on pretty well, but she starts to get on better with Guy A, and decides that this is the guy she should be with, but then Guy 2 realises he likes her too, so tries to get her attention - is nice to her, tries to get her alone, etc. Basically, it's just the struggle as to which one she likes/loves more - exploring relationships between the characters; secrets, sneaking around. LOVELY. xD
Just because this is a 'love triangle' kind of roleplay, doesn't mean it'll be smutty. JS. =]
You can play both guys, or, if you just want two main characters - the girl and a guy - then we can focus on their relationship, and just both play the other guy as a side character, who can still spice up the plot.
Okay, so, first things first, I don't want this to be a depressing, emo roleplay, and my character will most definitely not be all doom and gloom, because those kinds of characters are boring and don't further the plot. That won't be happening. JS. =]
So, she is popular - not as in cheerleader-popular; she just has friends. She's confident, the life and soul of the party, and she's the one everyone goes to when they need help, or have a problem. Maybe that's what blinds people from what is happening to her behind the scenes. Her home-life isn't great, but she never mentions it. She has a boyfriend, but her friends don't know him. Probably for the best, really, since if they saw how he treats her, they wouldn't be happy. The confidence; the happiness - it's all a mask, concealing what is really going on inside, and no one takes the time to see if she's okay because.. Well, why wouldn't she be?
No one except one guy. Someone really quite unlikely. The guy who lives next door. He's cocky, arrogant, seems to be only out for himself. He doesn't seem the caring type.
But he sees her - those moments where she lets her guard down and doesn't smile; where the confidence disappears. He wants to help her; help her get out of the relationship and make her life better. Will she let him? Or stay in the denial that she is 'fine' how she is, and doesn't need any help.
Another rambly plot, I'm sorry. xD If you need me to clarify things, I can. And we can add/change bits, too. =]
She's a 'Good Girl'. She comes from a good family. She doesn't swear. She doesn't fight. She doesn't have sex. She doesn't drink. She doesn't do drugs. The list of what she DOES do would be shorter. Her parents are incredibly proud of her. She's everything they want in their daughter.
He's the complete opposite. They live next door to each other. They're both pretty rich. But he's not 'good'. He sleeps around. He drinks. He swears like a sailor. He fights. His parents hate him. In fact, the whole neighbourhood hates him.
She's humble about her wealth. He flaunts his wealth.
Seem like an unlikely couple, huh?
But he needs a tutor. He's failing school/college. Enter the 'good girl'. His parents pay her to tutor him, because she's smart and is passing through school/college with flying colours. Yet another difference between them. He doesn't want to be tutored. He doesn't want to be hanging around with the 'good girl', either. She cramps his style. But if he doesn't pass, he'll be kicked out of the house, and then what will he have? So, grudgingly, he accepts the help.
What will happen between them? Will she make him better? Or will he make her worse? What will their parents think of it? What will the entire neighbourhood think of it??
There. All done. Sorry it was so long! ^^
Give me a PM or IM. I'll be waiting. ♥