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One x One [MxM, FxF, MxF] Back from the dead!

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Mar 5, 2010
  • So because I tend to get into odd moods and occasionally start craving desperately more adult-based roleplays, I figured I'd head on back here yet again after randomly disappearing yet again because of annoying drama. I would promise that it won't happen again, but I'm going to be flat out honest and say chances of me disappearing off this site again are pretty likely. Now, it doesn't mean I'll drop off the face of the Earth, just that I won't be regularly on the site so sending PMs or replying here? Not the best way to get in contact with me since I won't see it right away. But before I get on to the rules and whatnot, allow me to introduce myself since it has been a while and whatever few usernames I happen to recognize from seeing in the past probably don't remember me (or they could just not care, but either way I'm going to introduce myself).

    My name is Pam. I'm 21 years old and currently in school majoring in Journalism. I live in Florida, which obviously means I'm on the East Coast. I've been roleplaying for roughly 7+ years (give or take a year or two). I can usually be found online every day since I have no life outside of school, so really the only times I won't be online is when I am in class, though I'm currently on break until August. If you'd like to know any more about me feel free to ask, I don't want to take up too much of your time with an autobiography of myself since this is a roleplay search, not an place for me to give my life's story.

  • If you have any questions about anything in the list, feel free to ask.
    • ✘ Have decent spelling/grammar.
      ✘ One paragraph per post minimum (I understand writers block).
      ✘ Three paragraphs maximum (I like roleplays to be sent back and forth at a quicker pace and it's hard to do that with lengthy replies).
      ✘ Third person only (using made up characters, not myself; I get creeped out when things like that happen).
      ✘ IMs/Email only (I may accept a few PMs, but I may end up forgetting to reply; IMs or Email would be your best bet in making sure you get a reply).
      ✘ I play submissive.
      ✘ Don't ask me to give you pictures or go on webcam with you or anything of that sort. I've had it happen a few times in the past, which is why I'm including it here.
      ✘ If, for whatever reason, I decide to end the roleplay, please be mature about it. I promise if you decide to end the roleplay I will be mature as well. I didn't think I'd have to include this, but apparently it's necessary.
      ✘ I reserve the right to add, change, or remove any rule listed at my whim either when I think of them or if I experience something that peeves me.

  • Now that the uneventful part is over with, let's get on with the pairings and such, shall we? The role I play will be bolded and colored. If neither are bold, I can play either. Current cravings will be marked with a , and a beside a pairing means I have at least one plot. The lists are short for now, but more will be added in the future.

    • Fandoms
      • Sam x Dean
      Harry Potter (Marauder's Era)
      • Sirus x Remus
        Lily x Severus
      Alice (the SyFy channel mini-series)
      • Alice x Hatter

      Miscellaneous Pairings
      • Brother x Sister (or Sister x Sister, or Brother x Brother)
        Teacher x Student
        Doctor x Patient
        Father x Daughter (or Mother x Daughter)
        Soldier x Citizen
        Waitress/Waiter x Customer
        Nurse x Patient
        Cop x Criminal
        Ghost(s) x Girl
        Tennant x Landlord
        Strangers on a Plane
        Driver (truck, car, van, etc.) x Hitchhiker
        Boyfriend x Girlfriend x Boyfriend's Best Friend
        Stalker x Stalked
        Door-to-Door Salesman x Customer

Contact Me
  • Send me a PM or email me ( for my contact information. Too many people have been abusing the fact that I list them here, so I've taken them down.
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