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An interesting year (Peekaboo x Mera1506)


Sep 25, 2010
It had been a few months now, a few months since Sirius Black had escaped from Azkaban and had taken to hiding on the grounds of Hogwarts. It had been easy enough to get in and hide, staying in his Animagus form, moving through the Forbidden forest. He and the others had come here so often during their school years they could practically navigate it with their eyes closed. Not to mention the creatures had become accustomed to his scent, they left him alone so long as he left them alone.

It was December now, the weather growing colder, snow already coating the ground at regular intervals, and Sirius' normal hiding place of a secluded cave was no longer enough. He needed to start getting out and around to gather more supplies. Food, things to keep himself warm. Unfortunately a fire was out of the question, the light and smoke would certainly draw attention. He had to find other means to keep himself warm.
Right now, Sirius was moving along the edge of the Forbidden Forest, in his dog form of course incase any students happened to be around, even in this weather. He was headed toward the lake in the hopes of finding some fish before it completely froze over, his stomach grumbling at the thought.
Gina was a bit of a loner. Being a hermaphrodite wasn't easy. Having to wear a schooluniform with a short skirt was no fun either, but at least they had the robes. After classes she always took a stroll outside for much needed fresh air. She was walking along the lake, dressed warmly, carrying a small bag in a pocket of her robe. It was bigger on the inside then the outside. She always took some things from the lunch table to enjoy as snacks after class and before dinner.

She stood about 5'5ft tall and had a lean mildly athletic build. she had long straight dark chocolate brown hair, reaching half way down her back, big almond shaped bright emerald green eyes and slightly pale skin. Suddenly she noticed a dog and walked over to it. "Hi there." She said.
Sirius sniffed the air, his nose twitching as his head snapped upwards. He could smell food...cooked food. Sometimes being able to turn into a dog had its uses. He turned to follow the scent, lowering his nose to the ground, then back up to the air, following the scent until he heard a female voice, looking up at its source through the darkness. A girl? She looked to be around 13 or 14 years old, though it was hard to see her in the darkness. He hesitated for a few moments, unsure of her intentions, but the way she was wasn't threatening...besides, as far as she was concerned he was just a normal dog.

He allowed her to approach, the scent of food getting stronger and stronger, it was clearly in this girls posession. When she was close enough, he followed the scent, moving to sniff at her pocket, making it clear what he wanted.
"You're hungry huh? No wonder you're all skin and bones." She said and pulled out the small bag and emptied it on the ground. Dinner would be in about an hour. "Here, dig in." She said. He looked adorable. "You know if you stick around I could bring you food more often." She said, thinking the dog probably wouldn't understand.
Almost as soon as the food was out of her pocket Sirius moved forward, snatching some of it out of the air as it fell to the ground and munching heavily. Oh he'd missed the food of Hogwarts....even before his imprisonment he'd missed it....nobody could cook quite like those house elves. He barked happily when she mentioned bringing food more often, tail immediately wagging in excitement. This was perfect, someone bringing him food all the time? Maybe in future some of it would even be hot. He quickly finished off the food, then leapt forward in order to lick her face, momentarily forgetting just how large his dog form was.
She wasn't sure if he understood, but at least he was more then happy with the food. Maybe next time bring dinner food instead of lunch. She suddnly found herself with her back on the ground. She giggled as he licked her face. She was pinned down, but knew he wouldn't hurt her, but it was a strange position.
Sirius continued to lick her face, his long rough tongue occasionally brushing against her neck as he stood ontop of her, paws moving seemingly innocently, though at times he seemed to be standing on her chest without even realising it, large heavy paws massaging at the young girl. After a few moments Sirius seemed to get off her though, instead sitting beside her with his tail wagging.
As the dog licked her its paws moved to her breasts and when she felt it brush over her nipples she moaned softly. It probably didn't realise what it had done, but this breast massage had gotten her a bit aroused. Her nipples were hard and she was getting wet and a little hard too. She knew dogs had an amazing sense of smell, would it be able to smell she was aroused? She rubbed it over its head and smiled.
The moan caught Sirius by surprise, he hadn't even realised what he was doing until she moaned, though he was careful not to look down at his paws...he had to keep up an act of not understanding what he was doing. A few moments later however, he sniffled the air, smelling something....familiar. He sniffed again, moving from sitting beside her and sniffing at the ground, following the scent between her legs, beginning to sniff at her robes, his nose poking against her crotch as he took deep smells of her scent.
The dog stopped and started sniffing. And suddenly his nose was pressing against her crotch. She closed her eyes, this felt good and she became more aroused and harder as he continued. She kenw she should probably stop this, but didn't want to. She knew it wasn't uncommon for dogs to sniff at someone's crotch though, so this was probably perfectly innocent on his part.
Sirius continued to take deep breaths of her increasing scent, he could tell she was becoming aroused and it just spurred him on to sniff more. When his nose pressed up against her crotch through her robes though, something didn't feel quite right....and there was a second scent besides just that of a woman...another familiar scent. He sniffed again, moving his nose to begin nudging her robes out of the way, making it seem like it was an accident and perfectly innocent thing for a dog to do, but he was trying to get the robes out of the way so he could expose Gina's skirt.
He kept sniffing. He seemed to really like the scent. It wasn't long before her robes fell open and her skirt was exposed along with the bulge under it. But something seemed off, although it wasn't uncommon for dogs to do this, wouldn't they normally get interested in something else after a little while?
Sirius couldn't help but hesitate as he saw the bulge in Gina's skirt, watching as it twitched, still growing. He was confused....she had the scent of both a man and a was that possible? Was it some kind of spell or potion? He leaned in and nudged the bulge with his nose, sniffing again, before starting to sniff up her body, across her stomach and her breasts, then up to her neck and face, as if trying to determine what she was by her scent.
More sniffing, but up her body too. It's as if it knew things were different with her. A normal dog wouldn't know that would it? "Confused boy? I'm a hermaphrodite." She said. If it understood what she was saying it wasn't a normal dog, that was for sure, but hey, she wasn't complaining.
A hermaphrodite? For the briefest of instants Sirius stopped at hearing that, but quickly resumed his sniffing, hoping she might not have noticed that he did indeed seem to understand. Instead he sniffed at her neck, then gave it a lick, before moving to sniff at her face again. She was born like this? So it was a natural thing for her....she really did have both....Sirius knew there were spells and potions that could create such an effect temporarily, but he'd never actually met someone for whom it was natural.
Sirius' own body seemed to be reacting aswell, both to her scent and to his discover. Between his legs he started to feel something....odd. He had never felt arousal whilst in this form before, and the sensation of his cock slowly starting to push out of its sheath was an.....unusual say the very least.
For just a moment he seemed to stop, did this mean he understood her words? Licking her neck , sniffing at her face. Then she noticed something ele that was unusual, he was getting aroused. Why would a dog get aroused from this situation? The cock looked different, unusual, but it was big and she had to admit just by seeing it she wanted to fuck him, but it wasn't right, right? Having sex with an animal? The again this was no ordinary dog.
Sirius let out a soft growl as his arousal continued to grow, his dog-like cock slowly becoming longer, thicker and harder, starting to feel a little sore by now. He looked up at Gina and again leaned in to lick her neck, this time a little more slowly, almost as if he was trying to pleasure her. Hey, she wouldn't tell anyone about this right? So it should be ok and shouldn't damage his cover or anything. As far as Sirius was concerned, there was no way for her to figure out the whole truth, even if she could eventually figure out he was an Animagus.
It almost seemed he wanted it too and was asking in a dog like way? That look... There was no way she could go back to the castle with a hard one like this. She pulled her boxers down and off. He cock sprang free and it was pretty big. well what should happen now, who was going to fuck who?
Sirius turned his head as Gina reached under her skirt, watching as it was lifted out of the way and a pair of boxer shorts were removed instead of panties...made sense...panties would likely have been really uncomfortable for the girl after all. Trying to make it look like he was just a curious dog Sirius moved between her legs, leaning in to sniff her bare cock and pussy, his breath burning hot in the cold night air, before his large, rough tongue flicked out, licking from the very base of her vagina to the top, across her heavy balls then right up the length of her cock, tasting every inch of her, lapping up pussy juice and pre-cum alike.
Gina could feel the warm air of his breathing and then suddenly his tongue. She couldn't help, but moan a little. Deffinately no ordinary dog, but right now she couldn't care less. She got on all fours for him so he could mount her, she thought that if she tried to fuck him she'd spook him off.
The moan was music to Sirius' ears, though before he could move in for a second lick the girl had gotten herself up on all fours. She....wanted him to fuck her...? But he was a dog...was she really that turned on? He seemed to stare at her for a moment, perhaps unsure what she was intending, before he moved closer, jumping up and placing large, heavy paws onto her back, the tip of his cock beginning to rub against the lips of her pussy, down them and poking into her hanging balls. Sirius had to wonder if she was a virgin or if she had done this before.....though he didn't particularly care either way. He drew his hips back and pushed forward again, though once again his cock was slightly off-target, this time jabbing roughly into her clit. He let out an animalistic growl of frustration, moving a little more onto her back, his sharp claws digging into her slightly through her robes as he prepared to thrust again.
This time, he was on target, the tip of his cock piercing the lips of her pussy, almost half of it ramming inside of Gina's body with a single thrust.
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