White Rose Withering [TakodaVega x Dies Irae]


Oct 30, 2009
Raleigh, NC
Cage was starting to think that going after the last of her 'first' life was becoming a bad idea. Every single time she went through with the decision to retire from the trade just as soon as she got rid of the fucking Rat she got stuck here all over again. Back to the beginning. Silver eyes flicked as she watched others stroll along the various cages. The only advantage was this time they put her in her own gilded cage.

The amurjin had just enough room to sink down into a lotus position so her knees wouldn't die a horrible death on themselves. Which was the position she was in now, not it did much good to hide any sort of dignity but Cage had learned a long time ago to not be shy about her body. Even if it was a bit exotic, then again the slave trade didn't give you much of a choice. She sat, her feet propped on either thigh as she sat straight. Her long ivory hair falling of her shoulders to at least annoy the guards and patrons and hide the majority of her breasts from view. Only the inner fullness could be seen the rest? Hidden by the strands.

That did nothing to hide her 'exotic' nature from view however. Ebony stripes ran length wise along her back, much in the form of tiger stripes that curled over onto her ribs clashing with her naturally pale ivory skin. To add to the woman's 'exotic' nature a tiger striped feline tail curled along one side of her, ending between the joint where her feet were crossed on the floor. Her silver eyes were open by slits as she watched the others around her. Feline ears occasionally perking this way and that as the amurjin remained in what seemed to be a relaxed position though she was wired for anything.

Not that she could go far for that matter either. Chains hooked from her wrists which for now hung loosely over her knees to her ankles, a small small steel hoop in between the two points. The damned hoop made things impossible for her to maneuver properly, even within the containment of the cage. A cage just wide enough that her knees brushed against the cold metal. It prevented her from reaching far, particularly if she spread her ankles, the simple movement would send the hoop up along the chains to her wrists, keeping them together. It was only when she sat, as she did now, that she had even enough chain to stretch her arms.

Some of the Masters had come by to eye her. Sizing her up for their collection, but none really tried to bother considering the sign on the front of her cage. The Auction block wouldn't bode well for the Amurjin at this rate. She had come so far, when the bounty hunters such as herself were on the other side of the cage, free to do as they please. But now White Rose was starting to accept that maybe this was her destiny from the start. Once a slave, always a slave.
Stinging Nettle was beginning to assume White Rose had disappeared, sitting a top a clock tower looking down upon all the people going about their daily routines, he had a good day gathering information, Rose had disappeared and he wanted to find her. Looking to the ground he gave a small smile, his blue eyes scanning the crowd below him for his next informant. A sort of everything has a cost type of man, though he accepted different payment other than money, he was an information trader, info for info. Nettle scaled the clock tower down carefully, avoiding any unnecessary lights, he had a thing for being hidden, it was his way, if you were never seen, you could never be caught.

Amidst the crowds he hid, he hid well, his tall frame masked by the shadows of verandas and alleyways, eventually he came across his informant, the fellow seemed oddly jumpy for someone who deals with information like he had, Nettle was silent as always, he signed his words to the man, a informant like him would be able to read it and in return he gained a lead ion Rose's location, as quickly as they had met, they both vanished away, Nettle went off to find his next target, the one who supposedly knew where Rose was. He was going to have to be quick, the next cycle wasn't long away, he would wait until after his next transformation to find her, he needed stealth for Rose not power.

The night was falling but he eventually had to pass into the light, his well built body showing in full view of the empty street he was on, he was toned, the constant movement served as excellent excerise for his legs and his natural development of being a werewolf helped keep his upper body in good shape add in the fighting and bounty hunting and there was going to be at least some tone to his body. He was tall quite tall just a few inches from 7 feet. His hair was short barely reaching his collar, though from all the time running around today it had grown quite messy and out of place.

This was unorthodox of Nettle, he had always avoided entering Taverns to find info, but a hunter has to do what a hunter has to do. He entered slowly, his eyes closed momentarily taking in the sounds of the tavern, somethings were better heard than seen, He wasn't worried about people knowing him, No one knew who Stinging Nettle was or what he looked like besides White Rose and Foxglove. He didn't need to stay here long, he just needed to wait, to watch for his target and then leave and hide until he was alone. Underneath the black long sleeved shirt and white pants he hid his weapon of choice, the twin daggers, easy to wield and easy to use but he wouldn't get into trouble not here. His blue eyes glanced over the various people, his eyes seemed to spark with electricity when they came to rest upon the individual who he was to see. Nettle left quickly after he had spotted him, the man who leave eventually and Nettle would get what he wanted.

Nettle had indeed been correct about the man leaving, he wandered off alone and into a winding alley that led to some sort of crude hotel. Nettle was on the rooftops following, when his chance came he struck quickly, a swift kick to the back of the shin, it would incapacitate and cause pain but he would still be able to to speak. Nettle walked forward the daggers handles in his hands ready to draw them at the even the slightest sign of trouble "Where is she...?" he asked his deep voice filling the silent street. The man was not convinced this stranger was intending to kill him, but with the impressive height he had no intention of finding out, in a small motion he pointed to a building on the horizon. Nettle looked down and pulled a small cloth from his pocket, as the man ran away Nettle sat in the alley unwrapping the cloth revealing a sparkling Emerald Swan. A symbol of his former role and life. Rose was one of those symbols as well but he had a job to do. Silently he put the swan back in his pocket "I'm on my way" he said to the air, and with that he was gone again up on the rooftops moving to scout the building the man had pointed out.
Cage was still in a meditation like state when she heard someone settle in front of her. The only telltale sign she had registered the person at all was her feline ears perking straight ahead. It was only when a cold hand gripped her chin forcing her to look at whomever had wanted to get a good look at her. A soft growl resonated in her throat as he tightened his grip. "Such a pretty thing aren't you?" Came that gravelly voice as his watery eyes looked her over.

Her inner feline wanted to attack the man touching her those silver hues glowing with anger as he kept touching her with those inspecting filthy fingers. How many slaves had this man had? Probably plenty but she refused to be one of them. If only she could move just a hair more. She'd tear his arms apart. Even her claws started to extend from the sheathes that were disguised as nails. Nails which happened to be sharpened to a certain point. She had all the desire in the world to slash the man's face in two, all the desire but none of the means to do so as his filthy hands slid along her ivory throat down chest.

As he cupped one of her breasts and then the other she finally had her means to take action, her hands acting like viper ready to strike as those claws sunk into the man's forearm, hearing a scream echoing the slave chamber. "You filthy whore!" Came the man's voice as he reached for her throat with his spare hand but her tail darted up to grip his wrist. "I believe the sign said I was not for sale," came her soft voice, deadly undertones lacing through it. "And there was another sign that says enter the bars at your own discretion." She smirked coldly. "I think you chose poorly."

She released him as a whip descended upon her back through the cage, leaving a stinging welt along her shoulders. Cage didn't even flinch at the pain, she had been hurt far worse than the whip could do to her. There was a price for everything as the guard moved to the crank on the lower end of her cage, just out of reach for her tail and started to turn the shaft. Her chains slowly but surely became tighter. Now she couldn't stand let alone move her hands away from her ankles. He turned the master, who was staring as the ruby drops slid in rivers down his arm, "I apologize sir, but the sign says that this slave is unbroken and therefore a danger until the Trainers have her."
Nettle stood on a thick branch of a large oak tree nearby the place he had been led to, a rather dank building, it looked like it was abandoned but then that was never the case. He suspected some kind of bounty was there, perhaps Rose's rat she was looking for. The winds blew softly around him, his hair picking up and swaying in the breeze, this night was going to be interesting, once he had completed his scout of the building he would wait for his cycle to be complete before venturing inside to look. Perhaps if he could find out what was going on within those walls he could sneak in under the guise of someone who would go there. Yes that plan would work well, he just need the information about the buildings deeper purpose first.

"Rose, why would you be here" he whispered, a soft deep tone emanating from his lips as he jumped to the foot of the tree silently, crouching low and moving quickly to the edge of the building, hidden in the shadows he looked through the windows slowly looking for any sign of what went on inside. There we're people, lots of them, they seemed to carry whips and shackles with them, possibly mercenaries or perhaps squatters taking shelter. His mind crossed the thought of traders but Rose would never be caught dead in the presence of a trader. He continued scouting the building after concluding the men were either mercs, squatters or less likely the traders. His eyes scanned the roof for entry points, no vents or windows he could sneak in through, no he would have to pretend to be whatever the hell those men were.

He heard a faint sound coming from inside, his ears listened carefully, someone was yelling at another, with the language he guessed it was a woman...his eyes widened as that thought crossed his mind, his face showed the apparent shock of the realization..."Rose" he said softly knowing she was in their, knowing she was the one being yelled at. HIs anger began rising as he looked at the wall, he would get in there, yes he would get Rose and then leave, he had to do that. Nettle walked away from the building, going over the various thoughts racing through hi mind. Rose had been captured or was in an argument, two possibilities that would end badly for her and the person she was with. In the darkness Nettle's shadow faded until it was out of sight, he was going to hide away for his transformation, he would not save Rose using the power of the full moon, no he needed his accuracy and agility not brute force.

In the shadows of the night, Nettles howling began to cross across the fields, his body began to change, bones cracked and broke themselves, as they did they changed and snapped themselves back into place, his eyes changed color to a strong gold, he had often puzzled it, his eyes were blue as a human but when he changed they turned gold, like his lupine form was matured and his human still young. At the end of his change, his loudest howl rang out across the nearby places, a howl of pain as the final bones took their place. His body covered in fur, he stood taller, reaching almost 7'5' in his full stance. His eyes scanned the cave he had sheltered himself in. He left quickly, Nettle was hungry, Nettle wanted to eat something. In an instance he caught the scent of a deer nearby, his powerful limbs moving him quickly to the location. The deer never knew its fate before his fangs dug into its flesh, his claws gripping its throat and crushing its neck in his grip.

He had fed on the carcass until he was full, leaving it picked clean he continued moving around, his small control keeping him nearby the building Rose was in, but other than that his lupine form was in full control, killing animals and destroying small shacks built in the fields. He was rampaging, Nettle was in a blood lust that would last for hours, his howls ringing across the plains like lightning strikes as he did. Nettle would be normal at sunrise, but that was still hours away.
Even though the Masters and Mistresses had all sent glances her way, Cage sensed the familiar gaze on her. She wasn't quite sure she always had known, but she just knew. Her eyes glanced around but those hypnotic blue eyes were nowhere to be seen. Maybe she was imagining things. Which could be logical since she didn't remember when she had last eaten let alone when was the last time she had slept proper. Her feline tail swished in her lap as she took a haphazard glance over her shoulder.

The whip had left a sickening red welt along her shoulder, None too surprising, she had a few scars everywhere from her days before she became a Hunter and was the Hunted. A slave like she was now. However, the amurjin had been free for years. Her mentality had finally formed properly so she was no longer a childlike submissive trapped in the mindset to obey every Dom that came in front of her. She had learned better now years later, part of which was thanks to that blue eyed shadow that looked out for her while amongst her fellow Hunters.

With her wrists tied down to her ankles she could hardly move as it was. Thankfully it was nightfall now, and even though she heard a lone wolf howl outside her sleep depraved mind didn't realize how close it really was as she leaned back enough to have the cold metal bars press into her back as a pseudo-cushion. The cool bar against her welt felt good, despite the after burn in between the spaces of bars. Closing her eyes, she winced slightly, but that was only register to the discomfort she felt.

Dawn would be here soon, and though the place was practically deserted due to the drunken behaviors of the night before, she had to be on her guard. She remembered the others mentioning about dragging her to the Trainer pens soon enough. If nothing would make her break, the would, piece by slow piece. Using her and reminding her of the station she was and how low she was to them. She shuddered at the thought. She remembered the last time she had been here she had gotten lucky and a Naga had taken pity on her soul. There was no one left to be the hero for her now.

Or was there?
Night was long each time, it never got any easier to transform, nor did it get easier to deal with the slaughter he went through each time he was in this more primal form, The blood stained along his fur, a portrait of destruction and death painted across the fine strands that made his lupine form more grotesque than it was. Dawn was approaching, he could already feel the splitting headache that signaled his soon to pass change. As soon as that glimmer of light passed over him, he would transform back into his human self. He could rescue Rose once that slow light hit him, he began to run at it, the light moved slower than he wanted, if he had any hope of saving Rose then time was of the essence.

The second his body burst from the dark to the light everything began to change, pain built in his entire body once again, the white hot daggers of pain piercing throughout him as his bones reformed into the many bones of the human body. The fur disappeared leaving the soft blood stained flesh of the human Nettle was. He knelt on the ground for a few minutes, the pain took it's time in subsiding after the change, as the headache moved on and his limbs were no longer ripping and snapping into place he stood, the dawn was not his most favorite of times but he had a job to do, the job that was giving him a reason to keep going, to protect and hunt.

It took Nettle almost an hour to reach the building again, he had traveled several fields over in his hunt for food, luckily he had a smidgen of control or he would have been another days journey away from his target. Nettle looked at the entrance, a guard or two, he wouldn't kill them, that would raise suspicion, he would wait until he could see the predicament and how hard it would be to break Rose free, if it was difficult he would have to take an alternate route. Approaching the building he fixed his hair which had been rather out of place after his change, he looked normal again, the eyes staring out focused on one thing and one thing only at the time.

Looking at the guards at the front of the building he gave them a nod before they stopped him from entering, that was a problem "What ya doin ere?", fantastic was Nettle's only thought, the man was intoxicated, or he was just extremely lacking in the intellect department. Nettle stared at him and smirked "I am here to see your wares, preferable something expensive" he said, that was an easy way to get in, any of the things they could be would be trying to sell something, soldiers, women, items, he would get in without trouble ",ye wanna see our stuff righttt., out the back" The guard said whilst pointing at the building, Nettle looked at the direction he was pointing, he had gotten inside now all he had to do was find Rose, if she was even there.

In moments Nettle was inside the building, that was fast progress, he was relieved the guards were much less troublesome than he would have believed, now he had to find Rose, when he checked where the guard pointed he found cages of men and women alike, this place was a traders refuge, that was bad, if he didn't hurry they would send Rose away to a master or for training. He walked inside the room, checking each cage to see if any of them were Rose or if he had to search the building more thoroughly.
Cage barely slept. How she had managed the few hours at all against anything was beyond her scope of comprehension as she sat up slowly. The audible cracks in her back coupled with the stiffness of it let her know that she had remained in the same position at least. She flexed her hands as she wrapped her tail around her feet and hands. She was so cold, which did not help how her body reacted under such temperatures. Nipples perked without being touched into hard pebbles as a shiver went through her.

What'd she give for some body heat. Sighing softly she let her mind wander, occasionally heavy foot falls and whimpers from other slaves in the nearby big pens would catch attention but seldom divert it from her temporary solitude. It was only when a scent caught her attention amongst the filth and unwashed bodies that made her body taught with tension. "Mein liebes Kätzchen..." came the male's voice as Cage slowly rose that silver gaze up the wiry frame of the man, finely dressed as her gaze continued noticing the whip on his belt, up further still he reached into the bars and brushed his thumb along her lip. "How nice to see you." He murmured those beady green eyes looking her over.

Cage was frozen in place, unable to stop the fucking Rat from touching her as his hand moved from her chin, crouching down to cup one of her breasts then the other, squeezing to test the firmness before pushing the woman back. "I see you have marked your skin, Kätzchen, how unfortunate. I am sure my brand will remove such a marking." The 'marking' in question was the Garden of Eden insignia above her hip. A dragon entwining the fox with the white rose in the middle. A symbol of the three branches of the Hunter's guild.

Her hands clenched into fists as she was forced to sit there as he examined further, fingers sliding over her slit. She refused to back down, refused to let this monster of a man win. His observations must have been satisfactory as he pulled away pondering as he looked down at his former slave. He had broken her once, taken her innocence and made her his ideal slave. But the defiance was there again. Something much harder to break without the proper tools.

"I'll be back for you, Kätzchen." He said coldly, turning to go towards the main area. A tear finally broke over Cage's cheek, blurring her vision just as another scent came to mind causing her to stop. Couldn't be. She hadn't gotten his scent since that night. The fire burned there in her mind and the shadows....and those glowing blue eyes begging her to hold on.
The building, the further Nettle explored its depths he seemed to follow a path of worsening destruction, each cage held a more severely beaten person, he could sense some were on the brink of death but he wasn't there to save them, he wasn't going to get involved with other peoples affairs, it would be better to conceal his identity if he left them as cold as that may have seemed. Passing by the cages one by one checking each for the signs of Rose, it was quite easy to see who wasn't her, Rose was quite distinguishable amongst a crowd what with the markings and unique qualities she had about her.

The larger rooms held many cages, he had passed through three rooms like that now, he knew their would be solitary rooms, the most defiant captures were always left alone to avoid bolstering the spirit within them, how could one keep fighting if they were devoid of anything to fight for was something he had learned from an infiltration amongst another slave trading camp. The scents passing through his nostrils were anything but pleasant until one caught him by surprise, the scent pushed his mind into memories but those were already flowing through his mind before he caught it. He knew it and it was what he had been searching for, Rose's scent was passing through the corridors, he could find her quicker now as long as he went in the right direction.

As Nettle moved through the winding corridors he heard speaking,, Standing behind the door he waited, this was going to be more difficult than he had hoped now, he would have to wait for the man to leave before he proceeded inside the room, though time wasn't on his side in this endeavor. Every minute that passed by he lost time against saving her from the training camp or a master to take her. A group like this was easy to track but a single person would be much more difficult, especially the masters and mistresses. Most of those liked to keep in secrecy and like him stay in the shadows unseen by the world.

Nettle looked to the corridor ahead of him, he wouldn't be able to stay in here long without doing something to look like he was a potential buyer, turning to the cages in a room close to Rose's he looked over the slaves who all retreated to the backs of the small cages they were trapped in. Fear strung across them as he knelt in front of one, a girl no older than 23, she was frightened yes, Nettle could see it in her eyes and yet his were so calm. He had abandoned fear a long time ago, there was no need for it in his profession after all.

Nettle stood and left as he heard the man leave, in the small corridor they passed each other, his eyes and the mans connected for a brief second before he continued on making it look like he was turning into the larger slave pens. The man seemed intent on having the girl in the empty room which meant Nettle again would have to wait for him to leave before making his move. As the footsteps disappeared into silence he slowly walked into the room, eying everything about it before proceeding further in, one exit, a few guards they wouldn't be a problem. Looking at the cage holding his target he tried to judge it's strength, by the rustic look he couldn't be sure of its strength but perhaps one of these guards were the slave master and had the key. For now Nettle waited, he walked to the cage squatting down to her eye level while keeping his eyes to the ground, he was thinking of a plan, kill the guards, break the cage and escape but the devil was always in the details, no plan was ever that simple.
"You shouldn't be here..." came that quiet voice as the Amurjin's feline tail whipped behind her, mostly in apprehension. She knew what would happen if they caught Nettle down here in the depths of the Slave Trade. It wouldn't be death, it would be something worse than death, it would be a lifetime fighting for the rest of your life just to breathe for the next day. Another chance to try and get at freedom and another day where it was all lies and betrayal. Cage had more things to worry about as she watched the man in front of her.

A man she knew had protected her from everything that could have possibly happened to her when she wasn't looking. Though tonight this had been the first time she had seen him in years, he hadn't changed much from what she could see of him. She knew it was Nettle there was no denying it, how anybody could attempt to become Nettle was even preposterous to even think about. However she couldn't even reach to touch him to make sure it wasn't lack there of sleep that was finally getting to her.

She had known her senses to be forced to that extreme before. However she was more concerned with the cold in the lower levels. The only advantage was her cage, which was small and no way for her to now properly lay down, especially how the chains now pinned her wrists to her ankles. Leaning against the bars in front of her, her feline ears tilted back as those silver hues followed to where his gaze was the floor. "Leave, while you still can."
Nettle stared down at the floor, Rose was not herself in this cage, perhaps the long time away from anyone besides the scum of the earth. Looking up from the floor, his focused blue eyes staring into hers, slowly he reached through the bars and brushed a finger against her hand. Looking at her he made a simple sentence with his free hand 'Struggle against me'. The most important task now was to keep the guards suspicion away from him. If they knew he was a friend of hers he would be thrown out immediately and that was the last thing he and Rose wanted to happen. Looking at Rose's cage, the bars looked fragile but to the touch they felt secure. His eyes glanced to the guards standing by the back of the room, a deteriorating table, chairs threatening the crumble to dust and the despicable men sitting there.

Standing up and shaking his head, a small scratch on his hand letting out the droplets of blood. Staring down at Rose he made his motion to move, signing to her before he left her gaze 'Not without you Rose', He approached the guards quietly, they seemed less than approving of his presence there. "Which of you...gentlemen is the master of this establishment?", his question simple, his task much more complicated, his hands folded behind his back looking to the men in front of him as one of the noble folk from in town, in reality his hands grasped the handles of his daggers ready to strike the slave master and take the key. Perhaps brute force may have been easier to break the cage open but his lack of control in his primal state would have harmed Rose more than helped.

Staring back at Rose's back, the Amurjin needed space, he knew that, she was never one to like a cage, let alone being some nefarious man's plaything. "Speakn' wha'dya want with me?", his quess had been right after all, the Slave master would be with the most valuable of their captures. His grip on his weapons tightened and pulled the blades from their hiding place "I want your keys" he muttered standing up tall pulling the blades into view and quickly without a sound the master's throat bore the thin deep line of death along his neck, the fountain of his life spewing forth down his chest. His friend was next, though he ran as fast as he could Nettle managed to cut his stomach deeply, he would bleed out but when was the biggest problem.

Nettle had to go with the assumption he would reach his men, soon a fight would be on their hands he only hoped Rose was capable of at least standing, if she wasn't he would need to avoid contact with enemies at all costs. Searching the Master for Rose's cage key he moved back to her the silver glinting in the dim light. Putting it in the lock the creaking cage opened reluctantly, moving to her shackles "Can you walk...?" he said quietly, his eyes looking over her wounds and scars, evaluating the extent of her injuries, they had been cruel that was evident but as bad as they looked he couldn't tell how her damaged she was internally.
For the once confident and calm White Rose of Eden, being who she was, ultimately, and who she started out as was a constant reminder to never take her freedom for granted. She never had but now to be subject to Nettle's gaze, someone whom she had always respected and had trusted her with her very life was something she had hoped would never come to pass. However her feline tail, with those vivid ebony stripes streaking through the ivory fur of it, seemed to remind her that this was no time to dwell on that. At Nettle's gentle touch she almost flinched away. Considering how gentle the touch had been in comparison to the Rat's sickening touch it was...

Soothing. Something she hadn't felt since he had dragged her out of that chaos infested mess what felt like eons ago but it had only been a few years. Years which had made her relearn to trust and relearn to hate all over again. She was harder to fall into that comfortable zone with anyone again, but how could she not deny that sense of comfort from someone who had been trying not to hurt her. It didn't help that those hypnotic blue eyes pulled her in and willed her to trust him, even when he told her to struggle, which considering her current position was hard to do as her hands were still chained to her ankles she tried to pull herself away from that promising touch. Her claws extended ever so slightly cutting across his skin in spots though her ears were her dead give away of her true emotion.

Not that most slavers paid attention to Cage's true emotions as her feline ears flicked backwards. Those blue eyes had held a promise to not leave her. Damnit the last person who had done that had abandoned her like a dead weight. The thought sunk in but though her silver eyes were trying to keep that remote of calm about her, the thought to cry coming to the foreground, she had that small bit of hope still and it didn't help that Nettle was fanning the flames. Why he had been looking for her wasn't something she knew, or even if that was the plan. Was there even plan?

The short conversation along with the splatter of blood which stained the walls with ruby mist as she heard the gurgling and the shaking of the body as it hit the floor. She couldn't move far with her bound shackles and chains but she could hear everything, every swish of the blades as the sung through the air. Then there was silence and shuffling, a glint out of the corner of her eye caught her attention as she saw the cage open up and Nettle remove her chains and shackles.To have the weight lifted was a sense of freedom she had not felt in a good while. Rubbing her wrists, which in some spots were still red from where the metal had brushed into her skin, an occasional spot of blood here and there from the chains as she gave him a look.

Luckily for Nettle, Cage was far from modest as she gripped the sides of the cage, slowly pulling herself up. Her body made audible pops and cracks as she finally made herself into standing position. Every where her body was screaming in protest from the single movement. Despite that she carefully released her hold on the bars. "Standing I can do," she said softly though the fact she stood naked in front of him didn't affect her as she carefully stepped out of the cage and onto the cool stone floor. Her steps were shaky but considering the fact she had been cramped in the same position for days she felt at least more of herself. She twitched her tail slightly in apprehension, "I don't think, however I can run yet. And there will only be so much time till they come."
Nettle looked over the single exit as he waited for Rose to stand, watching her battered body rise was at least somewhat relieving but other than that she was weaker than he had first anticipated, pondering on how long she had been stuck in that rusted cage. Looking back on what she used to be capable of, the image of Rose in his mind was much different than the Rose standing before him. Shaking his head softly he turned his back to her and knelt to one knee. "If you cannot stand, I'll carry you, we must leave this place quickly". Looking at the door waiting to see if any guards came during their brief period of solitude, they would have time to rest after he got her to safety but now time wasn't on their side.

He could hear them running, before the shouting of orders and sounds of steel against the cold walls sounded throughout the building, mixed in with the sounds of violence the guards made, wails and cries from the rest of the slaves rested in his ears, He was not here for them, Rose was the priority first, now he needed to escape, without a doubt any other he saved would be caught quickly, he doubted any of them were as highly trained as himself or Rose. Pulling Rose onto his back he held her legs tight enough so she wouldn't fall, letting her wrap her arms around his neck for more stability. "Hold on, Stay Low" he said standing to his feet keeping his form low enough to break into a dash if he needed to. His ability to fight was compromised holding Rose like that but he planned to outrun any opponents if he had the choice.

Moving to the door slowly, he checked the corridor from where he entered, so far none of the guards had made their way as far in as they were, luck had befallen them somewhat as he walked the darkened halls, spirit shattering gloom he didn't notice on his hurried entry was much more evident as he slowly made his way back to the entrance, keeping Rose secure on his back blocking any of her sounds of pain to focus on the sounds of the guards, avoiding conflict in the unfamiliar territory was harder than he first thought, taking a left to avoid a group could've lead him to another or even a dead end. Making sure to press forward without slowing no matter which direction he chose, he sighed kneeling at a four way tunring point.

Their were people on the left hallway, they had lost his location, another stroke of luck but now being stuck with two choice forwards or right, avoiding the guards had cost him his memory of the path he took coming in, with each group of guards moving through each hallway he wouldn't have long to make up a decision before they were found. Looking over his shoulder at Rose he smiled reassuringly "Hold on tight, hide yourself as best you can, we may be attacked" he whispered. Standing up and holding Rose's legs tighter he lent down before beginning to run, sprinting through the intersection straight forward the guards barely catching him before hastily and sluggishly following him, Nettle took drastic measures taking whichever turn he could muster at his fastest to avoid crashing into a wall. Hearing shouts and yells of the guards following him signalling the rest he stayed silent. His ears tuning out anything he didn't need to know, leaving the sounds of the guards and Rose's voice as the only things he would listen to.

Looking towards the windows in the longer straight corridors trying to get a familiar tree or design of the building he had captured from the outside he caught a glimpse of the oak tree he had hid himself in when he first arrived at that place, making a move towards any direction that pointed towards that tree he looked back seeing several guards attempting to catch him. Their disgruntled yells rebounding off the walls echoing throughout the building, Taking a sharp right turn as he felt the sparks of a steel weapon colliding with the wall hit his face, unwavered he kept pressing forward through maze like building. Soon he saw the opening he was searching for, the large entrance guarded by what seemed to be the same two men he had tricked into letting him enter. "My apologise if this hurts you" he said runnign towards the guards, shifting to the side quickly to avoid the first swing, almost immdeiately snapping back in the opposite direction to avoid the second.

After he had avoided the guards at the entrance the were almost free, turning to the fields he had traversed to get there he saw another man, that man again, shifting his hands underneath Rose's legs to pull one of his daggers free he ran just to the left of the man, keeping Rose well out of reach to him, and yet the man did nothing, Nettle caught his gaze a second time before continuing, as he ran over the hill hiding the town beneath it he heard the voice echoing throughout the field, laced with a darkness he didn't even hear in the voices of the ones he hunted "You cannot hide from me Kätzchen, your hero will not always be there to protect you". Nettle paid the threat no attention, he was out of the building, he had Rose, he had completed his goal. Coming to slow down at the entrance to the towns inn, walking quickly through the dimly lit bar, up the stairs to his purchased room, setting Rose down on the bed softly before turning to the mirror to examine his body for any injury.
She stared at his back, "You've said that before." She muttered as her trembling body made her way towards him. She was in desperate need of some things, food, a decent bed to sleep in and a knowledge that she was safe. Nettle had risked his life to save her, she had to trust him above all others right now. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders, the grip slightly tightened as she lightly locked her claws into his shirt to keep her in place, her body loose as she wrapped her legs and tail around him to keep her form as close to him as she could and not make it harder for him. Her feline ears perked as the noises started to grow louder, the guards had either been alerted or their fallen gutted fellow had been found. "I trust you Nettle."

As he made of his way through the halls and corridors, she kept her pain to herself, or at least tried to. There was an occasional slip of a whimper here and there but for the most part she kept her mentality about her, occasionally tugging on his shirt to make him pause only long enough to have a guard or two run by them in search for the shadow giant and his prize. Her feline tail tapped against his side lightly as she purred softly in reassurance, mostly to herself to remind herself it wasn't another one of those dreams. His constant reassurance that they'd make it through or that things may bet a little shaky didn't dissuade her from keeping focused and maintaining that surreal calm that Rose had always possessed.

Though a soft chuckle left her lips as she raised herself ever so slightly to reach his ear. "Hiding myself isn't exactly easy - unlike you the only place I blend in is the snow." She made herself at least slink a bit lower down, nuzzling into his back as he continued on his course. Her comment was true, the ivory pallor of her skin had not been diminished in time while those feline tiger stripes moved down her spine to the base of that feline tail contrasted with her pale skin. Of the few skirmishes that had been close she had noticed that Nettle had refused to let her get injured in the attacks at all even when they nicked at his skin, something she only noticed with the occasional line of rub along one of his arms. Freedom had come with a price, the last set of maneuvering had made her want to cry as her tight muscles screamed in protest.

Luckily the pain would soon fade into the nothing, as did their journey across the hills, though that odd sense of foreboding lingered over her, the female was far too tired, hungry and damned cold to notice what the voice said as the next thing she felt was a soft bed beneath her skin. Her body practically cried out in joy at such at such a luxury she had been sorely missing. Despite her exhausted state she made herself wait, those silver hues looking at his back carefully. "You're hurt." She said gently, one of her ears flicking back. She, in all her years as a hunter, had never seen him hurt till now. "How did you know I was missing?" Finally left her lips. She wanted to get up and bandage his arm properly but her body said no.
Nettle sighed, taking a small cloth wiping the slowly drying blood from the scratches across his arms and cheek, looking down at Rose he smiled "It's nothing" he said putting the cloth in a bowl of cool water, everything had gone as he had hoped, little resistance for the most part besides that stranger who let him go by. It puzzled him on why he did so, perhaps the strange man wanted to hunt them down, no it wasn't so simple was it, Taking the bowl of water and the cloth to Rose he sat next to her "Your injuries are more severe than mine" he said wiping the blood and dirt from her back gently, staring at the latest wound from the whip he growled, how anyone could hurt her willingly like that, how he had failed to watch her when it mattered most.

Taking the cloth over her back cleaning the fresh wound and several scratches she had gotten from the escape he sighed "We can't stay here long, you should rest" he said putting the now dirtied cloth in the bowl and set it on the table, Wrapping a blanket around her he stood heading towards the door, "I'll be outside, we'll leave at dawn", he said before moving out into the hallway shutting the door behind him. Taking a seat by the door he closed his eyes thinking of where they should go, the Garden's headquarters weren't an option, not since Foxglove had betrayed them, He had no need for a domicile due to his lifestyle, Rose however even in her best times could be fragile, some of the missions the Garden gave them were easily gruesome to a normal hunter.

Staring down at the Emerald Swan resting in his palm he smiled, only during those times did he really have a place he could call home, even still he never spent much time at the headquarters, nor did anyone ever know he was there when he did go. Silently he stood and walked down the hall, to the bar of the inn, he could at least get her water and something to eat, no doubt the traders had tried starvation to break her spirit but if he knew Rose well enough she wouldn't have broken that easily. Getting fruit and a pitcher of water from the barmaid he sighed, it would be sometime before Rose would be at her full strength, he would have to move her several times a day until then, after that he planned to keep an eye on her, that strang man was plaguing his mind again.

Walking upstairs slowly he heard talks of an amurjin being taken upstairs, resting the bowl and jug on the step in front of him he listened carefully, nothing unusal, talking about her injuries, him being tall and other things, returning to the room with the food and water for Rose he kept the conversation in his head, if anything it heightened his guard, anyone could be an informant, the money was good for information, information on bounty hunters were valued highly by the hunted, kill the hunter before they kill you, majority of the game was information gathering. Setting the bowl and pitcher next to Rose he smiled watching her sleep for a moment before returning to his post outside. They would leave in the morning, the next village over would be the first stop, maybe a days journey on foot with her, he would have to keep a slower pace to avoid slowing her healing down.
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