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Updated: M x M Desired!!

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Sep 23, 2010
I only do mxm/yaoi/slash rp (unless you have something so deliciously horror-filled in mind that I will be willing to do a platonic roleplay.) As far as romance and sex, mxm only. I don't care if you in real life are male, female, or a genetically enhanced rabbit with the ability to type, however.

I am looking for a quality one-on-one roleplay or two. I would prefer to play via AIM or PM.

I consider my rp to be literate, and appreciate the same. This does not mean I am grading your every use of grammar and punctuation, just, requesting that you have a basically good command of the language. I try not to be anal about this.

I like plot as well as smut, and character development is a big “YES!”

I generally prefer to play switch characters. If you want I bottom better than top (in that I usually am not great at dom, but I don't play wimpy characters.)

I don't have many kink restrictions or limits really other than vore or scat is a BIG NO. Rough sex is always fun, IMHO. Non-con is something I like being on the receiving end of but only play well DOING if I am playing a serial-killer. For my 'rabbit hole', see: RABBIT HOLE!

I love... LOVE horror-based roleplays, classical gothic settings, the World of Darkness, and the Cthulhu mythos. This means I will be happy with DARK vampire characters, crawling things from beyond, Elder Gods, ancient cults, pretty much anything from the second edition WoD series, my favorite being Changeling (I play a WICKED Sidhe..), and I also love Mage and Vampire (Malkavian. And he doesn't wear a bunny suit. Possibly one made of human skin. In private. PROPER Malkavian.)

My writing style tends to the graphically descriptive, whether in sex or violence.

I also play modern urban, meaning drug addicts (I'm a decent enough junkie in rp that I keep waiting for the cops to show up,) prostitutes, mobsters, drug dealers, and, yes, combining a bit from the first category, vampires, demons, and others masquerading as humans in the big city. I would LOVE to play a serial killer x either your serial killer (competing killers perhaps) or an investigator (or, if all the gods (demons?) are smiling, against an FBI profiler who is himself also a secret serial-killer.)

And, just to throw more into the pot, I do historical rp (medieval, Victorian era, Roman empire, World War II.) I like fantasy as well as factual representations of these eras.

At the moment, I am most interested in doing:
Cthulhu mythos something or other
World of Darkness, specifically Vampire or Changeling **
drug addict/prostitute x 'insert whatever you want to play here'
serial killer x serial killer or x investigator **
Roman empire
elf x whatever

If interested, PM me! Thanks!
RE: Searching For MxM Please!

Bump. Particularly craving something in the Lovecraftian mythos. Or anything really. Oh, and definitely decided I prefer to play on AIM. PM me for screen-name.
RE: Searching For MxM Please!

I'd love to possibly do something Gothic and/or gory with you. I really don't even care what.

I read the wiki article on 'Lovecraftian', but I'm still a little uncertain on it.
Prince Valium said:
So, any ideas? Like vampires or something? Or?

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you on this; forgot about it, actually.

I haven't done a good vampire roleplay in a very long time, so that could be interesting.

Perhaps you would be interested in doing a roleplay involving a seemingly gentle human who is actually quite sadistic. I have a character in mind that I've been dying to play, but what are your cravings?
what series do you have in mind? I don't watch TV, or know much anime, I do watch movies and read books, so..
How are these ones? If not, then we can do something else.

Vampire Chronicals

Darren Shan Saga
Evra Von/Darren Shan
Kurda Smahlt/Darren Shan

Harry Potter

Lost Boys
Any of the Lost Boys/OMC or OC

Blade Trinity

Batman or Bruce/Scarecrow or Crane
Batman or Bruce/Joker

Jareth/Teenage Toby
Jareth/OMC or OC

Night At The Museum
Al Capone/OC

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