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There's worse things then Death here (Seraph Nicholas and YukiBlue)


Jan 8, 2009
Bremerton, WA

The machines moved at the sound of their master's voice, unkindly ejecting the petitioners. Unkindly enough to break a bone or two, by the sounds of the caterwauling as the doors shut behind them. Albert Wily sat back in his desk and looked around. His office was plenty opulent, but he felt something of a fool for just now realizing that wealth and power came with a price. Who would have thought that 'Rule' and 'Administrate' were synonymous? Not this scientist. Not his brainless steel servants. Something was going to have to be done about that...

Wily turned to his computer, booting up a succession of engineering programs. His anger with the series of factory workers and factory owners and humans rights activists and other rabble that polluted his days became the seed of an idea. Wouldn't it be fun to use THEM to shore up the materials shortage they complained of? After all, the human body was just a machine... Why not turn them into LITERAL machines, fit only to serve him, as they rightly should?

Hours blew past. Nothing relating to the work of the city was done. The work of robotics advanced significantly in that time, however. The guards stood watch impassively, their single red optic gliding back and forth, back and forth. Wily was deaf to the world, once again utterly lost in his work. He called a neurologist at one point for clarification on nerve cells. When the man complained that it was 3 AM, Wily threatened to have him killed. When the call ended, his reverie broke momentarily.

I used to be so GOOD with the peons. This stress is doing nothing good for me. Must find a solution soon.

For the moment, alcohol was a sufficient solution. Wily pulled a brandy bottle out of a desk drawer, intending a short break. Five drinks later, he was very unconscious.
The city was never dark enough at this point. There was always a light source, whether it was the light-rail as it slid smoothly past or the numerous neon lights. The constant glow of red eyes through out the city kept the warning. "We Keep You Safe", they said silently. The robots never spoke, not to anyone. That was one of the reasons she now hated the city she was raised in. Mina could no longer recognize any of it. The school that she attended when she was young, the old market that she stopped at on her way home, the once battered but beautiful home she grew up in. All of them were gone thanks to the man who sat happily in the tower. Her friends had tried to convince her that what she wanted to do was foolish. They had heard rumors about what happened to the people who spoke out against their new leader. In her eyes, he was nothing more than a greedy child, playing his hand at god. Mina's mind continued to race as she made the slow descent down the stairs of her apartment complex, her pale hands pulling her jacket collar up to shield her from the cold that seemed to be penetrating her very bones. As her foot hit the bottom platform, her eyes scanned the street before her, searching for the distinguishable glare of the red eyes. A deep sigh of relief left her when she found none. The idea had first come to her in the form men in the bar she worked at. They spoke of how the city used to be, pining for it like a child to a lost puppy. It made her sick. These men had spent most of their lives in the mines, working for a living. Now, they had no choice but to sit by and watch as machines did the work.

The young woman's stride seemed much longer and faster than normal. She wanted to get it over with. The gun in the pocket of her coat would do her no good against the massive metal that would no doubt be greeting her at the door. It would, however, do her plenty of good against the man at the top of the tower. By the time she reached the base of the tower, her hands would not stop shaking. Her eyes grew wide at the pure height, and her breath was heavy from the distance and speed at which she traveled. Mina had no time to stop for a breath of air. Moving swiftly past the security bots, she tried to look as normal as possible, trying to slip in as though she was supposed to be here. Her movement was quickly halted by a large pile of metal that suddenly stood in front of her. Her eyes grew wide as her feet were suddenly moved out from under her and she was grabbed brutally by a pair of shiny steel hands.

"Let me go! I've done nothing. I'm simply here to look around!" The woman's voice rang out but was heard by nothing human. The feet marched heavily to the elevator, she was allowed to stand but not allowed to leave. As they reached the top floor, Mina's hand slipped into her jacket, securing her hand on the grip of the gun. The robot that grabbed her approached the door and pounded heavily. Upon getting no answer, the robot slowly opened the door. Pushed forward, she found herself in the wolf's den. Her pulled herself up right, her feet moving almost unconsciously to the space in front of the desk. As she viewed the man sleeping on his desk, she began to second guess her actions, until she thought about the reason she had come to this position. Her hand came out of her pocket quickly, the gun seeming to fire on it's own. What she didn't see or think of was the three robots still positioned around her. The last thing she remembered was a sharp blow to the back of her head and a stabbing pain in her lower back. A knife that she hadn't seen on one of the robots. One that had not been used in several years.
The gunshot was only just loud enough to wake Wily from his stupor. The crack of wood splintering by his head as the bullet went wide was the first sound he consciously recognized. A jumble of images flew at him - The Snipers standing in defense formation, shields forward, except for his prototype, which was holding a bloodied knife. The burnt hole in his desk. And in front of his desk, a crumpled figure.

He ran around the desk, managing to minimize stumbling, and got a clearer look at the situation. As soon as he was fully cognizant, Wily was only able to laugh. Once again, God had provided. As always. Whether it be his innate brilliance, that delightful patsy Light, or now, a giftwrapped test subject for his new model, God always paved the way with gold for Albert Wily.

"Lock down Abel General Hospital, and take her there. I want her stabilized and kept sedated until I arrive."

He sat down again, barely noticing as the robots drug off their parcel. Wily was more annoyed with the burrhole in his desk. Maybe it should be left there, a reminder of failures before. No, best not to plant any ideas. He fired off a request to Maintenance, highlighting the bullet damage and bloodstains, before he turned back to his computer. He quickly cleaned up some details of the project and dropped it onto disk, packing up to go as quickly as he could. Sleep could wait. Work was more fun anyway!
The hospital was colder than normal. Not that she would be able to tell the difference, she had never been in a hospital before. The only things she could tell when she came to was that those robots were still there. She had no idea where she was currently laying. All she knew was the fact that she didn't feel any pain. Perhaps she had died and heaven had robots too. Had he managed to reach the heavens with his evil? She wasn't sure anymore. Mina tried to sit up but found herself incapable. Looking down at her body, she found herself bound to the hospital bed by several straps. She could lift her head just enough to see himjust outside the door speaking with what was obviously a doctor. Laying her head back down, she stilled her heart. She hadn't died. She was still stuck in this living hell that this man had created. No. He wasn't a man, she reminded herself, he was a monster. A charming, attractive monster that had the entire city in a choke hold that no one in the city was willing to break because of fear. Mina opened her mouth to speak, but the only thing that managed to leave her was a slight rasp.

"Hello? Please, I don't want to be alone in here. Someone? Anyone?" Her words were barely loud enough for her to hear, she was almost entirely certain that no one outside of that door could hear her. Almost as though commanded, one of the nearby machines turned abruptly, marching its way out the glass doors and stood nearby Wily, as though to retrieve him. A sudden burst of fear spread through her body as she realized what the machine was doing. She didn't want that man any closer to her. She began to strain against the restraints that held her in place. She suddenly found her voice as she struggled.

"Let me out of here!" her voice seemed to carry a lot further than before. She continued her struggle until she felt something in her back tear, a wave of pain seemed to hit her out of nowhere, stopping her movements in their tracks. She felt something vaguely wet and warm begin to pool under her and felt the heat begin to drain out of her body. One of the robots had stabbed her. She must have broken the stitches.
The door opened slowly, silently gliding on well-oiled hinges. There was a faint snap as he flicked the lights on, even this small movement carrying a measure of theatrics. Wily felt good again, he felt in control, and he felt ready to handle anything. This was excellent!

"Ah, stupid girl. First you injure yourself trying to injure me, and now you do it again, and why? Simply because you can? Be still."

The bed raised on hydraulics, and turned ninety degrees to allow access to her back. A 'sewing machine' quickly resealed the wound and the bed settled back into it's customary position. Wily ran his fingers over a line of syringes sitting on a tray, clearly in her view. They were each different sizes, and filled with different quantities of fluid, indicating different drugs in each. And something else... Wily picked up the object. A wallet. Her wallet. He removed her ID with a flourish.

"Mina Porter, 21, from Complex E. You, dear girl, are about to die!"

He produced his pocket computer, and showed her the screen. It contained her government records. The cursor flashed patiently over a field marked 'Status:'. Wily pressed a button. The field filled in the word 'Deceased'.

"Now, let's see! How did you die? Were you hit by a car? No, too pedestrian, haha, if you'll pardon the pun. Perhaps there was an accident at your work? Although, a materials outlet is a relatively non-hazardous job. Perhaps you're simply as inept at your real job as you are when you moonlight as an assassin? I suppose you could have been a victim of street crime. Raped repeatedly, throat slit... Tsk tsk, it's dangerous to walk the streets alone at night. We'll need more patrols. And a curfew!"

Wily laughed outloud, and filled in the latter story. As he calmed, he grinned down at her, and spoke again.

"But we need a body, don't we? Let's see, Mina. Who's going to die for your crusade? Family, friends? No matter, I'll figure that out later. I just want to be sure that you get the point. You see, you lashed out at me, and simply made me stronger. I no longer have to deal with the whining masses, for my own security. And now, anyone wandering the night can be incarcerated before they become troublesome. Do you understand, Ms. Porter? You chose the wrong side, and you lost badly. I would ask you to pick better next time, but the glory of it is, you won't have a choice!"

With that, he snatched up one of the syringes and jabbed it into her arm, not bothering to find a vein. He depressed the plunger, causing a painful bubble in her flesh, full of adrenaline. As the epinephrine flooded her system, Wily proceeded to jab her again, and again, and again, each time adding a new ingredient to the chemical cocktail, with her serving as the glass it was mixed in. None of them were sedatives. None of them were painkillers. None of them were anesthetic.
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