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☾ Midnight's Request Thread [Lit/Adv] [♀+ ♂/♂+♂]

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Jan 9, 2009
Heya folks, I am Midnight.
*Dies* Poofed again, and I am back from the grave. For how long we have no idea... heres for all summer!

If you had a rp with me from before I vanished, I apologize for vanishing on you, if you would like to continue any roleplay and can find the last post from that roleplay, I would gladly continue it. Old Rps get higher priority than new ones.

School has the wonderful power to suck the life out of me. Again, I managed to poof for a couple months. I am easing back into things though.
Don't be surprised in I vanish again. This time I till try to fire off a waning to everybody.

About Midnight

~☾ My username is Midnight, but feel free to call me Middie, or anything else.

  • ~Midnight
    ☾ is 23 years old.
    ☾ is Male
    ☾ Is an Lit/Adv roleplayer (Posts 3-9 paragraphs, 5 Avg) ((2 min please, more is loved))
    ☾ Plays Male characters, most of the time.
    Plot>Sex. I am very much in the mood for heavily plotted, epic storylines at the moment.
    ☾ Does All Sexual Pairings, M/F, M/M, F/F; Tends to favor M/F

    ☾ Plays both Sub and Dom roles for D/S settings and pairings. Is usually a "seke" or switch.

    ☾ For Long Term or Plot Driven roleplays, I prefer not to think in static "Dom" and "sub" roles, my characters tend to lean towards the assertive side, but it vastly depends on the roles and the characters I play.

    ☾ Usually types in small font.
    ☾ Tends to Randomly capitalize letters. (Don't judge me)
    ☾ Tends to be rather eccentric, moods often shift depending on what he is listening to, can be fickle, but is almost always friendly :3
    ☾ Has a Job and a Life outside of RP (Don't expect a reply immediatly after you post)
    ☾ Forgets things occasionally (If I don't post after a couple days, poke me, see whats up)
    ☾ Prefers to play in threads, doesn't care for BMRP's new PM system. Has a YIM but only uses it to chat and plot.
    ☾ Likes to type a lot, please don't be intimidated by the size of the
    thread, I am very flexible

    !!!Contact Info!!!
    • To contact me, simply send a pm my way, title it something other than "Hi" or something lame like that, I don't care how cheesy it is so long as it catches my attention otherwise it may go unnoticed. Please state what you want to play (or give me a small list) and if you have any ideas, I would love to hear them. Alternately, you may post here. Also, feel free to bump, chat, or poke at me here in my thread. I really don't mind the company and it's good for business.

Not too sure.
We have the setting down well enough? Events?

Also, do you think you would be able to create the thread this time around?
Middie's busy with schoolwork. If I did it would have to be in a couple of days.
Bump!! Leaves a whole bowl of yummy candy for Midnight.
I have some of my own starters and ideas if you are interested.
PM me if you would like to know more!

Cheers! <3
Excellent, I should be avalible to start posting a bit later tuesday.
Dead Rising 2 comes out then, too. xP
That game's gunna be soo fun.

*rolls over*

I will get to work on another wave of posts soon lovies, I have discovered weekends are not good for posting.

Bleh, due-date-after-due-date
-Monsters and Monster Hunters ♥♥♥ ( All of em)
--Master Hunter/Apprentice Hunter
--Monster Hunter/Monster
--Monster Person/Hunter
--Monsterboy/Exotic creature collector
--Monster/Human (As in Regular human)

started reading manga
monster hunter orange
played the game its based on
did noike but loved the art style...
love monstrs lol
  • I am glad to hear that! I am pretty much doing the same. I even have a few rps up to post in. ^.^

    Aw, thank you!
    I put quite a bit of work into it. (I am actually still working on it. XP)
    Pretty much revamped everything, including my plot list, which is still a W.I.P.

    Did you see anything you were interested in?
I am back.
Was gone for a while again thanks to school.

My craves have remained pretty much the same though.
Though now I am REALLY wanting for a good adventure.
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