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Suggestion implementing more bbcode options


ㅤㅤ ㅤ
Jun 13, 2022
i was wondering if we could add more bbcode options to this site. apologies, i'm going to link to a different roleplaying site but it has a list of all the options of what you can do.
i think it would be wonderful if we had:
  • dscroll
  • blur
  • dashed/solid border
  • div boxes
  • double underline
  • uglow/glowing text
  • marquees
i'm just going to go ahead and @Vekseid since he'd be the only one to implement this sort of thing. thank you!
i wouldn’t mind seeing a padding option as well as all of the things listed above.
Unf. Div boxes. Please. I have so many sick templates that require them. In line scroll boxes, tabs, pages...

That said this seems like something that Elliquiy doesn't readily support. The other site I write on uses XenForo, and I'm not a site host but I think they have more robust options behind the scenes.
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