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Mar 24, 2025
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Emma was sound asleep in her bed when her roomates, two rave obsessed fiends in Amanda and Gwen, burst through the front door still reeling from a combination of alcohol and designer drugs. They "tried" to be quiet, but they turned out to still be quite loud as they giggled their way up the stairs... and into Emma's bedroom. They found her sound asleep, and in the moment decided to play a little prank on their friend. Gwen slipped away to her bedroom, and returned moments later with leather restraints, which they carefully fastened around Emma's wrists and ankles, then tying around the bed posts. Next, they giggle as they carefully pull her blanket off, and find Emma sleeping in just a t-shirt, no panties... Which puts her thick girl cock on full display for them both. The girls didn't know at the time, but some of the drugs they took at the rave included potent aphrodisiacs that now have them feeling very, very horny. Seeing Emma's cock, they almost can't control themselves... Amanda climbs into the bed, kneeling between Emma's legs, and begins to suck her cock. This naturally wakes Emma up, who is confused and scared by the restraints, as anyone in her position would be. Gwen, slightly panicking, rips her panties off and opts to sit on Emma's face, acting to both silence their roommate and get her own pleasure.
While it may be true that Amanda and Gwen love their roommate Emma, they are too mentally blinded by the drugs and alcohol in their body to think straight, leading to what will become a hot and horny night for all 3... Emma may be hesitant, but the nonstop stimulation, and eventual realization of who is doing all of this to her, will lead to Emma becoming complicit in the wild night of sex that these three women are about to share...

Despite Grace's friend group being made up almost entirely of lesbians, Grace herself was admittedly still a bit trapped in the closet. She came from a very religious upbringing, and as a result she was afraid of her family finding out about what she truly craved and desired. She has dated boys in the past to keep a facade up with them, but Grace never actually liked or loved any of them. Hell, she never even had sex with any of them. Despite still being in college, Grace worried that she was destined to a life of either compromising and marrying a man, or ending up loveless and alone. She declined into a bit of a femcel, and turned to alcohol and porn late in the evenings as outlets for her pent up discomforts and frustration. One Saturday afternoon however, her group of friends invites her to join them at a club that evening. Grace was immediately nervous and skeptical, as she knew they frequented lesbian-only nightclubs and bars in the city on a weekly basis. Grace just wasn't sure if she was ready for such a commitment, but in the end after multiple attempts to nag and playfully pressure her, Grace agreed to go. Deep down, she knew that this would at least be more socially acceptable than getting drunk and watching porn for 6 hours in her dorm room...
This night will be a very special one for Grace. Not only will she slowly begin to come out of her shell, she'll go right off the deep end, and into the arms of a tall, sexy, and dominant woman who sees Grace as both a pet to be nurtured, and a toy to be played with. But who is this woman going to be? A professor on campus who has to work with Grace to keep their engagements a secret? Someone who knows Grace's parents well, and blackmails Grace for sexual favors and games in exchange for keeping the silence on Grace's little lesbian secret? Maybe she's a wealthy CEO worth millions who enjoys having someone small and more innocent than her to spoil and take frustrations of the day out on? The possibilities for Grace are truly endless...

Elizabeth had quickly made a name for herself as one of the top young psychologists in the country, having been personally selected to interview and delve into the minds of multiple serial killers and terrorists. She has been able to extract information from both that have saved lives, and because of her accomplishments, she was suddenly approached by lawyers for a company known as Oracle. Not much is truly known about what Oracle even does, but a global value of 1.7 Trillion Dollars means that whatever they do, it is extremely important to the world. The Lawyers offered a lucrative job to Elizabeth, over half a million dollars as a base salary per year, as long as she signed on the dotted line of the employment contract, and on the NDA. She asked what they needed her to do, but her question was met with effectively a cold shoulder. They said that they could not disclose the details of what Oracle does or what they need Elizabeth to do until she has signed. This made Elizabeth more curious than anything, so with a smirk she signed just the NDA, but not yet the contract, and then sat back and waited for some answers. Begrudgingly, the lawyers loosened their ties and gave her a few details... Basically, they said that Oracle is a global effort to secure, contain, and protect the people of Earth from various monsters, entities, and anomalies that pose varying levels of threat to humanity. Elizabeth first laughed it off and assumed that this was all some elaborate prank, but the lawyers assured her otherwise and offered to take her to one of Oracle's black site locations to see what they have captured and contained. Since Elizabeth had nothing better to do, she agreed to go with them, and got into the blacked out Mercedes SUV with them. After a 20ish minute drive, they arrived at a seemingly abandoned construction site, and Elizabeth started to get a bit worried. However, the lawyers soon led her into an elevator that traveled down... and down... and down... and down... before the door finally opened into hallways with hundreds of individuals rushing by. Doctors, security, scientists... Elizabeth was shocked by the number of people down here, but the best was yet to come. They brought Elizabeth to an observation and requested "Specimen X-373" for viewing. After a few minutes of strange noises and humming, the one way glass of the far wall illuminated a room on the opposite side, a large room that was mostly just a giant pool of water, with a small stretch of land containing a bed, and a table with two chairs. Elizabeth approached the glass to get a better view, and just as though it was fresh out of a horror movie, a bizarre, feminine looking aquatic creature leaped out of the water and dove at the mirror. It could not get through, of course, but it still made Elizabeth jump and fall back on her ass. The lawyers explained that the creature that looks like a "demonic mermaid" is in fact a siren, a highly deadly and manipulative creature that roams the ocean looking for stray sailors, wreckage, and so on. It took Elizabeth a few moments to compose her thoughts, and to figure out that what she was looking at is real... The claw marks on the glass sold it for her, and in the end, Elizabeth snatched the contract and pen from the lawyers and signed on...

Day in and day out, it was always something with her. One day she'd accidentally forget to shift into her human form, nearly wandering into the backyard in her natural state to horrify the neighbors, the next day she'd get mad at the grocery store and yell some obscure alien words in anger, similarly to how us humans do, but when it sounds like gibberish to us, it makes people stare at her like she's someone who just broke out of a psych ward. She was also a monster in bed, in the best kind of way, I should say. She would take forms and make me feel things that only an alien could make a human feel, and I can only imagine what the neighbors think of the sounds we make. But hey, you'd make the same sounds if you saw how many tentacles her species has, and if you saw what she could do with them. It's been difficult, to put it lightly, but right now we'd both do just about anything to keep her being an alien a secret from anyone outside of my home. She hypothetically could wipe out the continent if she needed to, so I have to juggle her emotions and her secret so that everything goes smoothly. Surely it will, right!?

The year is 2121, and Earth is... not doing well. Corporate greed has resulted in much of the planet's clean drinking water to become toxic due to the levels of plastic in it, and much of the planet's major resources and elements are being used up at record rates. The number of trees is so low that many first world countries are encouraging people to own oxygen tanks and advanced air filtration systems in their homes, just as an extra level of precaution. As a result, the same greedy corporations are funding a deep space exploration mission to find a new planet for humans. Thus, we have Operation S.H.F.I., sponsored by The Coca Cola Company. S.H.F.I. in this instance standing for "Save Humanity From Itself", which Coca Cola is also using as part of their most recent publicity campaign. Don't you just LOVE trillion dollar companies?
Regardless of how awful the situation is, or how pathetic these billionaires in suits are, they are paying me and several hundred explorers to travel far beyond the Milky Way Galaxy in search of what may be the next home of humanity. The ship we're on is enormous, roughly the size of six football arenas smashed together. No expense was paid in getting this mission off the ground and going, and fortunately none of us had to lift a finger until a potential planet was found. 99% of the people on board stayed in cryostasis, while the captain and a highly advanced AI program scanned every planet that we came even remotely close to. Finally, after 277 days in cryostasis, traveling over a million lightyears away from home, the AI program found a potential planet. It had an almost identical atmosphere, and long range scans showed it to have massive oceans and large continental bodies of land. The best part was the fact that it was approximately 2.7 times the size of earth. When we were all woken up, we were approximately 23 hours away from landing, and we were all excited to begin exploring, studying, and establishing the very first colony, which is set to be named CCC-001 (Coca Cola Colony).
Surely this planet won't have any dangerous or powerful forms of alien life that can enslave and entrance us, right??

Expect this scene to have a heavy focus on aliens, mind control, body transformation, species transformation, etc.

Luna went to bed last night at almost 3:00am, after playing Marvel Rivals for almost 7 hours straight. The next thing Luna knew, her eyes opened and she was free falling in the sky, from thousands of feet in the air. She flailed and screamed in a panic, hoping and praying that this was all just some twisted dream. Second by second, she hurdled closer and closer to a planet that... very clearly wasn't Earth. The trees she saw, stretching for miles and miles, were different colors than anything she had seen before, and many of them looked to be hundreds of feet tall. She saw alien looking monuments and buildings off on the horizon, none of which made any sense to Luna. As the flat ground beneath her came closer, she shut her eyes and was accepting of the fact that for whatever reason, she was about to die. The whistling of wind in her ears got louder, and the ambience of the world around her became noticeable for just a second before...
She landed flat smack down on the ground, but by some miracle she survived the fall. It truly made no sense, and only made Luna more confused. The elevated heart rate she now had, paired with her overall confusion about the predicament she was in, resulted in her passing out before even getting the chance to open her eyes again and stand up. Luna was unconscious for hours, and in that time, someone had found her lying in the middle of the forest. This individual was acting as a good Samaritan as they carefully picked Luna up and carried her away to their cabin, laying her down on a bed in the guest room, down the hall from the kitchen, and leaving a purple glass cup of water on the bedside table for Luna whenever Luna woke up. Whenever Luna wakes up, she'll have to quickly learn and adapt to the fact that she has somehow been transported to an isekai world, filled with only the horniest, messiest of beings and monsters. How will Luna survive? Only time will tell...

Choking, Light to Heavy Bondage, Abuse, Worship, Ass Worship, Body Worship Anal, DP, A2M, Hypnosis, Mind Control, Drugs, Body Modification, Identity Death, Hive Minds, Abusive Sex/Play, Non Con, Bimbofication, Dollification, Sci-fi/Aliens, Findom, Orgasm Control, Magic & Spells, Catgirls/Similar Animal-Girl Hybrids

usual toilet stuff, vomit, vore, extreme harm to the body/disfigurement, focus on body hair/sweat, animals, anything blurring the line on age in any way.
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