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Mx Female The Composition of a Catalyst


I've no more kept my warmth than blood upon snow.
Apr 12, 2019
Status: Open to New Partners for Both Long and Short-term


Every worthwhile reaction needs a Catalyst

Allow me to start off by saying that while this thread is fairly extensive, it is not a complete representation of my interests, nor of all that I am open to. If you come away from looking this over with the feeling that we would be compatible partners, or if you just want to chat, please, feel free to send me a PM. All I ask for is no one-liners, as it is difficult for me to respond with nothing to work with, and I cannot guarantee that I always will. I don't ask for anything extensive, simply enough to let me know what caught your interest. If you introduce yourself with a little about what you like, what sort of things you are interested in, and especially if you have any ideas, inklings, or feedback, I will almost always be likely to respond more quickly and readily.

Out of Character Communication

Out of Character communication is something that I consider very important. I think that a story is able not only to flow more smoothly, but also become a lot more enjoyable for all parties when there is an open line of communication to discuss plot points, build worlds, and ask questions/voice concerns if need be. Of course, I love the element of surprise and unexpected twists and turns as much as anyone, and I more often than not incorporate them in my own writing. As for overarching plots though, I think some advance-planning goes a long way, especially where it comes to long-term stories.

I look to OOC for a fair bit, including plot creation, discussion, and world-building, as well as reference images, thoughts, and ideas. I also prefer to use it for the purposes of communication about any absences/hiatuses/problems with the story. I occasionally find myself having to be away for periods of time, but so long as I am aware of it ahead of time and am able to prepare, I will most always try to communicate with my partners in advance. I appreciate when my partners do the same.

Beyond all of this, I am always absolutely thrilled to simply chat with my partners, whether it is related to our story or not at all. I am a friendly person, and my favorite partners are those who are the same way, and who like to sometimes just chat and shoot the shit, so to speak. I'm also the type of person who, even if we don't decide to work together as writers, is still more than happy to make friends.

If you are the type who prefers to strictly RP IC, this is not meant to be a deterrent. If you are interested in writing together but aren't much one for OOC chatter, I will absolutely respect that as long as its communicated that to me.


What You Can Expect From Me

"Half Algorithm, Half Deity..."

Long-Term v. Short-Term

  • I am typically open to both long and short-term RP.
  • I am willing to write from differents points-of-view, though I am most comfortable writing in 3rd person. That being said, if you have any particular preferences, let me know.
Post Length
  • My post length varies pretty significantly based on the scene. I like to think of myself as a very meticulous writer, and so when it comes to setting scenes, describing the environment and/or people, etc., I can often hit or exceed 5-6+ long paragraphs. On the other side of the coin, if the situation calls for more direct back and forth dialogue or interaction between characters, posts may be shorter.
  • I don't expect or ask for my partner to match my post length, especially knowing how much my own can vary. As long as there is enough to move the story along and give me something to work with, I'm content.
  • My starters can sometimes be quite lengthy, but won't always be a representation of post length throughout the story.
Post Frequency
  • I aim to respond to my stories at least once or twice a week. I do ask for some patience, however. If some time goes by and you don't have a response from me, feel free to nudge me. At the very least, even if I am unable to respond to the story itself, I am not one to leave OOC messages untouched unless I myself am simply not around to see it at the moment.
  • I am a bit of a perfectionist in my own writing, and tend to proofread, draft-and-rewrite, and things of that nature, so there may be infrequent occasions where I take a bit longer to respond simply because I want to make sure I get things right.
  • I am human, and therefore, I am susceptible to the occasional temporary bias, particularly if I am really loving or craving a certain story or part of an active story, or if I am otherwise already prepared with exactly what my next post will look like. If you see me occasionally replying to a post that might have been made after our own, please don't be offended. I assure you it is never because I am not enjoying a story; if for some reason that is ever the case, I am transparent and will communicate that with you respectfully, as I would wish for my partner to do unto me.
  • When I am available for longer periods of time, I can sometimes be a session-writer of sorts, meaning that I can get sucked into the story and go back and forth rather quickly, up to a few responses or more in a night. This is not extremely common, but I do enjoy it.
Roleplay Execution
  • I roleplay in PMs exclusively at the moment.
  • As mentioned, even when I don't have time to write a response as expediently as I would like, I will almost always reliably respond to OOC messages within a day. Whether it is a question, concern, or feedback about the story, or just friendly chat. Feel free to message me OOC at any time. I only bite with consent and at appropriate times.

What I Look For In A Partner
"When we were made, it was no accident."

Generally speaking, I am not complex in what I am searching for.

  • DO: Be Semi-Adv. to Adv. literate. I'm not expecting perfection, far from it, just invested writing with reaosnable effort put in.
    I want to build real and enthralling, interesting scenes, sometimes even whole worlds around our characters and their relationship, not just enough to get from one rendezvous to the next.
  • DON'T: Godmod or suggest within the story what my character is doing without prior discussion.
  • DON'T: Be rude. I am an extremely agreeable and friendly person. But if you are rude to me, I will return the favor.
Outside of that, I'm not very particular. The only things that really stand out in my mind at this moment are:

Communication and Openness

  • If ever a situation arises in which you will be unavailable for a period of time, have concerns about anything in the story or OOC, or are generally finding yourself to no longer be interested for any reason, all I ask is that you are open with me and let me know. I will never harbor any ill will toward anyone for outside circumstances OR a loss of interest. If anything, I am more than supportive. After all, this is an escape. A safe-haven. A lab of creation. We are all here to enjoy ourselves, make friends, create and find release. I am a firm believer that there is no place for drama in such a place.
    • I am ghost friendly in that I will not ever hound someone for a reply either IC or OOC. That said, of course I'd prefer you let me know if you're just not feeling the story anymore or what have you.
    • I tend to consider a story on pause and/or dead after a month without a response, but even then I am open to revisiting and reopening.
  • As stated above, I do favor those who enjoy talking and being amicable outside of the stories themselves.
  • No one is perfect. There will be mistakes. There will be misunderstandings. I am no exception. We come from all corners of the globe, here. English is not the only language, and it is not the first language of many. All that said, I have no problem with the occasional errors in grammar, spelling, phrasing, etc. I put a lot of effort into reading and rereading my own posts, often more than once with the intention of minimizing such errors. So long as you are able to, and I can read and understand your writing without difficulty, we will be just fine.


Dark Necessities
"They're part of my design."

After all, It's why a lot of us are here, ain't it? In general, all of my stories at least have an undertone of romance and lust to them, even if it is not the main plot point. I, like most, think it simply adds another layer to any story that can be explored in a world of different ways, and can add depth to all other plot points as well. I'd like to think I'm good at all sides of writing, whether plot or smut, in any context, But you can be the judge of that. As for what I like, feel free to ask me anything. I am an open book, and hopefully, you'll get lost in the words on the page.​
  • Depending on how our story and world is built, I am comfortable writing anywhere between 20% and 80% smut/sex/romance within a story.​
  • My characters most often possess at least some manner of confidence and adventurousness that will influence their romantic and sexual interactions. I am however open to playing more inexperienced and/or uncertain character types if the situation calls for it. I enjoy playing a wide range of character types.​
  • I have a litany of interests and very few concrete "no's", outside of the big four (That is; bathroom play, vore, gore, and necro as kinks), and of course anything that is against site rules and/or the law. Otherwise, feel free to ask about any and all elements you enjoy.​
The Games We Play (BDSM and Kink)
I am most comfortable writing as a dominant. I can and have played other roles in such dynamics, but not as frequently. As such, my characters will much more often than not take on a similar attitude in any situation that calls for such elements. Whether that tends toward a nature of gentle command, compassion, and sensitivity, or something more primal, powerful, and dark, well...that all simply depends on the affinities of the reagents. So tell me, what are yours?​


Pairings and Inklings
"Are you Carbide on my Nano?"

General Pairings (* denotes areas of currently stronger interest)
  • BDSM​
    • Dom x Sub *​
    • Master x Pet *​
    • Primal x Prey​
  • Modern Slice of Life​
    • College Roommates*​
    • Long lost friends
    • Brother x Sister's Friend(s)*
    • Blackmail
    • College Student x Older Woman
  • Dark Slice of Life
    • Mob Boss x Undercover Cop *
    • Mob Boss/Member x Rival's daughter *
    • Criminal x Cop
    • Corruption *
    • Rehabilitation
  • Fantasy
    • Shifter x Human*
    • Demon/Angel x Human​
    • Supernatural Powers​
    • Historical​
      • Prince x Rival Queen (i.e., "Beasts of Seranos" below)​
      • Military Commander x Rival Queen/Princess​
      • Shifter Princess x Modern Human * (i.e., "Somewhere to Belong" below)​
  • Much, Much More.​


In-Depth Story Ideas:

Note: For any of these plots, I am more than open to discussing and/or changing details, and may even be open to playing the inverse roles from those described. Never feel hesitant to reach out about any of these stories if the general premise catches your interest.

  • Parallel Dimension, Medieval Fantasy, Shifters, War, Escape, Betrayal, Supernatural
  • Shifter Princess x Modern Human isekai-like, Slow Burn
In another world, so very different from our own, and yet, at its core, so similar, there resides a race of being, human in nature, but more. It is a sprawling realm of kingdoms and lands like no other, inhabited by creatures we can only dream of, and people who much more than meets the eye. Its inhabitants seek nothing more than peace, but at times are plagued by the same trials and tribulations of our ancestors. In that realm, a kingdom lies in the midst of tension, and it's Princess finds herself at the center. At the heart of a matter, she wants no part of, in a life that she never asked to be born into, seeking nothing more than normalcy and the freedom to live her own way.
Sabine (Name Changeable) is the eldest daughter of the King and Queen of Roan (Name Changeable), the princess of one of the most powerful kingdoms in the realm. In this world of shifters, all people have an innate form, a race that coincides with their Anoa'ki. For Sabine and her family, the royalty of Roan, that Anoa'ki is what we may know as the wolf (changeable). She is young, in her early 20's, and finds herself now at the center of her kingdoms plight. She is to be married off soon, once a suitor is found, as is the nature of their culture, and the process may need to be expedited, as the crown finds itself in need of an ally.
The only problem? She has no desire for any of this. She is an adventurous spirit at heart, one who enjoys roaming around the outskirts of her homeland, hunting, and being free. If she could escape this life, she would. But her love for her family and her kingdom, as well as the desire to prevent war, has kept her from trying.
And on our Earth, a man so broken down and exhausted with the monotony of his everyday life, struggling with the circumstances around and unable to find true healing in the wake of loss and traumas that have plagued him, the young Princess is not the only one seeking escape.
Shane (name changeable) has not been the same since he experienced one of the greatest losses of his life. He has struggled with his purpose, with his life, ever since. His sisters remain the only constant in his world. Where does he belong? Why does he feel such a strong urge to leave this place? To disappear?
And More importantly, when their worlds collide, what will be the outcome?

  • High Fantasy, Medieval, Supernatural, Shifters, War, Confrontation and conflict
  • Shifter Prince x Human or Supernatural Human, Enemies to Lovers, Captor/Prisoner, Slow Burn, Action/Adventure
MC is the Prince and heir apparent to the throne of his land, recently stunned by the death of the King, his father, under mysterious circumstances. First and foremost, however, he is the commander of the Kingdom's militia, a massive, conquering force that has long imposed its will -- or rather, "liberated" -- townships all across the southernmost lands of the realm. The mention of his name is enough to strike fear in the hearts of many, with a reputation and a mythos that precedes him; the last Anoa'ki. A lineage passed down from his great ancestors, the blood of beasts intermingled with their own, a primal form able to be tapped into at will.
Now, he is seeking revenge, revenge against the Queen that he believes ordered or otherwise had some direct hand in the assassination of his father. YC is that queen, and her domain, by contrast, is a much more peaceful, albeit well-guarded one, situated on the Realms greatest river, and controlling the passage of ships through its port. Never desiring to be queen, but thrust into it as the only child of her deceased parents, she has only just recently come into power, but is much beloved by her subjects, and trusted to protect them. Alas, with MC and his army knocking forcefully at the walls and gates, what will become of their land? Perhaps more importantly, what will become of their Queen?
My initial idea for this story (subject to change as we discuss of course!) would be strongly built at first on a captor/captive chemistry, with MC aiming to capture the Queen and bring her back to his own land to be tried and executed publicly for her crimes. Only, will she be able to prove to him/convince him that she had nothing to do with his father's demise? And if not her, then who would have done such a thing? Of course I wouldn't expect that to mean YC would be a pushover, not by any stretch. In fact, I personally love the idea of her standing up to him in ways that he's never experienced before. Especially once it comes to light that she may have her own abilities as well -- ones that just might be the perfect antithesis to his own.

  • Supernatural, Shifters, Injured and needing help, Experimentation, Sci-fi, Confrontation and conflict, Dystopian, shadow-organizations.
  • Shifter x Human, Slow Burn, Rehabilitation, Eventual Action/Adventure.
  • Possible Eventual Master x Pet and/or Dom/sub dynamic.
The thought of a shadow agency or organization, especially one sanctioned by our own leaders is a topic that is often a sure-fire way to make people question one's sanity. But this is no 'shadow government' for the purpose of selling oil or funding candidates for office. No, this is something far more sinister.
In the United States, there has long been a well-kept secret; a mysterious phenomenon that cropped up sometime around the late 20th century, but was quickly reeled in by higher powers at be. Some people claim to have seen it with their own eyes, others claim they've heard the stories, but those people are few and far between, and they are typically very quickly and quietly shushed. The secret?; people who are not quite human. Who have a mysterious set of abilities they most often don't know how to control. That is why they must be kept under containment; at least, that is what they would say if they were ever found out.
That is, until one day, a young woman escapes from one of their facilities, barely making it out with her life.
My Character leads a life all to himself, where nature has only just begun to meet civilization. An avid hunter, a bit of a loner with a troubled past, he prefers now to keep to himself. But when one morning his path through the woods happens to cross that of an injured woman in dire need of help, his old instincts take over, and he knows he has to help her, no matter how much it may go against his current way of life.
In the process, the secrets he uncovers may well lead to something the likes of which he never could have imagined.

  • Dystopia, "Hunger Games"-esque, Rebellion, Kidnapping, Anti-Government.
  • Agent x Rebel, Hate-Love, Stockholm(?)
  • Possible dub-con, CNC elements.
What is a "freak"? The "Untouchables" are the term that the people of Meridian have chosen to describe their definition of "freaks," bandits who refuse to live by the new age law of the land. The Department of Human Protection has taken over in martial law, as every city is now structured the same way: Large, circular structures of walls, with the innermost circle being home to the capital, and the richest people in the city. The second circle houses those who would today be considered "upper-middle class," while the third circle would be home to the majority of citizens. Outside of these suburbs lies a dense circle of woods and ruins, and only outside of that are the untouchables allowed to thrive. They are not allowed to work, they are not allowed within the city walls. Instead, they must fight for their survival, as the government provides limited supplies at limited times. Once every year, People are taken from these ruins, and brought within the cities. They will fight each other for a chance to be allowed to integrate into their city, but only one will survive. The rest? They call it...population control.
My character would be a leader of a group of rebels and yours would be a member of the DHP. Requires a strong female character.

  • Science Fiction, Experimentation, Dark Male Lead, Corruption, Manipulation
  • Experimenter x Test Subject
  • Likely: BDSM, dub-con, Forced Obedience
MC is no ordinary scientist or researcher. Ostracized by the world around him for his outlandish ideas, and the research he was mad enough to dare propose, he has been forced to keep them silent. That is, until he decided to take his work into the secrecy of his own lab. So close to a breakthrough, he could not fathom abandoning his work. Such a discovery it would be, to find the key to unlocking one's innermost desires, drawing to the surface all that which they did not know they so desperately craved. The most primal of human urges are sealed behind barriers instilled in us so innately by the expectations of our culture and society. What if those barriers could be torn force?
Success was so near, he could practically taste it on the tip of his tongue. There was only one problem. To properly conduct his trials, he would need a human volunteer.
Then again, perhaps it need not be a volunteer at all.

  • Dark Themes, Gangs, Violence.
  • Gang boss x Rival boss' daughter, Betrayal, Corruption, Manipulation, Lovers-to-enemies(?)
  • Possible Bad-end, violent themes including death and torture,
MC is the new gang-leader in town, taking up the shoes of his father after his untimely death and quickly rising through the ranks through his incomparable will and the lengths to which he will go for power. Nothing is known about him, except for his name. Those who have been able to match that name to his face are all either under his wing, or dead. With his sights firmly set on the only gang capable of rivaling his influence, and with his own conclusions drawn around some recent happenings in his own groups business, he is prepared to take matters into his own hands to find out what he needs, and to put an end to this once and for all. Enter YC, the daughter of the rival gang-leader. She is involved with her dad's business affairs, though whether that is willingly or a bit less-than-such, time will tell. But when he comes across her, knowing full well who she is, and that she would have no clue who he was, he sees a golden opportunity presented to him on a silver platter, with a pretty face to boot.

  • Slice of Life, College, Young Adults
  • Best Friends turned College Roommates, Friends-to-lovers, curiosity, slow burn
  • Introduction to BDSM, "Teaching", D/s dynamics.
MC and YC have been best friends all throughout high school, and recently found themselves attending the same university. They decide to become roommates, and though they have their challenges, some due to MCs own rather promiscuous lifestyle, and some due to day-to-day drama, their connection remains as strong as ever. That is, except for MCs burning hatred for YCs boyfriend, who he sees as abusive, manipulative, and just overall unsavory. He does not push the issue, but he does not exactly make a secret of it either. When YC ends up coming across something highly unusual of MCs, she becomes curious about his lifestyle. Some part of her wants to know more, but how could she bring it up without sounding strange? And how will he respond to her inquisitiveness?


I am not as keen on fandoms as I am original creations, but I'm willing to write for them under certain circumstances:

  • I won't roleplay fandoms that I know nothing about, mostly out of respect for the other person, because I know I probably would not be able to meet their expectations
  • I typically prefer to play OC's within the fandom's world, rather than already made characters, with some exceptions.
  • Fandoms I can write for include:
    • The Walking Dead
    • The Hunger Games
    • Game of Thrones
    • Fallout
    • InFamous
    • Bioshock
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