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Mx Female Pirate captain takes princess hostage Non-con/Con


Mar 17, 2025
Had a dream about an interesting scenario. A pirate captain comes across knowledge of a princess sailing off to be married to another kingdom. He decides to capture her and hold her for ransom. A couple ways the story could go in my mind below. But always open to suggestions

  • Con: Pirate captain and princess form an unexpected bond and fall for each other
  • Dub-con: Pirate captain seduces princess into either a relationship with him or as the ship crews plaything. She’s reluctant at first but loves the attention and she becomes more into the idea
  • Non-con: Pirate captain takes a fancy to the princess and decides to take her for himself. Making her his
  • Non-con: Pirate captain decides the ships crew need a distraction and gives her up to the crew as their plaything
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