Reminder that all fandoms are aged up to college age.
I am 32 and I have been role playing for about 16 plus years. If I am being honest, I have lost track of time of how long I have been lost in this world. I work full time as a high school social studies teacher. So, most of my responses are in the evening. I can usually respond multiple times throughout the week depending on work schedule as well as college. Life is a little hectic for me, but I make it a priority to let my partners know what is going on, so they are not out of the loop. I am also eastern standard time. I play female characters unless we are doubling. This is where I will pair a male with your female and vice versa you play a male to my female. When doubling I like to make sure we are plotting equally for both our female characters because I do not want anyone to feel like their ideas are left out or that their character is not as important. I can role play in PM or thread, but just letting future partners know I do not fade to black when writing smut scenes. It is all part of the story, and I enjoy writing everything out. I prefer real face claims over anime, unless a fandom requires an anime face claim. I usually do short character sheets, so we have something to look back on. Also, I am a fan of OOC chatter because I enjoy getting to know the people I am writing with. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.
What I am looking for:
- Someone who can write 3+ paragraphs with detail. I do prefer quality over quantity but want to make sure that the story has enough meat to keep going.
- Writing in 3rd person.
- Plotting together throughout the whole story, so we have a clear idea of what we are doing and where we are going.
- No text talk.
- Come to me with an idea of what you'd like to do. Whether it is something from my list or your own craving. I am willing to listen to everything.
- I appreciate story over smut.
- Romance is a big thing for me. It doesn't have to be the main plot, but I would like someone who enjoys having it tied in there.
- Most of all someone who likes to chat. About the story, about life, books, etc... I am a chatty person
What to expect from me:
- 3+ detailed paragraphs.
- Communication
- 3rd person writing.
- Weekly responses, anywhere from 1-3 evenings a week.
Original Stories, some of them have small plotlines, however we can start from scratch and create our own:
- Ex-Girlfriend x Band Member: They were high school sweethearts who found comfort in one another with one or both having traumatic childhoods. However, the night after graduating high school his dreams to leave this small town came true. The issue was he would either need to leave her behind or bring her along. The truth was he wanted to start fresh, and he was young, so he decided that he was going to do this all on his own. He broke her heart and disappeared to be in one of the most famous bands around. She never left their small town, but she made a better life for herself. She found a career and friends, but her heart always missed him. He is going on tour and the band has decided to hit smaller towns to reach fans who may not be able to see them as often, but the issue is his small town is on the list. He's nervous because the more time has gone on the more, he realized he should have taken her with him. He has had endless strings of one-night stands and dates. No one connected to him the way she did and now he is hoping he can win her over again or he fears he has lost the one thing that truly loved him back.
- Inmate x Pen Pal: Her best friends joked that she should try one of those pen pal sites with prisoners. That it seemed everyone had been finding love on there. She thought it was a goofy idea, but one night after a few drinks she said what the hell and logged on. She found an image of him and something about him tugged her in quickly. She found herself writing to him. There first few letters were innocent. Both of them trying to feel one another out. The connection was there. He was brave and finally asked her to come to one of his visitor days and when she showed up the spark ignited. They found themselves in a taboo tangle of love. Planning a life for when he finally got out. But she was nervous as time started to get closer that he simply was using her. Would it still mean the same when she finally picked him up and brought him back to his new home?
- Love Triangle: No Plot
- The Wedding Date: He is the youngest CEO and a well-known playboy. She is his brand-new secretary/assistant. They always seem to butt heads, but find they enjoy each other's banter. The big issue is he has been lying to his family about dating someone because he was tired of them constantly asking. But now his baby sister is getting married and he is invited, but they are requesting he finally brings his girlfriend so they can meet her. He has a time crunch of a week to find someone who will play pretend with him. Unfortunately, he is coming up short. That was until he remembers the fresh face secretary he has. He needs to convince her to go, but even more he'll need to convince the family that the relationship is real.
- Enemies to Lovers: No Plot
- Roommates to Lovers: No Plot
- Reverse Harem: No Plot
- Death's Obsession: She never had a good life. Everything that could go wrong did. Especially the night of her twenty first birthday. Her and two of her closest friends had been out drinking and she was stupid enough to get in the car with them when they knew they shouldn't. Her friend slipped up and crashed the car killing herself and extremely injuring the other two. That night she had been convinced she saw a man in all black standing outside the car. His hand outstretched to her friend who had been driving, but his hooded face tilted to stare at her. It an image she cannot shake. Now, five years later and she has caught glimpses of him. The five-year anniversary of that night and she knows it just has to be the trauma resurfacing. But the truth is Death has been stalking her because he is obsessed with her. He is in love with her, and he wants to make her his. So, he has been watching and waiting for the right time to appear. Leaving her presents and appearing late in the evenings when she is alone. Will he be able to make her his?
- Haunting Adeline Idea: She is a well-known author. Her grandmother has just passed leaving behind her large home to her. She felt like it would be the perfect time to disappear and lose herself in her work. The house is tucked away in the woods. But while she digs around her grandmother's old things she finds out the her grandmother
- Ex-girlfriend x Ex's Dad
- Priest
- Stalker Based: Can build plot together
- Dancer x Undercover Cop
Fandoms, Reminder everyone is aged up to college age and doubling is welcomed:
- Cinderella Story, but modern
- Queen of the Damned: OC x Lestat
- Twilight: OC x Jasper, Edward or Jacob
- Vampire Diaries: OC x Damon, Jeremy, Tyler, Klaus or Elijah
- Stranger Things: OC x Eddie, Steve or Billy
- Bridgerton: OC x Simon, Anthony, Collin or Benedict
- K-Pop
- Metal Singers: Examples: Alex the Terrible, Will Ramos, Noah Sebastian, etc...
- Criminal Minds: OC x Reid, Morgan, Hotch or LaMontagne
- Euphoria: OC x Nate, Elliot or Fez
- Buffy: OC x Spike, Angel, Xander or Giles
- Sons of Anarchy: OC x Jax
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