Hi! It's been a while since I've posted a request thread but I've been really wanting some roleplays and my workload was lightened up a lot so I have plenty of free time now!
I'll start by introducing myself!
The role I'd like to play will be in color and italicized, if I have a preference! These aren't in any particular order.
Detroit: Become Human
Kamski x Connor
Kamski x Chloe (MxF, F as dominant only)
Gavin x Nines
Markus x Simon
Markus x OC
Gavin x OC
Connor x OC
Canon x OC (tell me who you'd like to play!)
I have a few DBH OCs I can use, one human, one android, and one android posing as a human. I'd be happy to tell you about them if you're interested in writing against one of them! Just let me know if you want to do Canon x OC or OC x OC, and tell me who you'd like to write as for canon or about your OC too!
Death Stranding
Sam x Higgs
Higgs x Fragile (MxF, F as dominant only)
Canon x OC (tell me who you'd like to play and I'll tell you if I have an OC that'd do well against them!)
I have a bunch of Death Stranding OCs, so who I pick will depend largely on who you pick (Canon or your own OC) and what we plan on doing. Some pair better with characters in certain positions or occupations, or with certain personality types, so knowing a bit about the character they're going against will help me choose who might be best!
I like a variety of genres and pairings, far too many to list here, so if you're interested in doing something purely original, come at me with an idea or pairing in mind, tell me who you'd like to play, and we can figure something out! I'll list some things here, but this isn't an exhaustive list. If you don't see a pairing you're interested in here, you can still pitch it to me, especially if you have an idea for it!
Teacher x Single Parent
Single Parent x Anyone
Single Person x Widower
(Ex?) Military x Civilian/Military
Missing Person x Detective (I'd prefer to play the missing person but I can be flexible)
Outlaw x Rancher
Doctor x Doctor/Nurse/Patient/Patient's Family
Ghost x Living
Vampire/Werewolf x Hunter
Vampire x Werewolf
Vampire x Vampire
Werewolf x Werewolf
Dragon x Rider/Slayer
Prince x Knight/Prince/Commoner
A note on shifters, I prefer full-shift creatures over the whole wolf-man kinda thing. No sex in animal-form. They might be sentient but it still feels icky to me.
If you see something you like, send me a message!
I'll start by introducing myself!
- My name is Cadi! Pronounced like Katie
- I am female, she/her, but I am fully capable of writing male characters and prefer it! I can and will write female side characters, but I prefer for my main to be male.
- I'm 30, most of my characters tend to be around my age or older and I'd prefer it if my partner was capable of writing characters around that age range as well. Also the closer in age we are the better! Sometimes it feels weird writing with people more than just a few years younger than me.
- I'd prefer to chat and roleplay in PMs rather than threads. I also have Discord for chatting if you'd prefer to chat there!
- I'm disabled and work few but random hours, so I'm usually available to chat and roleplay most days. You can usually expect at least one reply a day, unless I'm sick or busy, which I'll usually make an effort to mention ahead of time just so you know. I love when we can go back and forth, several replies a day, but that isn't always a possibility and I don't expect it. Every now and then when we're both available, it'd be nice though!
- I can write anywhere from one paragraph to 10+ depending on what I'm given to work with. My usual average is around 3-4 paragraphs, I'd say. I do try to match my partners though! What you give is often what you'll get, but I like quality over quantity, I'd rather just a couple good, productive paragraphs over a bunch of fluff.
- As I said, I prefer to play male characters as my main character(s). I don't mind playing multiple main characters if we double, triple, etc, and I'm happy to play as many side characters of any gender as necessary to move the plot along and help fill out the world, I just ask that you do the same.
- I strongly prefer MxM pairings, that's primarily what I'm looking for, but I'm not against entertaining MxF pairings! I don't have much of a preference on whether I write for a top, bottom, dom, sub, switch, whatever. My characters have their own preferences and some also depend a bit on who they're written against, so dynamics would depend on the characters at play. I am capable of writing all of the above though.
- I like to use real life face claims or descriptions for my characters, but I don't mind what you use! If you want to use anime/drawn face claims instead, that's fine with me, as long as you don't expect me to do the same. If you aren't comfortable with real life face claims, let me know and I'll default to descriptions instead!
- When it comes to sex in a roleplay, I much rather things come naturally unless it's specifically planned for a reason. I don't like pointless sex in a story, I want it to do something, whether that's to drive the plot, help develop a character, help connect characters, or something along those lines. I don't like putting a number on the plot to smut ratio, I just like letting things go with the flow and what happens happens.
- All of that being said, my characters also have their own kinks and icks, some like things others don't, so I won't bother putting an f-list or anything here. I will, however, go ahead and list my own personal limits. I'm not a fan of any form of scat, watersports, vomit, underage, age regression, diapers, DDLG type dynamics, bestiality, furries/anthros, and torture involving eyes, teeth, or nails. These are non-negotiable.
- Also, if we've roleplayed before and stopped for whatever reason, I'm totally willing to give it another go if you are! Things happen, I know my life the last three years especially has been absolutely insane, so I do not mind at all if we start over!
The role I'd like to play will be in color and italicized, if I have a preference! These aren't in any particular order.
Detroit: Become Human
Kamski x Connor
Kamski x Chloe (MxF, F as dominant only)
Gavin x Nines
Markus x Simon
Markus x OC
Gavin x OC
Connor x OC
Canon x OC (tell me who you'd like to play!)
I have a few DBH OCs I can use, one human, one android, and one android posing as a human. I'd be happy to tell you about them if you're interested in writing against one of them! Just let me know if you want to do Canon x OC or OC x OC, and tell me who you'd like to write as for canon or about your OC too!
Death Stranding
Sam x Higgs
Higgs x Fragile (MxF, F as dominant only)
Canon x OC (tell me who you'd like to play and I'll tell you if I have an OC that'd do well against them!)
I have a bunch of Death Stranding OCs, so who I pick will depend largely on who you pick (Canon or your own OC) and what we plan on doing. Some pair better with characters in certain positions or occupations, or with certain personality types, so knowing a bit about the character they're going against will help me choose who might be best!
I like a variety of genres and pairings, far too many to list here, so if you're interested in doing something purely original, come at me with an idea or pairing in mind, tell me who you'd like to play, and we can figure something out! I'll list some things here, but this isn't an exhaustive list. If you don't see a pairing you're interested in here, you can still pitch it to me, especially if you have an idea for it!
Teacher x Single Parent
Single Parent x Anyone
Single Person x Widower
(Ex?) Military x Civilian/Military
Missing Person x Detective (I'd prefer to play the missing person but I can be flexible)
Outlaw x Rancher
Doctor x Doctor/Nurse/Patient/Patient's Family
Ghost x Living
Vampire/Werewolf x Hunter
Vampire x Werewolf
Vampire x Vampire
Werewolf x Werewolf
Dragon x Rider/Slayer
Prince x Knight/Prince/Commoner
A note on shifters, I prefer full-shift creatures over the whole wolf-man kinda thing. No sex in animal-form. They might be sentient but it still feels icky to me.
If you see something you like, send me a message!