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Pain and cuddles [Zavaya | Bellwright] NSFW


Nov 19, 2021
Finally. Today was the day Charlotte had been waiting for for months. Ever since she heard Linda was taken into custody, she had been waiting. False imprisonment, slavery, violence… She wanted it and that ungrateful brat had pressed charges against Linda. But as it turned out, they were false and much sooner than anticipated, Linda was getting out.

Which meant Charlotte had to move her plans forward a bit. It wasn't a big deal. She had a dead end job in some hardware shop, a crappy flat and no real friends to speak of. No, her place was next to Linda. She had made up her mind the moment she had seen her on the television. The whole country spoke of it but as with so many things, two weeks later, everybody had forgotten about the case of the poor innocent young girl and the predator woman.

Charlotte scoffed as she thought about it. She was waiting in the old Vauxhall Corsa, waiting in the visitors car park of HMP New Hall in West Yorkshire. The old car was cooling off from the drive up from Birmingham and Charlotte was actually nervous. She'd cancelled the rent on her flat, quit her job and taken all of her savings, a generous five hundred and twenty pounds off her bank account. She wasn't going back to her old life. Linda was her new life.
The problem was, Linda didn't know that. Not yet. Because Charlotte wasn't an official relative or any relative for that matter, nobody would give her information on the time she would be released and nobody would tell Linda that somebody was waiting for her. So Charlotte had left at stupid o'clock in the morning from Birmingham and now sat waiting.

Linda had been accused of a lot of things, mostly illegal stuff but that was the thing Charlotte had fallen for.

She had been waiting for hours when, finally, a couple minutes past one in the afternoon Charlotte finally spotted her. Her Goddess. Walking down the road like a common peasant with a bag and nothing more. The blonde immediately leapt out of the old car, swung the door shut and ran towards Linda.

"Linda! Linda Bowers!"

Charlotte ran towards the woman. She wasn't dressed to impress, she didn't have the money for that. A simple pair of grey sweatpants, her worn out black converse Allstars and a matching hoodie over a white top. Charlotte put her cap on as she ran towards Linda and stopped in front of her.

"Hi!... I'm Charlotte… or Charly.. I.. I saw what happened to you on the news and I heard you were being released… I came to pick you up… I.. I.."

She was blabbering amongst catching her breath from the sprint. Charlotte wasn't in the best of shape, having recently had some problems with illegal substances and alcohol.

"I'm at your service. You're my Goddess… Everything they accused you of… That sounds… Fucking good. Please Linda… at least consider my servitude, I'll do anything for you."

She looked around for other people but nobody was around, at least nobody who seemed to be waiting for Linda. So far, so good. Charlotte had thought of many scenarios and in most of them she would get rejected. What purpose would a Goddess have with a low life piece of shit like her? But here she was.. Talking to her..

"I have a car.. It's over there.. In the car park…"

She held up the key and then reached for Linda's bag to carry it for her.
"See you later," the guard said to the recently freed Linda, his tone flat and mechanical. It was unclear if this was a rehearsed jab just released or automatic out of politeness used in a very wrong context. Either way, Linda's response was immediate and visceral: she thrust two fingers skyward, index and middle finger rigid and sharp, "Fuck off pisswank," she growled at the guard as she left the premises of the prison. Cleared of all accusations. She made a few more steps before pulling her shoulders back and inhaling. Deeply. And then again. And then again, but now with a disappointment. There was nothing exciting about taking her first breath as a free woman. The air was shit out here, just like it had been shit in there. And if that wasn't enough, Linda heard a chuckle from the guard she just flipped. Not that she expected to actuallyhave an impact, to penetrate the practised indifference of someone who locked and unlocked people for a living.

She threw the backpack over the shoulder and started walking across the parking lot. She probably should have asked the guard about the bus stop or a better way of getting the fuck out of this place before she flipped him, but it was too late now. Linda was making her way to what looked like the main road when thoughts about a pie or maybe a kebab started to invade her mind when she heard her own name.

The girl was suddenly in front of her. Scrawny but in a cute way, too excitable, too energetic. Linda almost stumbled back but held her ground by some miracle. The grimace on her face changed too many times for the girl to register. Annoyance, confusion, anger, confusion again. "The fuck" The fuck this wanker was talking about. God?! Linda swallowed, she had an urge to shove the girl away, and her hand already landed on her collarbone, but something stopped her. Instead, the ex-convict slowly moved her wrist upwards until her fingers were right around Charlotte's neck.

"Shhh." The woman hissed the command to shush through her teeth and slowly squeezed her hand around Charlotte's neck, just to make sure she actually did shut the fuck up. "That's your car?" Linda asked, she simply glanced at the Vauxhall and waited for the nod. "I could eat." She said. "Wouldn't mind a drink or two." The woman said, her hand firmly squeezing the girl's neck right there, the fact that she was slowly choking the girl in the parking lot of the prison hadn't yet sunk into Linda's brain. Until she did realise and quickly folded the hand back, noticing streaks from her fingers on the woman's skin.

"Yes. Lead on." Linda said, feeling a little weird handing the bag to the girl. She had an urge to grab it back, the post-prison paranoia about keeping all her things to herself. Also, she could be a con artist. Linda had to remind herself that there was nothing of value in the bag. The used toothbrush was probably the hardest thing to replace in fact. She would need to hit a thrift shop soon. "As I said, I could use a pie, a pint, and a co…penis." The woman said as she sat in Charlotte's car.

The drive to the pub was rather awkward as Linda tried not to pay attention to the fact that Charlotte was looking at her with those worshipping eyes from time to time. "Can you keep your eyes on the road?" She said once and hissed the second time. However, the idea of having a fan started to slowly dawn on her. She heard of people like that in prison, some had pen-pals or shit, people who wrote to them and seemingly worshipped some of the criminals. It's just that Linda wasn't a criminal, she was acquitted. The thought was interrupted when the car came to a stop and Linda realised that they arrived at the pub.

The Black Bull in the town of Midgley.
"Yeah.. sure.. Sorry.."

She wasn't sorry. But Charlotte knew she had to please her Goddess so she said she was sorry and looked at the road. She was sure she could still feel the hand on her neck, choking her ever so slightly. It had been the greeting Charlotte hoped for. If there was only a sliver of truth in the charges... Charlotte swallowed, intensely aroused from when Linda had wrapped her fingers around her neck.

They hadn't been in the car for five minutes when Charlotte passed a pub called The Black Bull. Obviously she had very different ideas on what that was, rather than a pub but she wasn't sure if Linda was ready to hear that.

She took the next exit and drove the car around to the parking lot of the pub and parked up.

"So.. yeah.. I eh.. I gave up my job and house to be with you. So I have fivehundred and twenty pounds... and that's it."

Quickly she fumbled through the glovebox of the car and pulled out an enveloppe with the money and handed it to Linda.

"It's yours now."

Then she took out a phone and handed that to Linda as well.

"This is yours too. It's got twenty pounds of credit on it. It's all I own, but it's yours now. And... I'm yours too, if you'll have me."

She blushed, bright red. Charlotte wasn't going to deny she was a little scared but at the same time she'd never been more sure of anything. She looked at Linda and took the key out of the ignition and carefully handed that to Linda as well.
"Right," Linda responded as she accepted offering after offering from her follower. The only follower. Hopefully. Linda didn't know if she could handle two Charlottes, and frankly speaking, she still felt quite paranoid, wondering if it was some kind of prank and if there were hidden cameras and a crew, or maybe this was a kidnapping and sex trafficking scheme, and they were just waiting for her to let her guard down. Somehow sex trafficking sounded less creepy than whatever cult shit this was.

She opened the door and got out of the car, looking at Charlotte over the hood of her Vauxhall. "Five hundred quid isn't all that much," Linda said. And saw the look on the girl's face, "Don't worry." Linda extended her hand, "Not your fault, you are doing your best." Probably. "We will figure out how to get more. For now, my dear…girl…dove…" Linda cycled through different titles she could call her follower, trying to soothe the girl a little, though none of the words fit until a rather mischievous smile adorned the blonde's face. "Pet," Linda concluded the search, letting the word escape her mouth with a pronounced p-sound, and almost immediately felt that feeling of sweet disappointment or maybe satisfaction with a pinch of future regret when she saw how Charlotte's eyes gleamed. She swallowed. "And stop calling me Goddess, call me Mistress." Linda tasted the word on her tongue, pushing herself away from the car.


The Black Bull smelled like any self-respecting pub in the middle of nowhere: like spilt lager with a hint of lamb chops. Most of the tables were free, but the woman decided to walk towards the row of the barstools anyway. The nagging feeling of it being some kind of setup didn't leave her, and she had the urge to put her pet to the test. "Hey handsome," Linda addressed the bartender, earning a raised eyebrow. "I want an IPA and a pie with a chunk of meat in it," the woman pointed at the girl who was hurriedly assuming the seat next to her. "And whatever my sweet lass wants," Linda spoke slowly, looking at the scrawny girl next to her. "She'd benefit from some substance and sustenance." She let her hand slide towards Charlotte's thigh under the bar table, and she gave her leg a squeeze, realising that this very moment she wished the girl wore shorts or a skirt.

She wanted to squeeze her muscles harder, and see the effects, just like twenty minutes ago, when she saw her throat blanch under her fingers. Whether the act was under the table or above, Charlotte's face beamed a little from the attention, and the gesture didn't go unnoticed by the bartender.

"You staying or travelling?" he asked, pulling two glasses from the rack and slowly filling them with Neck Oil.

This is not a prank, she is just nuts. There are crazy people girl. Linda told herself and then realised that there was a question in the air. "We are undecided." she answered simply, a little too dry.
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