- Joined
- Nov 19, 2021

Which meant Charlotte had to move her plans forward a bit. It wasn't a big deal. She had a dead end job in some hardware shop, a crappy flat and no real friends to speak of. No, her place was next to Linda. She had made up her mind the moment she had seen her on the television. The whole country spoke of it but as with so many things, two weeks later, everybody had forgotten about the case of the poor innocent young girl and the predator woman.
Charlotte scoffed as she thought about it. She was waiting in the old Vauxhall Corsa, waiting in the visitors car park of HMP New Hall in West Yorkshire. The old car was cooling off from the drive up from Birmingham and Charlotte was actually nervous. She'd cancelled the rent on her flat, quit her job and taken all of her savings, a generous five hundred and twenty pounds off her bank account. She wasn't going back to her old life. Linda was her new life.
The problem was, Linda didn't know that. Not yet. Because Charlotte wasn't an official relative or any relative for that matter, nobody would give her information on the time she would be released and nobody would tell Linda that somebody was waiting for her. So Charlotte had left at stupid o'clock in the morning from Birmingham and now sat waiting.
Linda had been accused of a lot of things, mostly illegal stuff but that was the thing Charlotte had fallen for.
She had been waiting for hours when, finally, a couple minutes past one in the afternoon Charlotte finally spotted her. Her Goddess. Walking down the road like a common peasant with a bag and nothing more. The blonde immediately leapt out of the old car, swung the door shut and ran towards Linda.
"Linda! Linda Bowers!"
Charlotte ran towards the woman. She wasn't dressed to impress, she didn't have the money for that. A simple pair of grey sweatpants, her worn out black converse Allstars and a matching hoodie over a white top. Charlotte put her cap on as she ran towards Linda and stopped in front of her.
"Hi!... I'm Charlotte… or Charly.. I.. I saw what happened to you on the news and I heard you were being released… I came to pick you up… I.. I.."
She was blabbering amongst catching her breath from the sprint. Charlotte wasn't in the best of shape, having recently had some problems with illegal substances and alcohol.
"I'm at your service. You're my Goddess… Everything they accused you of… That sounds… Fucking good. Please Linda… at least consider my servitude, I'll do anything for you."
She looked around for other people but nobody was around, at least nobody who seemed to be waiting for Linda. So far, so good. Charlotte had thought of many scenarios and in most of them she would get rejected. What purpose would a Goddess have with a low life piece of shit like her? But here she was.. Talking to her..
"I have a car.. It's over there.. In the car park…"
She held up the key and then reached for Linda's bag to carry it for her.