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W&G: The Inquisitor's Speartip (Profiles)


Lone Knight
Mar 16, 2018
Character Profile Section, for the player characters and major NPC's. In addition to any Character sheet(Which go ahead and put a link here) will add a short profile with the following information:

Appearance: (Picture and/or description)
Last edited:
Name: Khanzhar The Sunderer
Species: Drukhari



  • Khanzhar the Incubus.pdf
    5.5 MB · Views: 6
Name: Talshi
Species: Sslyth
Gender: Male
Age: 238

Appearance: Talshi is a creature of powerful muscle rippling beneath thick, black scales slick with an iridescent sheen. As with all Sslyth, his lower half is a long and serpentine tail with an underside of broad and flat scales, colored a light gray or off-white in his case, used for locomotion. From his humanoid torso sprout four mighty arms, each capable of independent movement and action, and his neck curves into an elongated head that ends with a flat snout with two large nostrils. His eyes are large and yellow, predatory with vertical slit pupils, and his forked tongue often darts from his parted lips to taste the air. When he speaks the sharpened teeth that line his jaws can be clearly seen, along with the two larger fangs that hang down at the front of his mouth.

Outfit/Equipment: Talshi is clad only in a simple loincloth bearing the colors and pattern of the inquisitorial Ordo Malleus, though he bears a leather belt from which hang spare canisters of promethium and the scabbards of his two power swords. A heavy flamer, his preferred ranged weapon of choice, is generally carried within his lower two arms. Also of note is a finely crafted piece of jewellery around his neck, two golden wings spread to either side around a central inset stone of pearly white.

Character Sheet


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