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A Vacation of Pleasure [ hellsangel x the.amorous.bunny ]


Is it too much to ask for replies?
May 12, 2021
Canada, West Coast
The Princess Sunrise, a luxury high class cruise ship was docked at the Port of New York. It's itinerary route was quite heavy laiden with its routes reaching the Caribbean seas, with stops at the various Cuban islands and stops in Brazil. The passenger terminal was quite decorated with a Hawaiin feel for the Caribbean trip with flower rings ready to be greeting the incoming passengers, trolleys loading the luggage of their passengers ahead of time to be sent to their rooms on board.

On board, it was like luxurious wonderland. The atrium of the cruise ship was adorned with Crystal chandeliers and the hall lit by LED fixtures. A swimming pool was on the forward and rear end of the upper decks of the ship, and one pool in the interior below a deck down. Observation rooms were present on the forward and aft ends of the ship, exercise gymnasiums were available for the patrons. Steam and sauna rooms were ready for the guests.

Food buffets and restaurants and bars were shined and stocked with food and drinks, ready to feed the waves of hungry guests. From pirate theme and tiki bar theme, to a mermaid style cafes to fit the various tastes and themes to their passengers. Gift stores were filled and ready to sell their clothes and stocks. Theaters were cleaned and ready to display films and theatrical acts to entertain their patrons.

Just as importantly were rooms of private contractors offering various entertainment and relaxation services around the ship, under contract with the cruise ship. Yoga, massages, gambling rooms, were among the various privateers ready to offer services and entertainment. It was a wonderland to keep their guests entertained 24/7 as they transit the oceans to their ports of visits.

Passengers were boarded, the last of the vast pallets of supplies were loaded, the time for departure had come. The captain gave the order and the anchor was weighed, the ropes released and the giant cruise ship began its journey with a loud horn blast. Crowds of passerby people and onlookers waved at the massive ship and their tourist passengers as it left on its voyage to the Caribbean and Brazilian destination.

Joseph Gotter was not a passenger here but a contractor that paid a nice rental spot to the cruise ship. Here he runs his private massage parlor to these well paying guests, charged to their ship credit accounts. His service was as high quality as it was priced highly, yet he has never been short of paying customers, especially the young and sexy ladies and young wives who melt under the touch of his muscle gripped hands and fingers. How he enjoys picking up these ladies as much as he enjoys his work, but taking care to give a focus to a singular lady per trip lest he falls under the trap of more ambitious men who try to double or triple date passengers with the obvious fatal fact of all of them on the same ship.

Not expecting work for the afternoon as the passengers are in their exploratory phase, more interested in seeing the sights around the ship and getting their leg movements memorized, he stood outside his parlor on the upper deck, the one way glass windows to keep prior eyes from looking in except for natural light, but letting Joseph and his patron to look out. His eyes were on the hunt of his new girl to enjoy after waving off a spring break girl dropped off at the city at the end of her trip. Evening had come and was borderline night as the ship cruised along and the decks were quieted, lest the tiki bars and swimming pools still active with patrons chatting and partying on their first night.
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The newly minted Mrs. Ashlynn Martin nearly stomped her way up to one of the tiki bars. The woman hardly looked dressed for attention, given the usual attire and appearance of the females in the area. Most of the feminine population seemed content to show as much skin as possible, particularly around the bars. Bikinis and daringly cut one-piece swimsuits were the most common sight by a pretty wide margin. Some dressed a bit more conservatively, meaning they had on shorts and an array of crop-tops. By this time of night, most were drunk, horny, or some combination of the two. Couples had already slunk off to the quieter place, be they rooms or even closets.

Instead, this young woman wore a t-shirt clearly a size or two too big for her. It slung off a shoulder, showing off a white bra strap that contrasted the peach colored skin. It hung partly to her thigh, covering all the "fun parts" fairly well. Ragged and worn, it looked very much like a guy's comfort shirt, with the school logo emblazoned on it. Given the almost tomboyish bob cut, Ashlynn would almost look like this was something she wore to relax in. However, one of the first hints of something maybe a bit off were the lace thigh-highs that were quite evidently lingerie. The lack of any real pants would also be a little on the unusual side. Anyone who noticed her fidgeting with the two rings on her left hand would probably start to at least guess at what happened.

In truth, Ashlynn was kind of annoyed, more than a little frustrated and, if most problematic of all, horny enough to notice. The bartender wisely didn't comment as she flashed a room key and ordered a fruity alcoholic drink. He did, however, insist on her producing an ID, which had her groaning. "Does it look like I brought my ID with me!?" she almost snapped, gesturing at her state. She ran her hands through that bob, letting out another frustrated sigh. The pretty, freckled blonde turned those baby blues up at the bartender. "C'mon, man, I'm married and stuff! Can't you get me at least something?" she felt near to whining. Ashlynn opened her mouth, but stopped herself.

See, the temptation to explain her situation had risen up, but she didn't quite want to go there just yet. The newlywed fiddled again with the rings on her left hand, turning them, working them, while she pursed her lips, trying to think of a solution here. the whole reason she'd come out this way was to get away from "Mr." Martin, a.k.a, her husband Derek. They'd been sweethearts for ages now, lasting all the way through both high school and college. Ashlynn had been crushing on him for as long as she could remember. He'd been her cute best friend, more adorable than hot at first. But puberty had hit him first, turning him into a good looking guy, while Ashlynn had those awkward years where things came in bursts. She'd always been a tomboy, playing sports and even insisting on being on the guys' team for the longest time. Then, almost out of no where, her tits bounded out, becoming the utter nuisances they were now.

A decent pair of tits would get any guys' attention, yet it still took Derek forever to realize that his best friend, that sporty girl he'd grown up with, had the hots for him. They'd finally gotten together near the end of high school, and lucked out in going to the same college together. Ashlynn had really thought that she'd set things up for her own little fairy tale love story. Sure, Derek had been a bit of a fumbling idiot at first, but that didn't mean he couldn't be trained or whatever. Everyone (particularly girls) said sex got better after marriage, despite all the jokes.

So, yeah, Ashlynn's expectations might have been a bit high for their actual first night together as husband and wife. She'd picked out the lacy lingerie, spent time trimming and plucking, and refrained from most of her favorite foods for ages. They'd both sworn not to have sex or even masturbate for two months prior to the wedding. That probably was the issue, since Derek all but exploded the moment Ashlynn disrobed and showed him the goods. She'd managed to get him to rise up for another round, but he'd barely gotten inside her when he'd cum again.

Despite her irritation, Ashlynn had actually tried playing it off. No big deal. They had the entire cruise! Plenty of time. Tense and pretty well the exact opposite of satisfyingly relaxed, Ashlynn had thrown on one of Derek's shirts and stomped off to the bar, pausing only to slip into a pair of open sandals.

So here she sat in her weird outfit, casting puppy dog eyes at the bartender, totally oblivious to anyone or anything else around her. She didn't even quite follow as the bartender signaled someone, instead starting to argue/reason that if she had the room key, that meant she totally had to be over drinking age and weren't they in international waters anyway? She needed something to take the edge off, anything, really.
Being close to the pool deck and it's Tiki bar, Joseph was leaning over the sun tanning chairs layer around the pools and scouting out quite closely to the partying babes in their mixes of bikinis and one piece bathing suit. He was shirtless a s showing off his black skin Pete's and wearing shorts equivalent that of gym shorts. Most were the spring break types as they explored drink and boys, dancing up to some hip hop music and jumping into the pools to party it up some more. Them tourist men and boys were very much on the hunt, picking up chicks and either talking up a storm, dancing with their hands clutching plenty of woman, and leading their caught prey off to their rooms to feast on their meal of a lady.

As Joseph scanned and judged these girls one by one, it was this one particular babe of a woman who caught his interest and eyes. Here was a woman who was having a bit of a fight with the bartender of the Tiki bar. She may not be the tall looking type yet how she dressed was different from the other horny party chicks who are busy flaunting their tits and ass to the equally or more horny boys. Here is a beauty of a lady, wearing a shirt clearly not her size and her frilly panties sticking out firmly on her ass as she was raising herself over the counter of the bar the shirt of hers lifting up to show off her panties that clearly meant she wasn't here for a swim. Oh, he saw a slight sheen around her inner thighs, meaning she was showing to be quite worked up and uptight, as her attitude with the bartender clearly showed. And how she was subconsciously playing with some rings on her fingers, she must be a married type or soon to be. A forbidden flavor to be had and still looking quite ripe to be properly picked despite how her figure looks currently less feminine than the more rowdy crowd.

Licking his lips and already shamelessly sporting a growing thick bump of a hill under his shorts, he left his watchful post around the deck chair and strode over to the bar, wrapping his hunky black muscled arm around her waist. His hand slinked around to hug around her as security was just coming over. "I'll take care of this Henry. Give us two Raspberry Starmix. One ice, one cherry and its pineapple slice, two mixes clockwise. Put it on my tab," he said with a wide smile and looked down at the smaller woman compared to his tall and hunky stature while the bartender Henry waved off at the security to stop. Moments later, two martini glasses was set in front of them, the Raspberry Starmix with the cherry on top and the pineapple on the glass edge. Joseph took his glass and clinked it at hers.

"There, better?" He said and turned together with this cutie woman at his side, his hand still hugging her possessively to turn together. He walked with her along the pool side while he drank from his glass. He could smell the uptight scent of arousal coming off from her, the type that she was ready but disappointed.

"Mmm good stuff. And so is the little lady in my arm. What's your name, if you don't mind me asking? A trade for that drink?" Joseph said as he bumped his hips into Hers and nodded his head to his parlor 'Magic Hands Massage' that he was guiding her to.

"Ooh, I can feel it. You're upset and feeling tight with so much energy. A need for .... a release? How about a nice massage, on the house," he said to her with his hand planting quite firmly on her waist and a squeezing grasp on a tight cluster of muscle to sample her a taste of his touch.
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