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Jobber in Training Parts 1-4

Sep 21, 2013
It was the day before the Championship fight. The peak of KayCee's career. She'd been close several times, but this time she had made it. And about time. In the past, there had always been an excuse. She wasn't ready yet. It was someone else's turn. The promoters wanted to bring on a rising star, not for her to win but just to give her more exposure and a boost to her career. KayCee had no illusions. She knew these decisions weren't based on the merit of the wrestlers; they were business decisions, taken in favour of the bottom line in the accounts.

This time, though, the time was right. And she was ready. She had never been fitter, or stronger, or more skilled as a fighter. She was up against the reigning Champ, Diana. But she had had her day. Everyone was agreed on that. The bookmakers especially. They were laying odds in KayCee's favour. It would be a tough fight, certainly not a walk over. But, barring mishaps, tomorrow would be the night when KayCee finally held the Champtionship Belt high in the air as she received the applause of the crowd.

Right now, she was waiting to be called into her agent's office, fully expecting to hear about the plans for her future, for her career as Champion.

Viv was a former fighter. Tall, muscular, strong, her body still toned although she had not fought for at least a decade. She emerged from her office and strode over to shake KayCee firmly by the hand. Dressed for attention, bare legged, short leather skirt, and a dazzling white satin blouse.

'KayCee, thanks for coming, good to see you. Let's go into my office.'

She led the way, treating KayCee to a view of her tight ass.

Settled into their chairs on either side of the wide desk, the pair checked each other out before Viv came, as she always did, straight to the point.

'I asked you to pop in because I knew you'd want to hear about tomorrow's fight and your future.'

'Yes, you're right, it will be an exciting day tomorrow and I'd love to hear about the fights you have lined up for me.'

'Right, that's my girl, of course. The plan is tomorrow is the first day of your new career. You will get off to a good start, but by the third round Viv's experience will tell and she will steadily take control of the fight. You will lose the fight, but your performance will set you on your new career,' Viv paused.

'Sorry, did you say I am going to lose?' Where the hell had that idea come from? 'And starting a new career? Just what does that mean exactly?'

'It means,' Viv paused again for effect, 'it means that you are going to become a jobber.'
'What the fuck?' OK, so that wasn't very articulate, but it was the best she could do on the spur of the moment. 'Who came up with that stupid idea?'

'Actually, sweetie, I did.' Viv's voice was cold.

'You can't be serious, Viv. Really. I mean, I've worked hard for this shot at the Belt. You know that. I deserve it – I deserve to win.'

'Yes,' Viv had an air of being patient with a difficult child, 'you have worked hard, but you don't deserve to win, you don't deserve anything. You get what the promoters are willing to give you. That's the bottom line.'

'Please, Viv,' KayCee hated to beg, but shecould see no alternative, 'let me win this fight, and then I'll retire, at the top, please.'

'That's just it, you see I knew you'd understand.'

What? Really?

'You're going to have to explain that to me, Viv.'

'Right, OK. Like you say, win the Belt and that's your last fight. The end of your career. At your age, you have nowhere to go. Worked hard, put in the time, give a chance and won the Belt. End of narrative. End of career. You've reached your peak as a plausible fighter. There are others who are younger, fitter, more hungry than you have been for success. You won't be able to compete.'

KayCee had to concede, to herself mind you, not to anyone else, that Viv might have a point. But Viv was not finished.

'Transitioning to a jobber is a good move for you. A new narrative for the promoters. And you'll be great for the role.'

'How so?'

'Well for a start you're successful. Audiences like seeing someone brought down, humbled. And you're still fit – that's a turn on for many, seeing someone like that dominated by someone smaller. And, let's not forget that you're sexy. You've got a fantastic body and that's a big market. The sexier the girl, the better. Guys – and some girls too – get themselves off at the sight of someone like you getting the shit kicked out of them.'

'Great.' So that was to be my future. Proving clips for someone to wank over. And this was all Viv's idea. 'Thanks, Viv.'

'I knew you'd see it my way.'

'So what happens tomorrow?'

'You'll start strong, knocking Diana all over the place. Then, in the third, she'll turn on you. Go along with whatever she does. Don't just take it. Fight back, make it look good, but don't do her any damage. The betting is for her to get the first fall in the sixth and then a knockout at the end of the eighth.'

'Is that what you're betting on?'

'Of course,' Viv grinned. 'Shall I put something on for you as well?'

Well, after all, why not?

'Great,' Viv was reaching for her phone, a sure sign that the meeting was over. 'Oh and by the way,' she called as KayCee reached the door, 'if you could slip in a dirty move in the seventh, that would be great too.'
The Big Day came. Well what had been going to be The Big Day. Now, it was just the day and it tasted sour to KayCee. All the ritual preparation felt empty, because they were. There was no anticipation, no excitement.

She had to put on a show. She knew that, like the seasoned pro that she was, she put on a good one. Made up to look her best, in a sparkling pink outfit, smiles all round as she walked to the ring, acknowledging the cheers of the crowd, her sexiest pose as she did a circuit of the ring. Gamely applauding the reining Champion Diana as she arrived, wearing the belt, the one that KayCee would never wear.

In her mind she knew she would have to stagger from the ring, supported by her trainer, a few cheers and boos and catcalls to signal her failure. But she would not go down without a fight. Diana would have to pay for her victory.

The bell for the first round. So it began, the opening moves of the final fight of her career. Of this career.

She sprinted across the ring towards her opponent. A flurry of forearm jabs pushed Diana back into her corner, until the ref dragged KayCee off and sent her back to the centre of the ring. Diana showed no sign of concern, but was met by a flying drop kick that landed her on her ass with a thud. She took her time to get back onto her feet, but before she was barely upright, KayCee had charged into her, knocking her onto her back. As she landed, KayCee grabbed her by the ankles and pulled her legs up over the head to try for the first fall. Gasps of surprise and cheers for the challenger drifted away as Diana shook her off like a fly.

On social media, fans of both fighters were already posting their views on how the fight would pan out. One view was that Diana had had her day and had no answer to the attacks. Another was that KayCee knew Diana was the better fighter with more stamina and had to take her out early if she was to have a chance of winning. A third was that KayCee was showing her inexperience by using up too much energy too soon. A fourth was that Diana was deliberately letting her opponent wear herself out and was just absorbing her attacks. A fifth remarked that this had all the hallmarks of a fix.

While this was going on, the fighters were flying back and forth across the ring as each managed to throw the other into the ropes. Even they were losing interest in this when the whole course of the fight changed. KayCee was just bouncing off the ropes when Diana chanced a quick drop kick. By all rights, it should have sent KayCee through the ropes and out of the ring. By a fluke, her footing slipped and she fell, leaving Diana to sail over her to crotch herself on the middle rope. As the cheers rang out, KayCee managed to reach out for the rope and shake her opponent out of the ring, to bounce off the apron and land almost in the laps of the front row of the audience. She stumbled to her feet, holding her lower back. As she clambered into the ring, her knees buckled and she doubled over her crotch.

She was as social media announced unanimously fortunate to be saved by the bell for the end of the first round.

The general opinion in the arena, even among her fans, was that she had only herself to blame. No one, especially those who could see her pale face and winces of pain, suggested that this was an act. As one wag put it, even if she managed to retain her title, her post-fight celebrations would be seriously curtailed.
Diana slumped onto the stool thoughtfully provided by her trainer. Took a swig from the water bottle, swilled her mouth and spat into the bucket.

'Bitch, damn her to hell and back.'

Finally she gave in and double over her crotch, cursing that the cameras around the ring would pick it up.

Her trainer was not sympathetic.

'It's your fault. You didn't need to do it. All you had to do was let her wear herself out. You're going to win. It's all arranged.'

Diana groaned but managed to stop herself doubling up again.

'I don't want that bitch to look good for a second.'

'Well, she's certainly looking better than you are right now.'

'She's hurt my frigging back. That wasn't part of the plan.'

'No and throwing yourself out of the ring wasn't part of the plan either.'

Diana cursed again.

'She's spoilt it, damn her.'

'No, she hasn't spoilt it. It just changes the narrative. Instead of: skillful professional prevails. Now: skillful professional prevails despite her injury.'

'She'll go for my back. You wait, you'll see. A rank beginner would do that.'

'Have faith, luv, go out there and give her hell.'

As he finished speaking, the bell rang for the second round.

Both fighters approached the centre of the ring cautiously. Until – a sudden burst of speed, ending with KayCee dropping and rolling under Diana's feet, to know her onto the canvas. A loud grunt as she landed on her back, was matched by the loud groan from her supports as KayCee swiftly flicked her opponent onto her back and dropped her knee directly on the site of her pain. Seconds later, she had crasped Diana's arms and was arching her back into an excruciating surfboard.


No doubt that was genuine. No play acting. No trick to give KayCee a false sense that she had the upper hand.

Social media was clear: Champ in TROUBLE.

But if that was trouble, it was nothing to compare with what followed. KayCee released Diana's arms, locked her feet behind her knees, grabbed her arms again and began rocking, rocking, until finally she hoist Diana into a ceiling hold.
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